Тест на тему туризм на англ языке. Викторина "путешествие по странам" тест по английскому языку на тему

Сейчас все больше людей выезжают за границу, поэтому тема «путешествие» с каждым днем становится более актуальной. В статье представлены интересные задания по данной теме. Всем кому она интересна, могут проделать упражнения, предложенные здесь. Как всегда ниже даны ответы к заданиям.

T: Чем ты занимаешься, Лиза?

T: Дай мне посмотреть. Почему бы нам не остановиться в Голд Плаза? Он выглядит самым комфортабельным из четырех и не такой дорогой, как Саншайн.

T: А как насчет отеля Мэджик Касл тогда?

T: Но он самый дешевый и возможно там тише, чем в Голд Плаза. Смотри! В брошюре также сказано, что там дружелюбный персонал.

B: Okay. It suits us. We’ll take this room.

A: Seventy dollars a night, sir.

B: One double-room, please.

A: Single or double, sir?

  1. luggage a. trip
  2. return ticket b. baggage
  3. journey c. a buffet car
  4. cloakroom d. schedule
  5. a dining car e. round-trip ticket
  6. booking-office f. left-luggage office
  7. timetable g. ticket office
  1. Match the words and phrases in column A with those in column B (Соотнесите слова в колонке A со словами в колонке B):
  2. room service a. остановиться в отеле
  3. travel agency b. прибытие
  4. book tickets c. место у окна
  5. arrival d. бюро путешествий
  6. departure e. отправляться по расписанию
  7. leave on time f. купить билеты
  8. stay at the hotel g. справочное бюро
  9. window seat h. бюро обслуживания
  10. passport i. отправление
  11. information office j. паспорт
  1. Translate the words and phrases given in brackets (Переведите слова и фразы данные в скобках):
  • (на поезде). Would you like (носильщика) (кафе-ресторана) (сиденья) (на станции) (пассажир) (приземлитесь) (красный коридор) .
  1. Translate the sentences from Russian into English (Переведите предложения с русского на английский):
  1. Куда я могу отнести ваш багаж, сэр?
  2. Давайте поспешим, иначе мы опоздаем на поезд.
  3. Вот мой билет и паспорт.
  4. К сожалению, все билеты проданы на сегодня.
  5. Как долго вы собираетесь оставаться в стране?
  6. У вас есть вещи подлежащие декларированию?
  1. Translate the sentences from English into Russian (Переведите предложения с английского на русский):
  1. I’m sorry I’m late. When did you arrive?
  2. Excuse me, please, where’s Platform six?
  3. I’d like to book a single ticket.
  4. Don’t make a fuss, we have still a lot of time left.
  5. I’d like two tickets for the 7 o’clock train to Warsaw.
  1. Choose the word that best completes the sentences from the list below (Выберите подходящее слово из списка и вставьте его в предложение):
  1. It’s always more convenient to book tickets … 2. London Tourist Board is here to help you enjoy your … to London. 3. We can provide … in a wide range of price categories in over 900 hundred hotels and guest houses of Berlin. 4. Will you tell me about the facilities offered by your … ? 5. Good-bye! I wish you a pleasant … . 6. She was as excited as a child about her first trip … , and spent the next days buying clothes. 7. It … at 11.00 but it may be a little late because the weather forecast is bad.
  1. Translate from Russian into English (Переведите с русского на английский):

T: What are you doing, Liza?

L: I’m looking at the holiday brochure. There are four hotels in the town, but I can’t decide which one we should stay.

T: Let me see. Why don’t we stay at the Gold Plaza? It looks the most comfortable of the four, and it’s not as expensive as the Sunshine.

L: But, it’s near the main road and I think it’ll be too noisy to live there.

T: So, what about the Magic Castle Hotel then?

L: I don’t know. It looks dirtier than the other hotels.

T: But it’s the cheapest and it’s probably quieter than the Gold Plaza. Look! The brochure also says that it’s got friendly staff.

L: Okay! Let’s stay at the Magic Castle Hotel. I’m sure it will be fine.

  1. Write the conversation in the correct order (Запишите разговор в правильном порядке):

A: Have you got any vacant rooms?

B: Single or double, sir?

A: One double-room, please.

B: Yes, we’ll be able to put you up. Which floor would you like, sir?

A: We’ll take a room on the second floor. How much is it?

B: Seventy dollars a night, sir.

A: Okay. It suits us. We’ll take this room.

  1. Find the synonyms for (Подберите синонимы):
  2. luggage a. baggage
  3. return ticket b. round-trip ticket
  4. journey c. trip
  5. cloakroom d. left-luggage office
  6. a dining car e. a buffet car
  7. booking-office f. ticket office
  8. timetable g. schedule
  9. fellow-passenger h. travelling companion
  1. Match the words and phrases in column A with those in column B (Соотнесите слова в колонке A со словами в колонке
  2. room service a. бюро обслуживания
  3. travel agency b. бюро путешествий
  4. book tickets c. купить билеты
  5. arrival d. прибытие
  6. departure e. отправление
  7. leave on time f. отправляться по расписанию
  8. stay at the hotel g. остановиться в отеле
  9. window seat h. место у окна
  10. passport i. паспорт
  11. information office j. справочное бюро
  1. Translate the words and phrases given in brackets (Переведите слова и фразы данные в скобках).
  • I hate flying and always prefer to travel by train. Would you like a porter for your luggage, miss? 3. Unfortunately there was no a dining car on the train and we had to take a lot of food with us. 4. Modern planes have very comfortable seats in all cabins. 5. There are always bustle and confusion at the station . 6. Before boarding the plane the passenger must register at the airport. 7. You land in London at ten-fifteen p.m. 8. If you’ve got something to declare you come through the red channel .
  1. Translate the sentences from Russian into English (переведите предложения с русского на английский).
  1. Where shall I take your luggage, sir?
  2. Let’s make haste, or else we’ll be late for the train.
  3. Here is my ticket and passport.
  4. Sorry, we are all booked up for today.
  5. How long are you going to stay in the country?
  6. Do you have any thing to declare?
  1. Translate the sentences from English into Russian (Переведите предложения с английского на русский).
  1. Извините, я опоздал. Когда вы приехали?
  2. Извините, пожалуйста, где платформа № 6?
  3. Я бы хотел купить билет в один конец.
  4. Не суетись, у нас достаточно времени.
  5. Я бы хотела купить два билета на семи часовой поезд до Варшавы.
  1. Choose the word that best completes the sentences from the list below (Выберите подходящее слово из списка и вставьте его в предложение).

accommodation, abroad, visit, arrives, journey, in advance, hotel

  1. It’s always more convenient to book tickets in advance . 2. London Tourist Board is here to help you enjoy your visit to London. 3. We can provide accommodation in a wide range of price categories in over 900 hundred hotels and guest houses of Berlin. 4. Will you tell me about the facilities offered by your hotel ? 5. Good-bye! I wish you a pleasant journey . 6. She was as excited as a child about her first trip abroad , and spent the next days buying clothes. 7. It arrives at 11.00 but it may be a little late because the weather forecast is bad.

по английскому языку

3 – 4 классы

I. Выбери правильный ответ, чтобы закончить предложение.

1. A Loch Ness Monster is from

a) Scotland b)Wales c)Ireland d)England

2. A traditional British dish is

a) frog’s legs b) chebureki c)pudding d)pizza

3. Longleat is

a) a farm b)a zoo c)a pet shop d)a safari park

4. This game is from Britain

a) football b)basketball c)baseball d)lapta

5. London is the capital of

a) Wales b)Britain c)Scotland d)Ireland

6. In Britain people celebrate Christmas in

a) December b)January c)April d)March

7. The name of the British Queen is

a) Mary b)Jane c)Ann d)Elizabeth

8. What colour are taxis in the UK?

a)black b)red c)yellow d)white

9. Which address is correct in Britain?

a) Ann Jones, b)Ann Jones, c)UK

9 Trafalgar Street, London SW 74 NA London SW 74 NA

London SW 74 NA 9 Trafalgar Street Trafalgar Street 9

UK UK Ann Jones

II. Заполни пропуск подходящим словом.

My name…….(1)Ann. I………(2)in Cardiff, Wales. We…….(3)four in the family. There’s Mum, Dad,…….(4)my brother. We live in a house………(5)the lake. My Dad…….(6)fishing. Mum likes……(7)unusual dishes. My brother Denise likes………(8)sports. He plays in a football …….(9).I like…..(10): we’ve got a cat and a parrot at ……(11).

III. Ответь на вопросы.

1. What"s your first name?

2. How old are you?

3. Where are you from?

4. You go to school, don"t you?

5. What do you usually do in your free time?

6. What did you do yesterday?

7. What are you going to do tomorrow?

8. What is your favourite season?

9. Have you ever been to Britain?

10. Would you like to go to Britain?

Викторина «Путешествие по странам»

по английскому языку

5 – 6 классы

I. Выбери правильный вариант.

1. The UK consists of

a)England b)England, Scotland and Wales c)England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

2. What is the symbol of England?

a)a thistle b)a red rose c)a daffodil

3. The Queen’s official London home is

a)Windsor Castle b)Buckingham Palace c)The Tower of London

4. When did the Vikings invade England?

a)in 793 b)in 1242 c)in 1699

5. Where do men wear kilts?

a)in England b)in Scotland c)in Wales

6. Where did the Beatles get their start?

a)in Glasgow b)in Liverpool c)in London

7. Where is London Zoo?

a)in Regent’s Park b)in Hyde Park c)in St. James’s Park

8. Which is not a traditional British dish?

a)fish and chips b)haggis c)roast turkey

9. What is the name of the British Queen?

a)Victoria b)Mary c)Elizabeth

10. Who helps schoolchildren to cross the street near the school?

a)a policeman b)a lollipop man c)a fireman

II. Выбери правильный вариант.

1. Sally has two………- a boy and a girl.

a) child’s b)child c)children

2. I…….a good film yesterday.

a)see b)saw c)am seeing

3. Harry is in bed. He……… .

a)sleeps b)is sleeping c)slept

4. My uncle is …….teacher

a)the b)a c)some

5. Billy needs new jeans, but he hasn’t got …….money.

a)much b)little c)many

6. Our town is very little; there are ……shops here.

a)many b)little c)few

7. I want to buy ……..sweets.

a)an b)some c)a

8. ………this film before?

a) Do you see b)Did you see c)Have you seen

9. I heard a noise. There is…….in the cupboard.

a) anything b)something c)nothing

10. …….do you visit Ann? – Every Friday.

a) Why b)How often c)Who

11. Frank is …….student in our class.

a)the worse b)worse then c)the worst

12. Could you lend me …….money, please?

a)many b)some c)much

13. You ……..eat fruit every day.

a) mustn’t b)shouldn’t c)should

14. I……..lunch when Mum came home.

a)was cooking b)were cooking c)cooked

15. You ……..be late for school.

a)must b)needn’t c)mustn’t

III. Подбери русскую пословицу, которая по смыслу близка к английской пословице.

1. Better late than never.

2. No smoke without fire.

3. All is well that ends well.

4. Like mother, like daughter.

5. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Викторина «Путешествие по странам»

по английскому языку

7 – 8 классы

I. Choose the right variant.

1. The UK consists of……countries.

a)four b)three c)two d)five

2. Match the capital cities (1-4) with the countries (a-d).

1)Belfast 2)Cardiff 3)Edinburgh 4)London

a)England b)Northern Ireland c)Scotland d)Wales

3. Which “royal” is not a child of Queen Elizabeth?

a)Prince Andrew b)Prince Charles c)Princess Ann d)Prince William

4. Match the actors (1-4) with the famous roles (a-d).

1)Sean Bean b)Rowan Atkinson c)Daniel Radcliffe d)Orlando Bloom

a)Harry Potter b)Legolas c)Mr Bean d)Odysseus

5. Match the authors (1-4) with their books (a-d).

1)Roald Dahl 2)Charles Dickens 3)J.K.Rowling 4)J.R.R.Tolkien

a)Oliver Twist b)The Lord of the Rings c)The Witches d)Harry Potter

a)Cambridge b)London c)York d)Stratford-upon-Avon

7. You can visit the Beatles Museum in

a)Liverpool b)London c)Manchester d)Birmingham

8. Covent Garden is London’s old

a)circus b)fruit and vegetable market c)theatre d)park

9. What is the symbol of the typical Englishman?

a)Charlie Chaplin b)Charles Windsor c)John Bull

10. The construction of the London Underground started in

a)1860 b)1930 c)1950 d)1900

II. Choose the right variant.

1. They fell in love at first________.

A glimpse B look C sight D viewing

2. Could you give me________ money? I want to buy that nice hat.

A few B a few C little B a little

3. Have you got all_________ you will need in your trip?

A what B that C which D whose

4. Please _______ more slowly. I can’t understand your speech quite well.

A speak B say C tell D told

5. I _______ home when I met my parents.

A was walking B had been walking C am walking D walked

6. He and I both ran inside to find out what ________ .

A had happened B is happening C will happen D happens

7. They ________ the road by the next year.

A will have built up B will have been building C will be building up D will build

8. He didn’t know ________ .

A where the umbrella is B where had the umbrella been

C where the umbrella was D where was the umbrella

III. Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Sam (1.work) in a bank for five years. Now he (2.not / work) there because he (3.win) a lot of money one year ago. He (4.travel) to many countries since then but he (5.not / be) to America yet. He (6.already / decide) to fly to America where he thinks he (7. stay) for three weeks.

IV. Give Russian equivalents to the following English proverbs.

1.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

2.As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.

3.Like mother, like daughter.

4.No smoke without fire.

5.Look before you leap.

Викторина «Путешествие по странам»

по английскому языку

9 – 11 классы

I. Choose the right variant.

1. What is Piccadilly Circus?

a)circus b)square c)street d)house

2. What is the Lake District famous for?

a)fish b)clean water c)Loch Ness Monster d)University

a)the Clyde b)the Avon c)the Thames d)the Severn

4. He was called the “Architect of London”. His best known creation is St. Paul’s Cathedral.

a)Christopher Wren b)Alexander Bell c)Alexander Fleming d) Henry IV

5.I n Scotland there is a tradition of a first-footer. It is a dark-haired man who enters a household on New Year’s Day and brings three things. What is odd one?

a)a piece of coal b)a piece of bread c)a silver coin d)a bone

6. Complete the title of one of the most famous comedies written by Oscar Wilde “The Importance of Being……..”

a)Earnest b)Frank c)Forest d)Mark

7. The legend says that without them the Tower will fall and Britain with it.

a)pigeons b)cats c)squirrels d)ravens

8. Whose things are these: a top hat, a magnifying glass, a violin?

a)Robin Hood b)Alfred the Great c)Sherlock Holmes d)Winston Churchill

9. In 1979 Margaret Thatcher became Britain’s first woman Prime Minister. What was her nickname?

a)Lady n Red b)Paper Lady c)Iron Lady d)Pearl Lady

10. To make it you need about six meters of tartan

a)kilt b)a bagpipe c)haggis d)whisky

II. Choose the most suitable word given for each blank.


One of the most exciting predictions I have heard _____(1) the twenty-first century is that we will be living longer and longer. Scientists will have ____(2) up with a cure for a lot of the most ____(3) diseases that people die of at the moment. They say that ____(4) the year 2020, the average person’s life-span will have ____(5) to one hundred years. They also ____(6) that work will take ____(7) less of our lives and we will have more ____(8) time to spend. Robots, which will look more and more ____(9) human beings, will have taken ____(10) a lot of the boring everyday ____(11) we do today. In the next five years, the Japanese will have ____(12) a robot that understands human speech. This will ____(13) about a big change in the way we live, and some people see robots as a ____(14) to human freedom. They are afraid that we will not be ____(15) to control them and that in the end, they will control us.

(1) a) to b) about c)across d)up

(2) a)turned b)made c)come d)found

(3) a)common b)usual c)everyday d)known

(4) a)until b)by c)up to d)on

(5) a)gone b)come c)turned d)risen

(6) a)predict b)tell c)wait d)advise

(7) a)on b)over c)up d)away

(8) a)break b)enjoy c)fun d)free

(9) a)as b)like c)similar d)how

(10) a)up b)off c)over d)in

(11) a)jobs b)works c)employment d)occupations

(12) a)discovered b)found c)done d)invented

(13) a)bring b)turn c)take d)come

(14) a)damage b)dream c)threat d)problem

(15) a)reaching b)able c)manage d)succeed

III. Give Russian equivalents to the following English proverbs.

1.A watched pot never boils.

2.Birds of a feather flock together.

3.Make hay while the sun shines.

4.Misfortunes never come singly.

5.Out of sight, out of mind.

Name :

    Fill in for, on, by where necessary

He prefers travelling_________car, but now he is going _____foot.

I want to leave________ my job, because I leave________ St.Petersburg ______Moscow.

Yesterday we went to Moscow … train.

    Fill in the where necessary

Do you know where ______Galapagos Islands is? Is it in ___Pacific Ocean, ____Atlantic Ocean or in ______Mediterranean Sea?

Are they from ______USA?

No? I think they are from ______Canada!

Two years ago I was in_____ Sahara Desert.

    Complete the sentences using

He is speaking very quietly, I can’t hear _____

I cut my finger ______

Tomorrow they’ll go to school ______

She has been living by_________ since she was eighteen.

    Translate into English

Вам следует сдать багаж в багажное отделение.

Вы должны заполнить таможенную декларацию.

Наш рейс уже объявлен.

    Answer the question:

Name :

    Fill in for, on, by where necessary

It’s already late. You will go _____ foot.

I like travelling ______air, but I’ve never gone _______helicopter.

He’s just left _____home ____Moscow.

    Fill in the where necessary

Have you ever been to ______Berlin?

No, but I was in_______ New York three years ago.

Do you know where ______ Bermuda Triangle is? Is it in _____Pacific Ocean, _____Indian Ocean or in ______ Black Sea?

Ontario is a very big and beautiful lake.

    Complete the sentences using myself, himself, herself, itself, yourself, ourselves, themselves, yourselves

I don’t think the teenagers are able to plan their future________

My friend and I go to work together but today I’m going by ________

My brother doesn’t cook ________

When we go to our friends we make __________at home.

    Translate into English

Вы можете посмотреть номер места на посадочном талоне.

Вы должны пройти паспортный контроль.

Самолет взлетает через 5 минут.

    Answer the question: What ways of travelling do you prefer? Why?

Тесты для проверки усвоения лексики по теме "Travelling", где необходимо выбрать подходящий по смыслу синоним и вставить его в предложение. (Уровень elementary для студентов 2-го курса, 4 варианта заданий).

Включают в себя такие лексические единицы - journey, voyage, flight, cruise, trip, tour, hitch-hiking.

Просмотр содержимого документа
«Проверочные тесты к теме "Travelling"»

Variant # 1 Name____________________________________________ Class__________

1) I’d like to go on a sea ___________ , but my wife isn’t a good sailor. So we can’t join you.

2) It is so pleasant to come ashore (сойти на берег) after a long ___________ and feel solid ground under your foot.


3) Have you ever taken a holiday _____________ along the Black Sea coast ?


4) I go to work by trolleybus and the ____________ takes me 25 minutes.


Variant # 2 Name____________________________________________ Class__________

I. Fill in appropriate words (consult the list of synonyms: journey, voyage, flight, cruise, trip, tour, hitch-hiking). Translate the sentences from E into R.

1) Last week we made a wonderful ___________ to mountains . It took us 4 hours by coach.


2) Many times on his long ______________ in the depths of Africa, in the jungle of the Amazon he faced (столкнулся) danger, starvation and death.


3) Take some books to read on the plane during the ______________ .


4) We are planning a ______________ round Europe and visit some Baltic resorts.


II. Here are directions from airport to John’s house.

When you arrive at the airport, take a number 10 bus to the station. Then take a train to Bigtown. The journey takes an hour and you get off the train at the second stop. Take a taxi from the station to John’s house.

Now write directions from the airport to your house.


Variant # 3 Name____________________________________________ Class__________

I. Fill in appropriate words (consult the list of synonyms: journey, voyage, flight, cruise, trip, tour, hitch-hiking). Translate the sentences from E into R.

1) The Italian _____________ was really exiting. We visited a lot of wonderful tows and sights.


2) I’m just reading a very amusing book about a pleasant party making a Caribbean _______________ in somebody’s yacht.


3) I’ve never made a __________________ because I have a sea sickness.


4) _________________ is a new way of travelling which gives you a chance to see a lot of places with no money.


II. Here are directions from airport to John’s house.

When you arrive at the airport, take a number 10 bus to the station. Then take a train to Bigtown. The journey takes an hour and you get off the train at the second stop. Take a taxi from the station to John’s house.

Now write directions from the airport to your house.


Variant # 4 Name____________________________________________ Class__________

I. Fill in appropriate words (consult the list of synonyms: journey, voyage, flight, cruise, trip, tour, hitch-hiking). Translate the sentences from E into R.

1) The ___________________ back to Moscow by railway took us about three days.


2) Young people are fond of _______________ as a way of visiting new places and seeing things: it is cheap and gives one a feeling of freedom .


3) You are looking pale. A ________________ to the seaside will do you good.


4) They told me Nick is going on a ______________ to the Far East.


II. Here are directions from airport to John’s house.

When you arrive at the airport, take a number 10 bus to the station. Then take a train to Bigtown. The journey takes an hour and you get off the train at the second stop. Take a taxi from the station to John’s house.

Now write directions from the airport to your house.
