Frequently перевод на русский язык.

The bicyclists must be hydrated frequently. 

Велосипедистам необходимо часто пить воду. ☰

The teacher disciplined the pupils rather frequently. 

Учитель частенько наказывал учеников. ☰

No bowel is more frequently mutilated than the brain. 

Ни один из внутренних органов человека не подвергается столь частым травмам, как головной мозг. ☰

Tension began to build as they argued more frequently. 

Они ссорились всё чаще, и напряжение начало постепенно нарастать. ☰

Donna could tear your work to pieces, and frequently did. 

Донна могла беспощадно раскритиковать чужую работу, что частенько и делала. ☰

Our oddball uncle frequently lets himself into our house without knocking. 

Наш чудаковатый дядя часто заходит к нам в дом без стука. ☰

Barred Owl is frequently observed flying during day. 

Полосатую сову можно часто видеть и днем. ☰

An editor"s deletions frequently upset young authors. 

Редакторские правки часто огорчают молодых литераторов. ☰

His opinions appeared frequently on the editorial page. 

Его точка зрения часто появлялась на редакционной полосе газеты. ☰

Employees are frequently hired on the recommendation of a friend in the company. 

The snow upon steep mountain-sides frequently slips and rolls down in avalanches. 

Снег на крутых горных склонах часто соскальзывает и лавиной скатывается вниз. ☰

Black bombazine is frequently used for mourning garments. 

Чёрный бомбазин часто используется для траурных одежд. ☰

A protectorate has frequently been a first step to annexation. 

Протекторат зачастую является первым шагом к аннексии. ☰

New products frequently just cannibalize sales of existing goods. 

Новые товары часто просто каннибализируют продажи существующих товаров. ☰

The Prime Minister was frequently lampooned in political cartoons. 

Премьер-министра часто высмеивали в политических карикатурах. ☰

This ordinance was frequently by synecdoche spoken of as the Breaking of Bread. 

Этот обряд часто называли с помощью синекдохи "преломление хлебов". ☰

Protected by a fully enclosed backyard, the couple would frequently sunbathe in the buff. 

Этот пикантный ситком часто высмеивает именно тех ханжей, которые хотели бы, чтобы его сняли с эфира. ☰

If people took the simple preventive of frequently washing their hands, the spread of germs could be greatly reduced. 

Если бы люди применяли такое простое профилактическое средство, как частое мытьё рук, то распространение микробов можно было бы значительно уменьшить.

Jane frequently mentions the books she has been reading.
Джейн часто упоминает книги, которые читает.

It frequently happens here.
Здесь это часто случается.

She frequently gets sugar and salt mixed up.
Она часто путает сахар и соль.

I frequently talk to her.
Я часто с ней разговариваю.

I frequently correspond with her.
Я часто переписываюсь с ней.

Tom frequently wears a hat.
Том часто носит шляпу.

I frequently talk to him.
Я часто с ним разговариваю.

Tom is frequently late for school.
Том часто опаздывает в школу.

He frequently jumps from one topic to another while he is talking.
Во время разговора он часто перескакивает с тему на тему.

There are frequently earthquakes in Japan.
В Японии часто бывают землетрясения.

I frequently recall my happy childhood.
Я часто вспоминаю о своём счастливом детстве.

How frequently do you fart?
Как часто вы пердите?

The lazy man frequently neglects his duties.
Ленивый человек часто пренебрегает своими обязанностями.

In music or speaking, a pause is frequently used for dramatic effect.
В музыке и в речи пауза часто делается для достижения драматического эффекта.

Although in common usage, this word is frequently mispronounced.
Хотя в обыденной речи это слово часто произносится неправильно.

I frequently go to the islands of Menorca and Ibiza.
Я часто езжу на остров Менорка и на остров Ибица.

I frequently talk to them.
Я часто с ними разговариваю.

My daughter frequently experienced asthma attacks as a child.
Моя дочь часто испытывала приступы астмы в детстве.

It scares me that we have frequently had earthquakes lately.
Мне пугает то, что в последнее время у нас часты землетрясения.

Tyrannical governments frequently gaol their political opponents.
Деспотические правительства часто сажают в тюрьму своих политических оппонентов.

She was frequently late for school.
Она часто опаздывала в школу.

Earthquakes frequently hit Japan.
В Японии часто случаются землетрясения.

Tom frequently talks in his sleep.
Том часто разговаривает во сне.

Fre*quent*ly, adv. At frequent or short intervals; many times; often; repeatedly; commonly. … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

frequently - index invariably Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary

frequently - 1530s, from FREQUENT (Cf. frequent) + LY (Cf. ly) (2) … Etymology dictionary

frequently - *often, oft, oftentimes Antonyms: rarely, seldom … New Dictionary of Synonyms

frequently - commonly, repeatedly again and again*, as a rule*, at regular intervals, at short intervals, at times, by ordinary, customarily, every now and then*, generally, habitually, in many instances*, in quick succession, intermittently, many a… … New thesaurus

frequently - adv. at frequent or brief intervals; often … English World dictionary

frequently - frequent UK US /ˈfriːkwənt/ adjective happening or doing something often: »A frequent criticism of the proposal has been its high cost. »Thomas is a frequent presenter at trade conventions. frequently adverb »He meets with his manager less… … Financial and business terms

frequently - adv. Frequently is used with these adjectives: subject, used Frequently is used with these verbs: appear, arise, call, cite, claim, clash, complain, consult, crit … Collocations dictionary

frequently - fre|quent|ly [ frikwəntli ] adverb *** often: He has frequently been compared to Michael Jackson. The ten most frequently asked questions are listed below. ─ opposite RARELY, SELDOM … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

frequently */*/*/ - UK [ˈfriːkwəntlɪ] / US [ˈfrɪkwəntlɪ] adverb often He has frequently been compared to Michael Jackson. The ten most frequently asked questions are listed below … English dictionary

frequently*/*/ - [ˈfriːkwəntli] adv often Ant: rarely, seldom He has frequently been compared to Michael Jackson. The ten most frequently asked questions are listed below. … Dictionary for writing and speaking English


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