Большой англо-русский словарь.

    For many miles on either side of the river’s oozy bed is a pale desert of gigantic water-lilies .

    На много миль по обе стороны илистого речного ложа раскинулась бледная пустыня гигантских водяных лилий.

    Молчание. Эдгар Аллан По, стр. 1
  1. One morning at breakfast I came close to disaster by declaiming in palpably liquorish accents an effusion of Eighteenth Century bacchanalian mirth, a bit of Georgian playfulness never recorded in a book, which ran something like this: Come hither, my lads, with your tankards of ale, And drink to the present before it shall fail; Pile each on your platter a mountain of beef, For `tis eating and drinking that bring us relief: So fill up your glass, For life will soon pass; When you"re dead ye"ll ne"er drink to your king or your lass! Anacreon had a red nose, so they say; But what"s a red nose if ye"re happy and gay? Gad split me! I"d rather be red whilst I"m here, Than white as a lily and dead half a year! So Betty, my miss, Come give me kiss; In hell there"s no innkeeper"s daughter like this! Young Harry, propp"d up just as straight as he"s able, Will soon lose his wig and slip under the table, But fill up your goblets and pass `em around Better under the table than under the ground! So revel and chaff As ye thirstily quaff: Under six feet of dirt `tis less easy to laugh! The fiend strike me blue! l"m scarce able to walk, And damn me if I can stand upright or talk! Here, landlord, bid Betty to summon a chair; l"ll try home for a while, for my wife is not there! So lend me a hand; I"m not able to stand, But I"m gay whilst I linger on top of the land!

    Однажды утром за завтраком я чуть не накликал на себя беду, явно с пафосом продекламировав похотливый Вакхический поток слов поэта восемнадцатого века, продекламировал с игривостью георгианской эпохи, едва ли уместной на страницах этой книги.

    Склеп. Говард Лавкрафт, стр. 8
  2. Its garden, too, glowed with flowers: hollyhocks had sprung up tall as trees, lilies had opened, tulips and roses were in bloom; the borders of the little beds were gay with pink thrift and crimson double daisies; the sweetbriars gave out, morning and evening, their scent of spice and apples; and these fragrant treasures were all useless for most of the inmates of Lowood, except to furnish now and then a handful of herbs and blossoms to put in a coffin.

    В саду цвело множество мальв ростом чуть не с дерево, раскрывались лилии, разноцветные тюльпаны и розы, маленькие клумбы были окружены веселой темно-розовой каймой маргариток. По вечерам и по утрам благоухал шиповник, от него пахло яблоками и пряностями. Но в большинстве своем обитатели Ловуда не могли наслаждаться этими дарами природы, и только мы носили на могилы умерших девочек пучки трав и цветов.

Lil y (ll ), n.; pl. {Lilies} (ll z). 1. (Bot.) A plant and flower of the genus {Lilium}, endogenous bulbous plants, having a regular perianth of six colored pieces, six… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Lily - est un prénom féminin. Sommaire 1 Sens et origine du prénom 2 Nom de scène 3 Prénom de personnes célèbres 4 Prénom d … Wikipédia en Français

Lily - bezeichnet: Lily (Band) eine Band Lily (South Dakota)eine Gemeinde in den USA Lily (Kurzfilm) ein kurzfilm aus dem Jahr 2010 Lily ist ein weiblicher Vorname und der Name von: Lily Jackson (* 1998), US amerikanische Schauspielerin Lily Allen (*… … Deutsch Wikipedia

Lily Ho - autres noms: He Lili, Ho Li Li, Lily Ho, Hoh Lee Lee est née en 1947 à Taïwan, est une actrice chinoise. Sommaire 1 Biographie 2 Filmographie 2.1 de 1965 à 1970 2.2 de 1971 à 1974 … Wikipédia en Français

Lily - puede referirse: Al nombre femenino de origen inglés. A la revista femenina española Lily y su serie de cabecera, ambas creadas en 1970; Al programa televisivo Lily, estrenado en 1973 en la cadena estadounidense CBS; A alguna de las siguientes… … Wikipedia Español

Lily"s E.P. - «Lily s E.P.» Sencillo de Dragon Ash del álbum Lily of Da Valley Género(s) J Rock Duración 16:00 Discográfica Victor Entertainment … Wikipedia Español

lily - (n.) O.E. lilie, from L. lilia, pl. of lilium a lily, cognate with Gk. leirion, both perhaps borrowed from a corrupted pronunciation of an Egyptian word. Used in O.T. to translate Heb. shoshanna and in N.T. to translate Gk. krinon. The lily of… … Etymology dictionary

lily - n. pl. lilies 1. any of a large genus (Lilium) of perennial plants of the lily family, grown from a bulb and having typically trumpet shaped flowers, white or colored 2. the flower or the bulb of any of… … English World dictionary

Lily - Lily, SD U.S. town in South Dakota Population (2000): 21 Housing Units (2000): 14 Land area (2000): 0.303393 sq. miles (0.785785 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.303393 sq. miles (0.785785 sq.… …

Lily, SD - U.S. town in South Dakota Population (2000): 21 Housing Units (2000): 14 Land area (2000): 0.303393 sq. miles (0.785785 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.303393 sq. miles (0.785785 sq. km) FIPS… … StarDict"s U.S. Gazetteer Places

-lily - Few adjectives in ly form adverbs in lily because they are too awkward to use. As Fowler noted (1926), ‘it is always possible to say in a masterly manner, at a timely moment, and the like, instead of masterlily, timelily’. Some adjectives in ly… … Modern English usage


  • Lily Hope and Her Friends , Bowman Hetty. Книга представляет собой репринтное издание. Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по восстановлению первоначального качества издания, на некоторых страницах могут обнаружиться…

Англо-русский перевод LILY

transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈlɪlɪ ]

1. сущ. лилия

2. прил. лилейный

(ботаника) лилия (Llium gen.) - Madonna * белая лилия (Lilium candidum) - laster * лилия длинноцветковая (Lilium longiflorum) - tiger * лилия тигровая (Lilium tigrinum) - pure as a * чистый как лилия - * hands лилейные /нежно-белые/ руки цветок или растение, напоминающее лилию - corn * вьюнок полевой (Convolvulux arvensis) - May * ландыш майский (Convallaria majalis) (разговорное) водяная лилия, кувшинка (Nymphaea; тж. water *) (ботаника) ирис; ирис флорентийский (Iris germanica florentina) геральдическая лилия (особ. эмблема французского королевского дома) (историческое) клеймо преступника (во Франции)

lent ~ бот. желтый нарцисс

lily attr. лилейный, белый ~ лилия

~ of the valley ландыш

madonna ~ белая лилия

orange ~ бот. красная лилия

Big English-Russian dictionary . Большой Англо-Русский словарь. 2012

  • Англо-Русские словари
  • Большой Англо-Русский словарь

Еще значения слова и перевод LILY с английского на русский язык в англо-русских словарях и с русского на английский язык в русско-английских словарях.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word «LILY» in dictionaries.

  • LILY — (as used in expressions) African lily lily of the Nile Lily Claudette Chauchoin lily family lily of the …
    Английский словарь Британика
  • LILY — I. ˈlilē, -li noun (-es) Etymology: Middle English lilie, from Old English, from Latin lilium, of non-Indo-European origin; …
    Webster"s New International English Dictionary
  • LILY — (n.) That end of a compass needle which should point to the north; -- so called as often ornamented with …
    Английский словарь Webster
  • LILY — (n.) A name given to handsome flowering plants of several genera, having some resemblance in color or form to a …
    Английский словарь Webster
  • LILY — (n.) That end of a compass needle which should point to the north; -- so called as often …
  • LILY — (n.) A name given to handsome flowering plants of several genera, having some resemblance in color or form …
    Webster"s Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
  • LILY — — lilylike , adj. /lil"ee/ , n. , pl. lilies , adj. n. 1. any scaly-bulbed plant of the genus …
  • LILY — n. any of a number of bulbed plants of the lily family which often bear funnel-shaped or bell-shaped flowers
  • LILY — I. ˈli-lē noun (plural lil·ies) Etymology: Middle English lilie, from Old English, from Latin lilium Date: before 12th …
    Merriam-Webster"s Collegiate English vocabulary
  • LILY — add. ·noun a royal spade; — usually in ·pl ·see royal spade, below. 2. lily ·noun that end of a …
    Webster English vocab
  • LILY — n, pl lil.ies (bef. 12c) 1: any of a genus (Lilium of …
    Merriam-Webster English vocab
  • LILY — the common name applied to herbaceous flowering plants belonging to the genus Lilium of the family Liliaceae. The genus contains …
    Britannica English vocabulary
  • LILY — lil|y, Lil|y BrE AmE ˈlɪl |i ▷ lil|ies, \~y"s iz ˌ lily of the ˈ valley BrE AmE
    Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary
  • LILY — / ˈlɪli; NAmE / noun (pl. -ies) a large white or brightly coloured flower with petals that curl …
    Oxford Advanced Learner"s English Dictionary
  • LILY — lil ‧ y /ˈlɪli/ BrE AmE noun (plural lilies) [ Date: 900-1000 ; Language: Latin ; Origin: …
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • LILY
    Английский основной разговорный словарь
  • LILY — n. (pl. -ies) 1 a any bulbous plant of the genus Lilium with large trumpet-shaped often spotted flowers on a …
    Concise Oxford English Dictionary
  • LILY — n. (pl. -ies) 1. a any bulbous plant of the genus Lilium with large trumpet-shaped often spotted flowers on a …
    Oxford English vocab
  • LILY — (lilies) A lily is a plant with large flowers. Lily flowers are often white. N-VAR
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner"s English Dictionary
  • LILY — (lilies) A ~ is a plant with large flowers. Lily flowers are often white. N-VAR
    Collins COBUILD - Толковый словарь английского языка для изучающих язык
  • LILY — noun COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES a lily pond (= one with water lilies) Allen, Lily lily of the valley …
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
  • LILY — [C] - any of various plants with a large, bell-shaped flower on a long stemSee picture: Flowers and plants(literary) …
    Cambridge English vocab
  • LILY — n. day lily African lily lily of the Nile Lily Claudette Chauchoin lily family lily of the valley Lily William …
    Britannica Concise Encyclopedia
  • LILY
    Slang English vocab
  • LILY — (LIsp LibrarY) A C++ class library by Roger Sheldon [email protected] which gives C++ programmers the capability to write Lisp -style …
    FOLDOC Computer English Dictionary
    Словарь английских идиом
  • LILY — (Heb. shushan, shoshannah). Although there is little doubt that the Hebrew word denotes some plant of the lily species, it …
    Smith"s Bible English Dictionary
  • LILY — lily.ogg ʹlılı n 1. 1> бот. лилия (Lilium gen.) Madonna lily - белая лилия (Lilium candidum) …
    Англо-Русско-Английский словарь общей лексики - Сборник из лучших словарей
  • LILY — n 1. 1> бот. лилия (Lilium gen.) Madonna lily - белая лилия (Lilium candidum) laster lily …
    Большой новый Англо-Русский словарь
  • LILY — лилия (Lilium) - Afgan lily - Amazon lily - belladonna lily - blood lily - bulbil lily - butterfly lily - candlestick lily - Caucasian lily - chaparral lily - …
    Новый Англо-Русский словарь по биологии
  • LILY — лилия (Lilium) - Afgan lily - Amazon lily - belladonna lily - blood lily - bulbil lily - …
    Новый Англо-Русский биологический словарь
  • LILY — lilie. ~ OF THE VALLEY: convallaria
    English interlingue dictionary
  • LILY — liryo
    English-Visayan vocabulary
  • LILY — I. noun (plural lilies) Etymology: Middle English lilie, from Old English, from Latin lilium Date: before 12th century any of …
    Толковый словарь английского языка - Merriam Webster
  • LILY — (n.) A royal spade; -- usually in pl. See Royal spade, below.
    Английский словарь Webster
  • LILY — (n.) A plant and flower of the genus Lilium, endogenous bulbous plants, having a regular perianth of six colored pieces, …
    Английский словарь Webster
  • LILY — (n.) A plant and flower of the genus Lilium, endogenous bulbous plants, having a regular perianth of six …
    Webster"s Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
  • LILY — /lil"e/ , n. a female given name. Also, Lilly .
    Random House Webster"s Unabridged English Dictionary
  • LILY — adj. white; delicate; pure; pale
    Толковый словарь английского языка - Редакция bed
  • LILY — n. foxtail lily plantain lily atamasco lily belladonna lily calla lily Easter lily fawn lily gild the lily jacobean lily …
  • LILY — n. Function: adjective Date: 15th century: resembling a lily in fairness, purity, or fragility Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary
  • LILY — n. Pronunciation: " li-l ē Function: noun Inflected Form: plural lil · ies Etymology: Middle English lilie, from Old English, …
    Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary
  • LILY — ■ noun 1》 a bulbous plant with large trumpet-shaped, typically fragrant, flowers on a tall, slender stem. }