Злоключение suggestion box html. Google Suggest в стиле HTML5

Odds are, your office or business serves customers on a regular basis. Having the interaction between you and the customer more pleasant can make the difference between a miserable day and a great one. If you don"t know how to make your interactions with others more pleasant, try adding a suggestion box to your business.

Prepare your suggestion box. If you are using a physical box, cut a hole in the box large enough to drop in slips of paper, but not large enough to take them back out with any amount of ease. Make sure the box fits in whatever area you intend to place it. If you are using virtual suggestion box software, configure it to send you emails when users send suggestions.

Place a sign prominently at your office letting customers know you want suggestions to improve your service. Make sure the sign is large enough to be easily seen by the customers.

Place slips of paper and pencils beside or on top of the suggestion box, if you are using a physical suggestion box. Make sure users have everything they need to make suggestions. If you are using virtual suggestion box software, provide your web or email address on slips of paper for users to take with them.

Set up a schedule to regularly check your suggestion box, then leave it alone. The idea of a suggestion box is not to consume all your time as you obsess over its contents. Simply let it do its job. Check on it at the end of the week.

Resist the urge to become defensive when you read the suggestions. If your customers think you take too long to provide service, even if you are moving as fast as you can, take the customer suggestion into consideration. Consider what the customer is telling you about his experience, don"t focus on the negative words he uses.

Follow up with the customer to discuss the problem further, if the customer left a name and phone number or email address on his suggestion. After you have implemented changes to address his suggestions, let the customer know. This goes a long way toward customers feeling free to leave suggestions.


Do not create a suggestion box if you have no intention of listening to the suggestions. You are likely to create ill will from customers and cause yourself frustration-all toward no positive goal.

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A suggestion box is a great way for management to learn more about ways to improve their office and their business. Many businesses have them, but implementing the suggestion box appropriately can be a little tricky. To make sure that you get good feedback through the suggestion box, there are a few steps that can be taken.

Choose a box to be used as the suggestion box. Some businesses simply cut a slit into a shoebox, but something a little more lasting is recommended. A locking metal box with a narrow opening is a good choice.

Choose a good place for the box, such as a high-traffic area that is not formally monitored. Also think about whether you want to make the suggestion box available to the public as well as your employees.

Label the box using markers. You also can cover the box with paper and then label it for a more friendly look.

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Announce the suggestion box. Though everyone knows what a suggestion box is, and how it is used, formally announcing it will help your employees start to think about it.

Ensure anonymity. Tell your employees that their suggestions will be held in strictest confidence and that no one is going to try to figure out who said what. This can help more nervous employees who are worried that they are making unpopular suggestions.

Promise that all suggestions will be read by at least two managers. No one is going to submit ideas to a suggestion box that they feel is ignored.

Reward good suggestions. If someone signs a suggestion and it is implemented, give them a bonus or a prize. It might not be a major prize, but it shows that the company appreciates the ideas that are being offered.

Post the suggestions where others can see them. If your company sends out a newsletter, sending out a list of received suggestions, whether they are amusing or serious, can be fun. It can create a feeling of community among your employees and it can promote discussion.


You also might choose to incorporate an online suggestion box that is available to both employees and customers.

Great ideas can come from anywhere, and smart business owners will take advantage of this to improve their bottom line. You may have no shortage of helpful suggestions (and some that might be less than helpful) when you first open your business, but that well will eventually dry up. Profitable companies are always open to change, but the challenge is often finding the right direction for the change to go. Putting up a suggestion box, either for your employees or your customers, is one sure way to get a creative mix of ideas to consider.

Creating an Employee Suggestion System

Want to create a loyal workforce? Give your employees a sense of belonging and the feeling that you value their input. Workers who feel they are part of a company are naturally less likely to leave than those who are unhappy and feeling isolated. As countless company owners have found, one great way to connect with workers is by implementing an employee suggestion system.

More than the traditional locked wooden box mounted outside the office door, these systems are responsive techniques for encouraging feedback and rewarding great suggestions. You can create a similar program by encouraging your employees to write down suggestions based on their daily observances in the business, and by putting a reward system into effect for those suggestions that you use to good effect.

The advantages of having such a system are twofold: improving employee morale and increasing the possibility of finding great business concepts. When workers see you using their ideas to improve the business, it instills in them a great sense of pride. The rewards are just icing on the cake.

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Employee suggestion systems aren"t all good news, though. They can be a bit labor intensive, especially if you want to give serious thought to every suggestion that comes into the system. Someone must vet these ideas, after all. Also, this system is often a magnet for unhappy or troublemaking employees. Every business owner has met one: the worker who"s never happy and is always complaining, regardless of the circumstances. This person is bad enough for morale when left alone with the group; adding her contributions to the suggestion system can waste time better spent on legitimate attempts to help.

Asking the Public for Suggestions

Every successful business was built on giving the customer what he wanted or needed. Even if you have a fabulous bottom line, your customers" needs will change over time. If you want to get ahead of the curve and change in time to take advantage of their new needs, you need to find out what they want. The best way to find this out is to ask them.

The traditional customer suggestion box has all but disappeared, to be replaced by various systems online. From classic review sites like Yelp! and TripAdvisor to dedicated pages on company websites, businesses are taking their suggestion requests to homes and mobile devices.

Set up any system for gathering customer thoughts and you"ll most likely end up with more ideas than you can use. The comparatively large size of the internet guarantees you"ll have more people looking at your site and possibly willing to contribute. You"re likely to get suggestions from people of all ages, cultures and financial backgrounds, giving you a better chance at finding unique business ideas. Customers are generally happy to give you their thoughts for free, as well, and are happy with a small reward if you decide to implement any of their suggestions.

Setting up a system for customer suggestions isn"t all positive, though. Sifting through the larger amounts of material you find online can take up a lot of time and mental effort. The internet can be completely anonymous, making malicious suggestion writers a real possibility. It"s likely you"ll get a certain percentage of trolls and people trying to be funny, mixed in with the serious customers, and you"ll have to weed them out before considering any suggestions. Finally, in this litigious world, it"s a great idea to put a legal disclaimer on all suggestion boxes open to the public, stating that any idea left on your page immediately becomes your property. Give out surprise rewards if you want, but never give anyone the expectation that they deserve a part of your success.

A suggestion box is a common tool in business to get information about quality of the business from the customer or employee standpoint. The typical suggestion box is a box into which people could insert notes, ideas for business improvement or surveys. Lots of other suggestion forums exist, and these include many virtual online boxes, mail-in survey forms, or suggestion bulletin boards.

It’s important to differentiate the suggestion box concept as used by employees or customers. Employee suggestions reveal a lot about relations with employers and even can create a forum for suggestions on how to improve . Some employees can be concerned that negative criticisms of an employer could result in difficult consequences. To this end, many employers keep the suggestion box anonymous, as long as employees remain respectful. Suggestions from anonymous employees could give employers a strong sense of how effectively they interact with employees.

The customer suggestion box gives companies a way to determine . Implementing some suggestions makes customers feel that their opinions count, and there are usually plenty of suggestions to choose from that are useful. In fact, some companies ask if they can use the customer’s name when they make a change, so that they can show in other literature like flyers that they really are there to serve the customer. Failure to address the suggestion box contents could have an adverse effect, but even if suggestions aren’t always taken, customers may still feel more loyalty to companies by being given the power to suggest, praise, and censure.

Social media and Web 2.0 applications have taken the suggestion box to a different level, helping organizations gauge customer interaction on a variety of fronts at a variety of times. Many websites offer many ways to make a comment, ask a question or report problems with use. Some sites also have surveys that can be taken before, during or after use that can be analyzed to find methods of increasing customer satisfaction. These tools work best if they’re relatively brief and easy to use. If all it takes to report trouble on a website is the click of a button, chances are that the button will be clicked more often.

Businesses that use any form of survey in place of the suggestion box need to be aware of two factors. First, they will likely get the most responses from people who are strongly opposed or in support of a business practice. This is a self-selected survey and most people without strong feeling one way or the other will not take the time to fill these out. Therefore, results have to be viewed as representing extreme points of view.

Second, any form has to be short. Most people won’t take long surveys because it wastes time, and there are too many companies making similar requests. By making something short and possibly offering an incentive, such as a discount, customers may more readily comply with an invitation to rate the company or offer suggestions.