Христофор колумб на английском языке с переводом. Открытие Америки; Christopher Columbus and descovering America — Топик по английскому языку

Биография Христофора Колумба на английском языке поможет узнать о жизни и путешествиях мореплавателях.

Христофор Колумб биография на английском языке

Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy, in 1451. His career in exploration started when he was very young. As a teenager he traveled the seas and eventually made Portugal his base. Columbus came to believe that the East Indies (present-day Indonesia and surrounding islands) could be reached by sailing west through the Atlantic Ocean. He appealed to the kings of Portugal, France, and England to finance a westward trip to the Indies, but all denied his request. After ten years of monumental efforts but fruitless results, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain agreed to finance Columbus in the hopes of acquiring great wealth. On August 3, 1492, Columbus, crew, and three ships, the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria, left Palos, Spain, and headed westward.

Land Sighted!
After stopping in the Canary Islands off the coast of Africa, Columbus’s ships hit the open seas. Covering about 150 miles a day, the trip was long and arduous. The crew was afraid of sea monsters and grew more restless every day that land was not sighted. Columbus offered a reward for the first person to sight land. On October 12, a crew member aboard the Pinta sighted one of the Bahama Islands. Columbus set foot on what he believed was one of the Spice Islands, a group of islands in Asia (now known as Indonesia), where valuable spices and riches came from. He named the land San Salvador. Columbus failed to find the riches he expected and continued to search for China. He next visited Cuba and Hispaniola (Dominican Republic). He encountered native peoples who he named “Indians” because he believed they were inhabitants of the Indies.

I Did Find a Shortcut to the Indies!
Columbus returned to Spain a hero. He was named Viceroy of the Indies. He soon returned to the New World but never found the riches he expected. Some began to believe that Columbus had found “a new world” rather than a shortcut to the Indies.



Columbus Day is celebrated on October 12th. It commemorates the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus on October 12, 1492.

Christopher Columbus was born in the seaport of Genoa, Italy. Columbus heard sailors speak of Marco Polo who had visited the Far East 200 years earlier. He wrote about his long voyage by land and the wonders he had seen.

He wanted to find the shorter route to Japan, China, India and the East Indies. Europeans were very interested in the gold, gems, and spices that came from the East. They used camels, horses, and elephants to travel on land, across mountains and deserts to get to these countries. These trips were long, dangerous, and expensive.

At that time many people thought that the world was flat. They said that if a ship would sail to the edge of the world, it would fall off and be lost. Columbus did not believe this: he was always convinced that the world was round.

King"s Federation and Queen Isabella of Spain agreed to finance Columbus" expeditions. On the third of August, 1492, Columbus set sail with three ships, the Santa Maria, the Pinta, and the Nina. These ships were made of wood and had very few comfort. The compasses were crude. Columbus navigated by studying the stars and the moon.

It was a dangerous voyage. Finally, on October, 12th, they saw an island. Columbus believed that he had discovered an island off the East Indies. He was wrong. He really had discovered a new world: America. He called this island San Salvador.

As a seaman, he was one of the greatest in history. His success encouraged other explorers.

Today it is a legal holiday in America. Schools, banks, post offices and government offices are closed. Many schools hold programmes and special events. Cities and organizations hold ceremonies, parades, fairs, food festivals and banquets.

Traditionally this is a day to celebrate the contributions to the culture of the United States made by Italian immigrants. Pizza and pasta, opera, and Italian fashion are part of the daily life of America.

It is also a day to recognize the strong ties of friendship between the two countries: Italy and the United States.


1. When is this day celebrated?

2. What does it commemorate?

3. Who was Christopher Columbus?

4. What he was famous for?

5. How does America celebrate this holiday?


commemorate - праздновать

Genoa - Генуя

route - путь

spice - специя

gem - драгоценный камень

edge - край

crude - примитивный

encourage - вдохновлять


День Колумба отмечается 12 октября. В этот день празднуют открытие Америки Христофором Колумбом 12 октября 1492 г. Христофор Колумб родился в морском порту Генуи, Италия. Колумб слышал, как моряки рассказывали о путешествии Марко Поло на Дальний Восток 200 лет назад. Он написал о свою сухопутную поездку и о чудесах, которые видел.

Поло хотел найти короткий путь в Японию, Китай, Индию и в Восточную Индию. Европейцы интересовались золотом, драгоценными камнями, специями, поступавшие с Востока. Они использовали верблюдов, лошадей, слонов для путешествия по земле, через горы и пустыни, чтобы добраться до этих стран. Путешествия были длительными, опасными и дорогими.

В то время многие думали, что земля была плоской. Говорили, что если корабль доплывет до конца света, то он упадет и потеряется. Колумб не верил в это, он всегда был убежден, что земля круглая.

Королевская федерация и королева Испании Изабелла согласились стать спонсорами экспедиции Колумба. Третьего августа 1492 г. Колумб снарядил три корабля: «Санта-Мария», «Пинта» и «Нина». Корабли были деревянными и имели очень мало удобств. Компасы были очень примитивными. Колумб руководил кораблем, изучая звезды и Месяц.

Путешествие было опасным. Наконец 12 октября они увидели землю. Колумб верил, что он открыл землю, которая находится за Восточной Индией. Но он ошибался. На самом деле он открыл Новый Свет - Америку. Он назвал остров Сан-Сальвадором.

Как мореплаватель он был одним из самых крупных в истории. Его успех вдохновил других исследователей.

Сегодня это официальный праздник в Америке. Школы, банки, почты, государственные дома закрыты. Школы проводят специальные праздничные программы. Города и организации проводят церемонии, парады, ярмарки, фестивали с угощением и банкеты.

По традиции в этот день отмечается вклад в культуру Соединенных Штатов, сделан итальянскими иммигрантами. Пицца, макароны, опера, итальянская мода является частью жизни Америки.

Этот день также является праздником дружбы двух стран: Италии и Соединенных Штатов.

“In 1492 Columbus sailed Ocean Blue”. This little rhyme many American children learn to remember the date when Christopher Columbus “discovered” America. Was Christopher Columbus really the first person to discover the continent and return home to tell about it?

Probably not, but he was the first to return to Europe and tell all about what he believed to be a new route to Asia.

Most people in Columbus’ days thought that the earth was flat, and they did not believe that a route to the India across the Atlantic would be shorter and safer than a route around Africa. He did not have the money to buy ships and hire sailors. At first Columbus asked the king of Portugal to pay for his voyage. The king asked his advisers, and after their report he denied to help Columbus.

Then Columbus travelled to Spain to ask Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand for help. Six years later Isabella gave Columbus three caravels: the Santa Maria, the Nina, and the Pinta. Columbus’s crew last saw land on the eastern horizon on the 9th of September, 1492. On the 12th of October, 1492, when everybody was very tired and anxious, the lookout on the Pinta saw something like a white cliff shining in the moonlight. Columbus named the land he had reached San Salvador. He thought they landed in Asia.

On the 15th of March, 1493, Columbus was back to Spain with two of his ships. He brought parrots, an alligator, a few pieces of gold jewelry, some unusual plants, and six American Indians.


"В 1492 году Колумб поплыл по Голубому океану ". Эта маленькое стихотворение многие американские дети учат чтобы запомнить дату, когда Христофор Колумб "открыл" Америку. Был ли Христофор Колумб действительно первым человеком, открывшим континент и вернувшимся домой, чтобы рассказать об этом?

Наверное, нет, но он был первым, кто вернулся в Европу и рассказал о том, что по его мнению, было новым маршрутом в Азию.

Большинство людей во времена Колумба думали, что Земля плоская, и они не считали, что путь в Индию через Атлантический океан был бы короче и безопаснее, чем путь вокруг Африки. У него не было денег на покупку и прокат судна и матросов. сначала Колумб просил короля Португалии оплатить его путешествие. Король спросил своих советников, и после их доклада он отказался помочь Колумбу.

Тогда Колумб отправился в Испанию, чтобы просить королеву Изабеллу и короля Фердинанда о помощи. Шесть лет спустя Изабелла дала три каравеллы Колумбу: "Санта-Марию", "Нину" и "Пинту". Экипаж Колумба последний раз видел землю на восточном горизонте 9 сентября 1492. 12 октября 1492, когда все были очень уставшими и встревоженными, смотровой на Пинте увидел что-то вроде белой скалы сияющей в лунном свете. Колумб назвал землю, которую он достиг Сан-Сальвадор. Он думал, что они высадились в Азии.

15 марта 1493 Колумб вернулся в Испанию вместе с двумя своими судами. Он привез попугаев, аллигатора, несколько золотых ювелирных изделий, необычные растения и шесть американских индейцев.

Christopher Columbus was the person who discovered America in 1492.

He was the son of a poor Italian weaver. From his early childhood Columbus was interested in big ships. One day he went off to sea and then made lots of voyages. The seamen of that time didn’t sail far as they knew little of the Atlantic Ocean and didn’t know what was in it or beyond it. When the astronomers declared that the earth was round, Columbus wanted to check it and reach India by sailing to the West.

Being interested in shorter trade routes to India, the Spanish Government gave Columbus three small ships and less than a hundred men so that he could try to carry out his voyage. In 1492 Columbus left Spain on this great expedition. As they sailed West they reached the Canary Islands and the next day they saw land, which was given the name of San Salvador. However, Columbus had no idea that he had discovered a new continent; he thought it was an unknown part of India. He came back to Spain in triumph.

Some time later a man named Amerigo Vespucci explored the same coast as Columbus and found that it wasn’t the coast of India. He said it was a New World. For a long time the land had no special name. Only in 1506, the year of Christopher Columbus’s death, it was named America after Amerigo. However, Columbus was the true discoverer of the continent.

European people came to the New World for various reasons. Some hoped to find gold and silver. Priests and missionaries came to bring the Christian religion to the Indians. Among all, there was a small group of English people called Pilgrims who wanted to start a new life and to have no religious problems they had in England. In 1620 on the ship “Mayflower” they landed in the north-east of America, set up a colony and called that part of the country “New England”.

Перевод топика на русский язык:

Христофор Колумб – человек, открывший Америку в 1492.

Он был сыном бедного итальянского ткача. С раннего детства Колумб интересовался большими кораблями. Однажды он отправился в море, и затем совершил много путешествий. Моряки того времени не плавали далеко, так как они мало знали об Атлантическом океане и не знали, что в нем и за его пределами. Когда астрономы объявили, что земля круглая, Колумб захотел это проверить и достичь Индии, плывя на запад.

Будучи заинтересованным в более коротких торговых маршрутах в Индию, испанское правительство выделило Колумбу три маленьких корабля и меньше сотни человек для его путешествия. В 1492 Колумб покинул Испанию и отправился в свою экспедицию. Плывя на запад, они достигли Канарских островов, а на следующий день увидели землю, которой дали имя Сан Сальвадор. Однако Колумб не знал, что он открыл новый континент; он думал, что это неизвестная часть Индии. Он с триумфом вернулся в Испанию.

Некоторое время спустя человек по имени Америго Веспуччи исследовал тот же берег, что и Колумб и открыл, что это не был берег Индии. Он сказал, что это Новая Земля. Долгое время у земли не было названия. Только в 1506, год смерти Христофора Колумба, ее назвали Америка в честь Америго. Однако именно Колумб был первооткрывателем континента.

Европейцы приходили на Новую Землю по разным причинам. Некоторые надеялись найти золото и серебро. Священники и миссионеры приходили, чтобы принести христианскую религию индейцам. Среди всех остальных, была маленькая группа англичан, называемых пилигримами, желавших начать новую жизнь без религиозных проблем, которые у них были в Англии. В 1620 они сошли на берег с корабля “Мэйфлауэр” на северо-востоке Америки, основали колонию и назвали эту часть страны “Новая Англия”.

(4 оценок, среднее: 4.25 из 5)

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Christopher Columbus was an explorer and trader who crossed the Atlantic Ocean and reached the Americas on October 12, 1492 under the flag of Castile. History places a great significance on his landing in America in 1492, with the entire period of the history of the Americas before this date usually known as Pre-Columbian, and the anniversary of this event, Columbus Day, celebrated in many countries in the Americas.

Columbus was born between August 26 and October 31 in the year 1451, in the Italian port city of Genoa. His father was Domenico Colombo, a woollens merchant, and his mother was Susanna Fontanarossa, the daughter of a woollens merchant. Christopher had three younger brothers, Bartolomeo, Giovanni Pellegrino, and Giacomo, and a sister, Bianchinetta.

In 1470, the family moved to Savona, where Christopher worked for his father in wool processing. During this period he studied cartography with his brother Bartolomeo. Christopher received almost no formal education; a voracious reader, he was largely self-taught.

In 1474, Columbus joined a ship of the Spinola Financiers, who were Genoese patrons of his father. He spent a year on a ship bound towards Khios and, after a brief visit home, spent a year in Khios. It is believed that this is where he recruited some of his sailors.

A 1476, commercial expedition gave Columbus his first opportunity to sail into the Atlantic Ocean. The fleet came under attack by French privateers off the Cape of St. Vincent, Portugal. Columbus’s ship was burned and he swam six miles to shore.

By 1477, Columbus was living in Lisbon. Portugal had become a center for maritime activity with ships sailing for England, Ireland, Iceland, Madeira, the Azores, and Africa. Columbus’s brother Bartolomeo worked as a mapmaker in Lisbon. At times, the brothers worked together as draftsmen and book collectors.

He became a merchant sailor with the Portuguese fleet, and sailed to Iceland via Ireland in 1477. He sailed to Madeira in 1478 to purchase sugar, and along the coasts of West Africa between 1482 and 1485, reaching the Portuguese trade post of Elmina Castle in the Gulf of Guinea coast.

Columbus married Felipa Perestrello Moniz, a daughter from a noble Portuguese family with some Italian ancestry, in 1479. Felipa’s father, Bartolomeu Perestrelo, had partaken in finding the Madeira Islands and owned one of them, but died when Felipa was a baby, leaving his second wife a wealthy widow. As part of his dowry, the mariner received all of Perestello’s charts of the winds and currents of the Portuguese possessions of the Atlantic. Columbus and Felipa had a son, Diego Colón in 1480. Felipa died in January of 1485. Columbus later found a lifelong partner in Spain, an orphan named Beatriz Enriquez. She was living with a cousin in the weaving industry of Córdoba. They never married, but Columbus left Beatriz a rich woman and directed Diego to treat her as his own mother. The two had a son, Ferdinand in 1488. Both boys served as pages to Prince Juan, son of Ferdinand and Isabella of Castile, and each later contributed, with fabulous success, to the rehabilitation of their father’s reputation.

Christian Europe, long allowed safe passage to India and China under the hegemony of the Mongol Empire, was now, after the fragmentation of that empire, under a complete economic blockade by Muslim states. In response to Muslim hegemony on land, Portugal sought an eastward sea route to the Indies, and promoted the establishment of trading posts and later colonies along the coast of Africa. Columbus had another idea. By the 1480s, he had developed a plan to travel to the Indies by sailing west across the Ocean Sea instead.

It is sometimes claimed that the reason Columbus had a hard time receiving support for this plan was that Europeans believed that the Earth was flat. This myth can be traced to Washington Irving’s novel The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus.

The fact that the Earth is round was evident to most people of Columbus’s time, especially other sailors, explorers and navigators had in fact accurately calculated the circumference of the Earth). The problem was that the experts did not agree with his estimates of the distance to the Indies. Most scholars accepted Ptolemy’s claim that the terrestrial landmass occupied 180 degrees of the terrestrial sphere, leaving 180 degrees of water.

Columbus accepted the calculations of Pierre d’Ailly, that the land-mass occupied 225 degrees, leaving only 135 degrees of water. Moreover, Columbus believed that one degree actually covered less space on the earth’s surface than commonly believed. Finally, Columbus read maps as if the distances were calculated in Roman miles rather than nautical miles. The true circumference of the earth is about 40,000 km, whereas the circumference of Columbus’s earth was the equivalent of at most 30,600 km. Columbus calculated that the distance from the Canary Islands to Japan was 2,400 nautical miles.

In fact, the distance is about 10,600 nautical miles, and most European sailors and navigators concluded that the Indies were too far away to make his plan worth considering. They were right and Columbus was wrong; had he not unexpectedly encountered a previously uncharted continent in mid-travel, he and his crew would have perished from lack of food and water.

Columbus lobbies for funding.

Columbus first presented his plan to the court of Portugal in 1485. The king’s experts believed that the route would be longer than Columbus thought, and denied Columbus’s request. It is probable that he made the same outrageous demands for himself in Portugal that he later made in Spain, where he went next. He tried to get backing from the monarchs of Aragon and Castile, Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile, who, by marrying, had united the largest kingdoms of Spain and were ruling them together.

After seven years of lobbying at the Spanish court, where he was kept on a salary to prevent him from taking his ideas elsewhere, he was finally successful in 1492. Ferdinand and Isabella had just conquered Granada, the last Muslim stronghold on the Iberian peninsula, and they received Columbus in Córdoba. Isabella finally turned Columbus down on the advice of her “think tank” and he was leaving town in despair when Ferdinand lost his patience. Isabella sent a royal guard to fetch him and Ferdinand later rightfully claimed credit for being “the principal cause why those islands were discovered”.

About half of the financing was to come from private Italian investors, which Columbus had already lined up. Financially broke from the Granada campaign, the monarchs left it to the royal treasurer to shift funds among various royal accounts on behalf of the enterprise. Columbus was to be made Admiral of the Ocean Sea and granted an inheritable governorship to the new territories he would reach, as well as a portion of all profits. The terms were absurd, but his own son later wrote that the monarchs really didn’t expect him to return.

The First Voyage.

The year 1492, on the evening of August 3, Columbus left from Palos with three ships, the Santa Maria, Niña and Pinta. The ships were property of Juan de la Cosa and the Pinzón brothers, but the monarchs forced the Palos inhabitants to contribute to the expedition. He first sailed to the Canary Islands, fortunately owned by Castile, where he reprovisioned and made repairs, and on September 6 started the five week voyage across the ocean.

A legend is that the crew grew so homesick and fearful that they threatened to hurl Columbus overboard and sail back to Spain. Although the actual situation is unclear, most likely the sailors’ resentments merely amounted to complaints or suggestions.

After 29 days out of sight of land, on 7 October 1492 as recorded in the ship’s log, the crew spotted shore birds flying west and changed direction to make their landfall. A comparison of dates and migratory patterns leads to the conclusion that the birds were Eskimo curlews and American golden plover.

Land was sighted at 2 AM on October 12 by a sailor aboard Pinta named Rodrigo de Triana. Columbus called the island he reached San Salvador, although the natives called it Guanahani. The Native Americans he encountered, the Taíno or Arawak, were peaceful and friendly. He wrote with such awe of the friendly innocence and beauty of these Indians that he inadvertently created the enduring myth of the Noble Savage”.These people have no religious beliefs, nor are they idolaters. They are very gentle and do not know what evil is; nor do they kill others, nor steal; and they are without weapons”. No blood was shed on this first voyage; he believed conversion to Christianity would be achieved through love, not force.

On this first voyage, Columbus also explored the northeast coast of Cuba and the northern coast of Hispaniola, by December 5. He believed the peaks of Cuba were the Himalayas of India, which gives one a sense of just how lost he was and how long it took the peoples of the world to map the Earth. Here the Santa Maria ran aground and had to be abandoned. He was received by the native cacique Guacanagari, who gave him permission to leave some of his men behind. Columbus founded the settlement La Navidad and left 39 men.

On January 4, 1493 he set sail for home, not yet understanding the elliptical nature of the trade winds that had brought him west. He wrestled his ship against the wind and ran into one of the worst storms of the century. He had no choice but to land his ship in Portugal, where he was told a fleet of 100 caravels had been lost. Some have speculated that landing in Portugal was intentional.

The relations between Portugal and Castile were poor at the time, and he was held up, but finally released. Word of his finding new lands rapidly spread throughout Europe. He didn’t reach Spain until March 15, when the story of his journey was in its third printing. He was received as a hero in Spain, and this was his moment in the sun. He displayed several kidnapped natives and what gold he’d found to the court, as well as the previously unknown tobacco plant, the pineapple fruit, the turkey and the sailor’s first love, the hammock. Naturally, he did not bring any of the coveted Indian spices, such as the exceedingly expensive black pepper, ginger or cloves. In his log he wrote “there is also plenty of ají, which is their pepper, which is more valuable than pepper, and all the people eat nothing else, it being very wholesome” . The word ají is still used in South American Spanish for chili peppers.

Columbus left from Cádiz, Spain for his second voyage on September 24, 1493, with 17 ships carrying supplies and about 1200 men to assist in the subjugation of the Taíno and the colonization of the region. On October 13 the ships left the Canary Islands, following a more southerly course than on the first voyage.

On November 3, 1493, Columbus sighted a rugged island which he named Dominica. On the same day he landed at Marie-Galante. After sailing past Les Saintes, Columbus arrived at Guadaloupe, which he explored from November 4 through November 10. The exact course of his voyage through the Lesser Antilles is debated, but it seems likely that Columbus turned north, sighting and naming several islands including Montserrat, Antigua, Redonda, Nevis, Saint Kitts, Sint Eustatius, Saba, and Saint Martin or Saint Croix. Columbus also sighted the island chain of the Virgin Islands, and named the islands of Virgin Gorda, Tortola, and Peter Island.

Columbus continued to the Greater Antilles and landed at Puerto Rico on November 19, 1493. On November 22, he returned to Hispaniola, where he found his colonists had fallen into dispute with Indians in the interior and had been killed. He established a new settlement at Isabella, on the north coast of Hispaniola where gold had first been found but it was a poor location and the settlement was short-lived. He spent some time exploring the interior of the island for gold and did find some, establishing a small fort in the interior. He left Hispaniola on April 24, 1494 and arrived at Cuba on April 30 and Jamaica on May 5. He explored the south coast of Cuba, which he believed to be a peninsula rather than an island, and several nearby islands including the Isle of Youth before returning to Hispaniola on August 20.

Before he left on his second voyage he had been directed by Ferdinand and Isabella to maintain friendly, even loving relations with the natives. However, during his second voyage he sent a letter to the monarchs proposing to enslave some of the native peoples, specifically the Caribs, on the grounds of their aggressiveness. Although his petition was refused by the Crown, in February, 1495 Columbus took 1600 Arawak as slaves. 550 slaves were shipped back to Spain; two hundred died en route, probably of disease, and of the remainder half were ill when they arrived. After legal proceedings, the survivors were released and ordered to be shipped back home. Some of the 1600 were kept as slaves for Columbus’s men, and Columbus recorded using slaves for sex in his journal. The remaining 400, who Columbus had no use for, were let go and fled into the hills, making, according to Columbus, prospects for their future capture dim. Rounding up the slaves resulted in the first major battle between the Spanish and the Indians in the new world.

The main objective of Columbus’s journey had been gold. To further this goal, he imposed a system on the natives in Cicao on Haiti, whereby all those above fourteen years of age had to find a certain quota of gold, which would be signified by a token placed around their necks. Those who failed to reach their quota would have their hands chopped off. Despite such extreme measures, Columbus did not manage to obtain much gold. One of the primary reasons for this was the fact that natives became infected with various diseases carried by the Europeans.

In his letters to the Spanish king and queen, Columbus would repeatedly suggest slavery as a way to profit from the new colonies, but these suggestions were all rejected: the monarchs preferred to view the natives as future members of Christendom.

Third voyage and arrest.

On May 30, 1498, Columbus left with six ships from Sanlúcar, Spain for his third trip to the New World. He was accompanied by the young Bartolome de Las Casas, who would later provide partial transcripts of Columbus’s logs.

After stopping in the Canary Islands and Cape Verde, Columbus landed on the south coast of the island of Trinidad on July 31. From August 4 through August 12, he explored the Gulf of Paria which separates Trinidad from Venezuela. He explored the mainland of South America, including the Orinoco River. He also sailed to the islands of Chacachcare and Margarita Island and sighted and named Tobago and Grenada. Initially, he described the new lands as belonging to a previously unknown new continent, but later he retreated to his position that they belonged to Asia.

Columbus returned to Hispaniola on August 19 to find that many of the Spanish settlers of the new colony were discontent, having been misled by Columbus about the supposedly bountiful riches of the new world. Columbus repeatedly had to deal with rebellious settlers and Indians. He had some of his crew hanged for disobeying him. A number of returned settlers and friars lobbied against Columbus at the Spanish court, accusing him of mismanagement. The king and queen sent the royal administrator Francisco de Bobadilla in 1500, who upon arrival detained Columbus and his brothers and had them shipped home. Columbus refused to have his shackles removed on the trip to Spain, during which he wrote a long and pleading letter to the Spanish monarchs.

Although he regained his freedom, he did not regain his prestige and lost his governorship. As an added insult, the Portuguese had won the race to the Indies: Vasco da Gama returned in September 1499 from a trip to India, having sailed east around Africa.

Nevertheless, Columbus made a fourth voyage, nominally in search of the Strait of Malacca to the Indian Ocean. Accompanied by his brother Bartolomeo and his thirteen-year old son Fernando, Columbus left Cádiz, Spain on May 11, 1502. On June 15, they landed at Carbet on the island of Martinique. A hurricane was brewing, so Columbus continued on, hoping to find shelter on Hispaniola. Columbus arrived at Santo Domingo on June 29, but was denied port. Instead, the ships anchored at the mouth of the Jaina River.

After a brief stop at Jamaica, Columbus sailed to Central America, arriving at Guanaja in the Bay Islands off the coast of Honduras on July 30. Here Bartholomew found native merchants and a large canoe, which was described as “long as a galley” and was filled with cargo. On August 14, Columbus landed on the American mainland at Puerto Castilla, near Trujillo, Honduras. Columbus spent two months exploring the coasts of Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, before arriving in Almirante Bay, Panama on October 16.

In Panama, Columbus learned from the natives of gold and a strait to another ocean. After much exploration, he established a garrison at the mouth of Rio Belen in January 1503. On April 6, one of the ships became stranded in the river. At the same time, the garrison was attacked, and the other ships were damaged. Columbus left for Hispaniola on April 16, but sustained more damage in a storm off the coast of Cuba. Unable to travel any farther, the ships were beached in St. Anne’s Bay, Jamaica, on June 25, 1503.