Топик Hobbies, Leisure time.

Топик "Leisure time" для сдачи экзамена по английскому в школе

Everybody sometimes has a free time. Somebody prefers only to sleep at their leisure time, but most of us prefer to do a great number of interesting things. It may be reading, various types of sport games, watching TV, listening to music and so on. If we have a few day or a week we prefer to go to the attractive places. Many people think that pupils and students have too much leisure time, but in my opinion, they are wrong. We are very busy. Many pupils have six or seven lessons a day and go to school five or six days a week. Even during weekends we learn our lessons. And we just have no time to go somewhere. Those who are older are working after school or institute. As for me, a large part of my free time is devoted to reading. I like to read books about other countries, other times and other worlds. Also I read books about history of our country. Besides reading I like walking. My friends and I often walk in different beautiful and interesting places. But my favorite hobby is travelling. Usually I travel in summer and often it is a trip to the south, to the warm sea. I think all people must have other occupations besides their basic work, because it extends the boundaries of the familiar world and teaches us something new about people and things.

Сочинение по английскому на тему Свободное время предназначается для учеников общеобразовательных школ. Оно может послужить 7-8 классам, изучающим тему хобби и свободного времени. В топике указано, что свободное время и отдых имеют очень важное значение для нас. Такое сочинение на тему Свободное время на английском языке можно использовать как образец для написания домашних заданий или классных работ.

Topic "Leisure time"

There is an English proverb:«All work and no play make Jack a dull boy». It means that every person needs some rest after working days. Leisure time is your free time from any necessary work, the time you spend on your own and with your relatives and friends. You do not think about any homework or housework. You can also spend this time for hobbies. Your hobby depends on your mood and taste. Moreover, you leave away day-to-day activities and begin to have fun.

Nowadays, people work a lot and rarely even want to dedicate some time for relaxing. Still when you have some, try to spend it to your advantage and do what you really like to do. There are many possible ways to plan your spare time and I would like to emphasize two of them.

One is to perform some physical actions such as to go in for sports, for example, play football, basketball, volleyball. Another one includes relaxing at home while doing a specific leisure time activities as knitting, doing handicrafts or gardening. All physical or manual work involves muscles work. It helps you to be fit and healthy.

Some prefer watching TV, going out with friends or just sleeping all day long; other adore to go to the mountains or to the seaside and enjoy the beauty of nature and keeping in touch with it. When you have free time, you may also read books, visit the museums, cinemas, parks or exhibitions. A lot of people like traveling and spend all their time discovering new countries and cultures. It enriches them, gives an opportunity for self-development.

Leisure time and hobbies are very important for human’s well-being. As for me, whatever way of relaxing you choose, it must help you find new forces and the desire for life. Hobbies are meant to bring a spiritual and mental satisfaction. They help people to enjoy life.

Топик "Свободное время"

Существует английская пословица: «Только работа и никаких развлечений делают Джека скучным парнем». Это значит, что каждому человеку нужен отдых после рабочих дней. Время отдыха - это свободное от любой необходимой работы время, время, которое вы можете потратить на свое усмотрение, со своими родными и друзьями. Вы не думаете о домашних обязанностях и заданиях. Вы так же можете потратить это время на хобби. Хобби зависят от вашего настроения и вкусов. Больше того - вы оставляете далеко от себя ежедневную рутину и начинаете наслаждаться.

В наше время люди очень много работают и часто даже не хотят посвятить время отдыху. Все же когда у вас оно есть - попытайтесь провести его с пользой для себя и сделать то, что вам действительно нравится. Существует много возможных способов, как организовать свободное время и я бы хотел выделить два из них.

Один - это осуществление некоторых физических действий, то есть занятие спортом - футболом, баскетболом, волейболом и т.д. Второй включает отдых дома, выполнение таких специфических для свободного времени занятий как - вязание, рукоделие, или садоводство. Физические занятия и ручная работа вовлекают работу мышц, что помогает быть стройным и здоровым.

Некоторые предпочитают смотреть телевизор, гулять с друзьями или спять целый день напролет; другие обожают ехать в горы или к морю, наслаждаться красотой природы и ощущать свою связь с ней. Когда у вас есть свободное время, вы можете почитать книги, посетить музеи, кинотеатры, парки или выставки. Многие люди любят путешествовать и все время посвящают на открытие новых стран и культур. Это обогащает их и дает возможность саморазвития.

Свободное время и хобби очень важны для хорошего самочувствия человека. Я считаю, что, какой бы способ времяпрепровождения вы не выбрали, оно должно помочь вам найти новые силы и желание жить. Хобби предназначены для того, чтобы принести духовное и умственное наслаждение. Они помогают людям наслаждаться жизнью.


What do old and young do in their leisure time ? What do young people in different countries prefer to do ?

Leisure is time spent in non-compulsory activities. Because leisure time is free from compulsory activities such as work, study, household duties, eating and sleeping, it is often referred to as "free time". The ideas of leisure and leisure time are thought to have emerged in the late 19th century with the rise of mechanized industry, when the increase in productivity of labour resulted in the fact that workers had some time to spend on themselves.

They started doing sports and visiting theatres. Since then the idea of leisure time and relaxation has been popular with all the age groups and social classes. Old and young, rich and poor have been using their free time for rest and entertainment. The ways people spend their leisure time normally differ according to the age group: middle-aged and old people normally prefer more passive kind of rest like watching TV or going to the theatre, or sometimes gardening, younger people enjoy more active pastimes like doing extreme sports, visiting night clubs and discos or travelling. However, the idea of active leisure like doing sports or travelling is gaining popularity with the older people, too.

So the basic leisure time activities of the young are travelling, doing sports including extreme sports, visiting discos and night clubs or more passive ways of recreation like listening to music or watching TV and videos, and surfing the Internet. Teenagers normally prefer to do extreme sports, that is sports featuring speed, height and danger as they lead to the so-called "adrenaline rush9 in participants. They wish to push themselves to the limits of their physical ability and fear, and push the boundaries of a particular sport, such as bungee jumping, climbing, white-water rafting, surfing, windsurfing and many others. Their tastes in music are normally different kinds of popular music associated with youth subcultures, such as hard rock, hip-hop or rap, punk rock, psychedelic rock and the like. In watching TV and videos or going to the cinema, they prefer film genres which are full of action, movement, colour, cinema effects and have a good soundtrack. They normally like action films, comedies, musicals, thrillers and cartoons.

Sometimes the ways young people spend their free time varies according to the country, as they sometimes depend on national traditions. For example, in the USA young people normally like different types of popular culture which originated in their country like blues, different kinds of rock, country music and hip hop in music and pop art in fine arts. The sports they are doing are more often than not those which originated in America like baseball, auto-racing, basketball, and board-based recreational sports - surfboarding, skateboarding and snowboarding. American youngsters are fond of eating out and eat a lot of junk food like hambuigers and cheeseburgers and drink Coca-cola or Pepsi. British youngsters are really fond of watching football matches and sorts of races such as horse-racing, boat-racing and even dog-racing, as well as playing football, rugby and golf and taking part in races. They are really fond of pets and often spend some time in the evening taking their dog for a walk. In going out for the evening, they still prefer pubs to restaurants, bars and cafes. In music, their tastes are nearly the same as those of their American peers. In Germany young people prefer drinking beer when meeting their friends and spending much time doing various sports. In Spain many youngsters, as well as older people, are fond of watching bullfighting. In France they like listening to French chanson.


What do you like doing in your free time?

As for me, I prefer to spend my free time doing three things: doing swimming, pursuing my hobby which is collecting rare books, or listening to music in which I prefer jazz and classical music. Doing sports (I have been doing swimming since I was 7) helps me keep fit and be always in high spirits, as well as build up stamina and get tempered. The first reason why I collect books is that I am really keen on reading: Books open to me a whole world of events and people. The second one is that collecting rare books is getting to know history better. Reading a book is getting information about the period it describes, feeling its atmosphere and getting to know historical figures of the period.

I enjoy listening to music, as music helps me relax and relieve stress. When I listen to music, classical, jazz, rap or any other type of music I enjoy, I forget about the troubles of everyday life; music provides an escape from everyday problems. Stress melts away as I am taken in by the beauty of the music. It can help me feel calm and deeply relaxed. Secondly, music affects my emotions. Each type of music sets distinct mood and changes mine. Whether I am feeling sad, frustrated or confused, I listen to merry or tender music, and my mood shifts. I can"t say I prefer to listen to some definite kind of music all the time. The choice of music I listen to depends on my state of mind and mood. I can tell you what kind of music I prefer to listen to when I feel depressed, and it is jazz. The first reason why I do it is that jazz music usually has a powerful rhythm, so it is a kind of music that fills you with energy and strength. Secondly, it provides a brilliant combination of instrumental tunes and voice, which creates unforgettable harmony. Jazz immediately carries me away from my troubles, fills me with hope and joy, even though its tunes are often sad. I enjoy listening to classical music, too, Firstly, I like it for the complexity of the musical harmony it offers. Modern popular music, such as pop or rock is much more primitive in melody. Secondly, the emotions classical music evokes are much stronger and deeper; they carry me away to the time when the piece of music I am listening to was composed.


A thing we do in our free time for recreation and pleasure is called a hobby. Hobbies are practiced for interest and enjoyment, rather than for money. What are hobbies for some people are professions for others: a game tester may enjoy cooking as a hobby, while a professional chef might enjoy playing computer games. Generally speaking, the person who does something for fun, not remuneration, is called an amateur (or hobbyist), as distinct from a professional. Engaging in a hobby can lead to acquiring substantial skill, knowledge, and experience. A lot of celestial bodies and events have been discovered by amateur astronomers. However, the aim of a hobby is pleasure and personal fulfillment.

While some hobbies strike many people as trivial or boring, hobbyists find something entertaining about them. In fact, anything can be a hobby, from collecting stamps and board games to doing extreme sports and making model airplanes.

Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Время, когда человек свободен от обязательной деятельности, такой как работа, домашние обязанности, образование, еда, и сон, называется свободным временем.
2. Понятие свободного времени появилось в XIX веке с развитием механизации в промышленности, когда рабочие смогли посвящать больше времени отдыху.
3. Идея отдыха популярна среди всех возрастных групп и классов общества.
4. Люди среднего возраста и пожилые люди обычно предпочитают более пассивные виды отдыха, более молодые люди получают удовольствие от более активных занятий, таких как занятия экстремальными видами спорта, путешествия, посещения диско и ночных клубов и некоторых более пассивных занятий, таких как просмотр видео или интернет.
5. Экстремальные виды спорта - это виды спорта, которые отличает скорость, высота и опасность, вызывающие так называемый «выброс адреналина» у участников, которые заставляют себя достичь пределов своих физических возможностей и страха.
6. Их вкусы в музыке - различные виды музыки, которые ассоциируются с молодежными субкультурами, такие как тяжелый рок, рэп, панк-рок, психоделический рок и тому подобное.
7. Они предпочитают жанры фильмов, которые полны действия и киноэффектов и у которых хорошее звуковое сопровождение, такие как фильмы-боевики, комедии, мюзиклы, триллеры и мультфильмы.
8. Молодежь США предпочитает блюз, рок, музыку кантри и хип-хоп, бейсбол, автогонки, баскетбол и виды спорта, основанные на применении доски, а также высококалорийную пищу с низкой питательной ценностью.
9. Британские молодые люди любят домашних животных, пабы и традиционные британские виды спорта; испанские молодые люди любят смотреть бой быков.
10. Я предпочитаю проводить свое свободное время, занимаясь своим хобби (собирание редких книг), слушая джаз или занимаясь плаванием, что помогает мне быть в хорошей форме и всегда в хорошем настроении, воспитывать выносливость и закаляться.
11. Музыка помогает мне расслабиться и снять стресс, который тает, когда меня захватывает музыка, она дает возможность уйти от повседневных проблем и создает определенное настроение.
12. У джаза мощный ритм, который наполняет энергией и силой, он представляет собой блестящее сочетание инструментальных мелодий и голоса, что создает незабываемую гармонию.
13. Я люблю классическую музыку за сложность музыкальной гармонии, которую она предлагает, и за те чувства, которые она вызывает.
14. Хобби занимаются скорее ради интереса, удовольствия и личного удовлетворения, чем из-за вознаграждения, хотя занятия хобби может привести к получению значительных навыков, знаний и опыта.

1. A time when a person is free from compulsory activities such as work, household duties, education, eating and sleeping is called free time or leisure time.
2. The notion of leisure time emerged in the 19th century with the rise of mechanised industry when workers could give more time to recreation and leisure.
3. The idea of relaxation is popular with all the age groups and social classes.
4. Middle-aged and old people normally prefer more passive kinds of rest, younger people enjoy more active pastimes like doing extreme sports, travelling, visiting discos and night clubs, and some more passive leisure time activities like watching videos or surfing the Internet.
5. Extreme sports are sports featuring speed, height and danger and leading to the so-called "adrenaline rush" in participants who push themselves to the limits of their physical ability and fear.
6. Their tastes in music are different kinds of music associated with youth subcultures, such as hard rock, rap, punk rock, psychedelic rock and the like.
7. They prefer film genres which are full of action and cinema effects and have a good soundtrack, like action films, comedies, musicals, thrillers and cartoons.
8. The US youngsters prefer blues, rock, country music and hip hop, baseball, auto-racing, basketball and board-based sports, as well as junk food.
9. British youngsters are fond of pets, pubs and traditional British sports; Spanish young people like watching bullfighting.
10. I prefer to spend my free time pursuing my hobby- collecting rare books, listening to jazz and classical music or doing swimming which helps me keep fit, be always in high spirits, build up my stamina and get tempered.
11. Music helps me relax and relieve stress which melts away as I am taken in by the beauty of the music, it provides an escape from everyday problems and sets distinct mood.
12. Jazz has a powerful rhythm, which fills you with energy and strength, provides a brilliant combination of instrumental tunes and voice, which creates unforgettable harmony
13. I like classical music for the complexity of the musical harmony it offers and the emotions it evokes.
14. Hobbies are practised for interest and enjoyment and personal fulfilment, rather than for remuneration, though engaging in a hobby can lead to acquiring substantial skill, knowledge, and experience.

Из пособия "ЕГЭ. Английский язык. Устные темы" Занина Е.Л. (2010, 272с.) - Part one. English examination topics. Forms 9/11.

What do you usually do in your leisure time?

Unfortunately, as I have not had much free time this year, I have done my best to spend it wisely. It is known, that people can do all kinds of things in their spare time. They go shopping, play football, collect records or stamps. Of course, some of the time activities, like visiting relatives or taking driving lessons, may not be fun. In big cities people spend their free time by going to the theatre, cinema, museums, art galleries, concert hall, fitness or disco clubs. When I have some free time I can choose any of them. But when the weather is fine, I like to go for a walk along the boulevards and streets of the city with my friends, enjoying its architecture.

A re you fond of collecting anything?

No, I am not. I have not enough time to collect anything. My friend collects coins. His collection is rather rich. Coins of different countries are gathered there. Moreover, he has a lot of books devoted to numismatics and albums picturing the coin collections of different museums.

What do you think about it?

Everyone has the right to collect various, even the most unusual things, if it gives sense to his or her life. People collect paintings, stamps, match boxes, bottles, cans, buttons, books, etc. I know that girls are fond of collecting dolls. Some of them do not give it up even when they are of age. In their spare time people can read books, listen to their favourite music, invite their friends to a cafe or a park, or watch TV. Watching TV is also a popular leisure activity. Sometimes it is pleasant to be entertained without leaving the apartment. But excessive TV watching deprives a person of his initiative. Very often TV addicts are governed by television.

Do you have the same problems?

No, I don"t. We turn on our television to watch only selected programmes. In my leisure time I read books, go to the theatre or cinema.

Do you like to go to the theatre?

Do you often go to the theatre?

No, I do not. I do not often go to the theatre. If I have a chance, I prefer to go to the Bolshoi Theatre, Mali Theatre or Art Theatre. I like conventional rendering of the classical ballets, op eras and plays. The tradition of Russian realist theatre was exemplified in the work of Konstantin Stanislavsky of the Moscow Art Theatre. The leading theatre companies of ballet are the Bolshoi in Moscow and Mariinsky in St. Petersburg. Russian ballet had a formative role in Western dance through a number of figures, such as Sergey Diaghilev and Vaslav Nijinsky.

Do you like ballet?

Yes, I do. Once saw a ballet "Giselle". The performance with its beautiful music, designs and cast was perfect. My concentration and enjoyment were intense. I also saw some new ballets with music from "outerspace", with dancers resembling mysteriously lit sculptural images, and severely geometrical de signs, and I can not say that I delighted in them. I prefer classical performances.

What do you expect when you go to the theatre?

When I go to the theatre I expect more than just fun of it. I want to see some actors I"ve heard of or a new version of the classical play. Recently I"ve seen the theatrical adaptation of Oscar Wilde"s "Picture of Dorian Gray". It is excellent. If you want a thought provoking evening at the theatre, that"s the one you want to see. But most of all like to go to the cinema.

Is it your hobby?

Yes. It is one of my hobbies.

What kind of films do you like to see?

I delight in seeing all kinds of films: comedies, love-stories, thrillers, westerns, war films, and cartoons. I like films if they are exciting. I do not like horror films because of their frightening moments even if they are superbly made and the acting is marvellous.

What are your favourite films?

One time I liked films directed by James Cameron. When I was younger I saw his heavy-metal Sci-Fi "Terminator" and "Terminator 2" several times. The special effects were wonderful and important to the success of the films. I took pleasure in ferociously exciting "Aliens". I liked his "Titanic" too. "Titanic" was no mere disaster movie. It was an epic love story. Cameron"s "Romeo and Juliet" on a sinking ship became an international sensation.

What other films have impressed you?

I was really impressed by two movies - "Gladiator" and "Pearl Harbour". "Gladiator" is a very amazing movie. Well photographed and directed it is really the best movie of the past decade. It is really magnificent. The fight scenes were great, and the characters were well developed. The screenplay is excellent. It is a sweeping story of courage and revenge. Russell Crowe is fabulous as Maximus. His portrayal of the major character is superb. His leadership, confidence, skill and heart are persuasive. In the first minutes, I completely realized the utter devotion that Maximus secured from his men, and his Caesar. I am actually keen to see it again, just to catch those things I missed while trying to keep up with it all. I would love to see all those sweeping views of Rome and the wonderful statues through the city. As for "Pearl Harbour", unfortunately it tried to be a war movie and a love story at the same time, and whilst "Titanic" knew when to stop with the love story and focus on the tragedy, "Pearl Harbour" was not capable of achieving the same distinction. It does not mean that I did not enjoy "Pearl Harbour". I want to say that the movie had the potential to be so much more than it actually was.

Do you like to read books?

Yes, I do. I am fond of reading books.

What books do you like to read?

I am fond of science fiction.

When did this form of fiction develop?

This form of fiction developed in the 20th century. It deals with the impact of actual or imagined science upon society or individuals. This term is used to refer to any literary fantasy that includes a scientific factor as an essential orienting component.

What does such literature consist of?

It consists of an extrapolation of scientific facts and principles, or it incorporates absolutely contradictory facts and principles. In either case, likelihood based on science is a requisite.

Who were the precursors of the genre?

In the 18th century they were Voltaire with his "Micromegas", Jonathan Swift with "Gulliver"s Travels". In the 19th century the precursors of the genre were Mary Shelley with her Gothic novel "Frankenstein", Robert Louis Stevenson"s with his "Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde".

When did science fiction begin?

Science fiction began at the end of the 19th century with the scientific romances of Jules Verne, whose science was rather on the level of invention, as well as with the science-oriented novels of social criticism of H.G. Wells. They pioneered what may be properly termed science fiction.

When did science fiction emerge as a mode of serious fiction?

With the publication of stories and novels of such writers as Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, and Robert A. Heinlein, science fiction emerged as a mode of serious fiction. Such writers as Aldous Huxley, C.S. Lewis, and Kurt Vonnegut, who were not de voted exclusively to science fiction, also added much to it.

Whose works became paperback best-sellers during the postwar period?

The works of such science-fiction writers of notable merit in the postwar period as A.E. Van Vogt, J.G. Ballard, Ray Bradbury, Frank Herbert, Harlan Ellison, Poul Anderson, Samuel R. Delany, Ursula K. LeGuin, Frederik Pohl, Octavia E. Butler, and Brian Aldiss became paperback best-sellers. These writers" approaches included predictions of future societies on the Earth, analyses of the consequences of interstellar travel, and imaginative explorations of forms of intelligent life and their societies in other worlds. Radio, television, and motion pictures have reinforced the popularity of the genre.

What were the aims of the science fiction writers?

Since the days of Wells"s "Time Machine" and "Invisible Man", the aims of science fiction were didactic. The works of contemporary writers opposed the utopianism that Wells built on the potentialities of socialism and technology. Aldous Huxley"s "Brave New World" showed how dangerous utopianism could be, since the desire for social stability might overlook techniques that would destroy the fundamental human right to make free choices. Toward the end of his life Huxley produced a cautious Utopian vision in "Island", but the dystopian horrors of his earlier novel and of his "Ape and Essence" remain more convincing. Orwell"s "Nineteen Eighty-four" showed a world in which a tyrannic unity is imposed by a collective solipsism, and contradictions are liquidated through the constant revision of history that the controlling party decrees. Anthony Burgess" "Clockwork Orange" and "Wanting Seed" portray ghastly futures that extrapolate, respectively, philosophies of crime control and population control out of present-day tendencies that are only potentially dangerous.

Are there any science-fiction books without prophetic or warning intent?

The fantasist who fantasizes without prophetic or warning intent is rarer, but works such as Nabokov"s "Ada", Tolkien"s "Lord of the Rings" cycle, and "Christine Brooke-Rose"s Out" rep resent legitimate and heartening stretching of the imagination, assurances that the novelist has the right to create secondary worlds, as well as characters, of his own.

Who created secondary worlds?

Only three masters became architects of a complete secondary world. The vast Middle Earth trilogy "The Lord of the Rings", by J.R.R. Tolkien, was not written for children. It reworks many of the motives of traditional romance and fantasy. It is essentially a structure of sheer invention. Tolkien"s fellow scholar, C.S. Lewis, created his own otherworld of Narnia. It is more clearly Christian- allegorical, more carefully adapted to the tastes of children. The seven volumes of the cycle are exciting. And the final scenes of "The Last Battle" are deeply moving. The third of these classic secondary worlds is in a sense not a creation of fantasy. The four volumes about the "Borrowers", with their brief pendant, "Poor Stainless", ask the reader to accept only a single impossibility, that in a quiet country house, under the grandfather clock, live the tiny Clock family: Pod, Homily, and their daughter Arrietty. All that follows from this premise is logical, precisely pictured, and carries absolute conviction. Many critics believe that this miniature world so lovingly, so patiently fashioned by Mary Norton will last as long as those located at the bottom of the rabbit hole and through the looking glass.

Is it difficult for a person to have a hobby?

No, I don"t think so. I can say that there are a lot of ways of spending one"s free time. I always have a lot to do in my leisure time. It is great to have some free time and do what is really pleasant.

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- What do you usually do in your leisure time? - Unfortunately, as I have not had much free time this year, I have done my best to spend it wisely. It is known, that people can do all kinds of things in their spare time. They go shopping, play f

Nowadays, we have more and more free time, but I think we don`t know what to do with it. It all depends, of course, on what we mean by a "good" use of leisure time. In my view, it means using your time to do something creative, not wasting your time. A lot of young people today spend their free time watching sport on TV or doing some sport. Another popular pastime is sitting in cafes chatting and drinking coffee. Many of them spend much time surfing the Internet, chatting with strangers on the Net. It has become very common for young people to sit in front of the computer playing computer games. I can`t say it`s a bad idea because these games can have a positive effect on people: building relationship, improving social skills and increasing self-esteem. Yes, they are relaxing. But why not do something more creative? You can take up painting or learn to play a musical instrument. People can see a good film or watch a TV programme. There are a lot of high quality programmes on TV. My friend and I enjoy going to different exhibitions, taking photos of Moscow streets in the centre of it, making short films about the places we visit. Collecting things is very popular these days. One can collect valuable books, coins or toy soldiers, stamps or postcards. Of course, you will need albums or some special glass cases to keep your collections. My advice to you is -don`t just sit there, get out and do it.

What do you usually do on the weekend?

What your "perfect" weekend is like?

What do you do when you have some free time?

Are you a creative person? Prove it.

Act out a conversation.
- It`s Sunday evening. You and your friend are planning to do something active. You like long walks, your friend is keen on classical music, also he enjoys shopping. Find out your friend`s attitude.

What about going...?
Why not go.......?
How about going....?
Let`s go....
That sounds great!
I am not keen on....
I`d prefer doing
I`d rather go...

«Свободное время. Это время для чего-то полезного».

Сегодня у нас всё больше свободного времени, я думаю, что мы просто не знаем, что с этим делать. Всё, конечно, зависит от того, что мы подразумеваем под «хорошим» использованием свободного времени. По моему мнению, это означает использовать свободное время для творчества, а не просто тратить время попусту. Много молодых людей тратят время на просмотр спортивных передач по телевизору или на занятия спортом.
Другое популярное времяпровождения это болтовня в кафе за чашкой кофе. Многие молодые люди тратят много времени в Интернете, болтая с незнакомцами. Стало обычным играть в компьютерные игры. Не могу сказать, что это плохо, так как игры позитивно влияют на людей: завязываются отношения, улучшаются социальные навыки и развивается чувство собственного достоинства. К тому же они действуют расслабляюще. Но почему бы не заняться творчеством? Можно заняться живописью или научиться играть на музыкальном инструменте. Можно посмотреть хороший фильм или телевизионную программу. Есть много телевизионных программ высокого качества.
Моя подруга и я получаем удовольствие, посещая выставки, фотографируя центральные московские улицы и делая короткометражки о тех местах, где мы бываем. Собирание коллекций очень популярно сегодня. Можно коллекционировать ценные книги, монеты или игрушечных солдатиков, марки или открытки. Конечно, тебе понадобятся альбомы или стеклянные витрины для хранения своих коллекций.
Мой совет тебе-не сиди, выйди из дома и сделай что-то.

Что ты делаешь по выходным?
-Какой выходной для тебя самый лучший?
-Что ты делаешь в свободное время?
-Ты творческий человек? Докажи это.

Составь диалог с другом по ситуации.
-Воскресный вечер. Ты и твой друг планируете провести его активно. Ты любишь длинные пешие прогулки, твой друг любит классическую музыку и магазины. Выясни отношение своего друга (к проведению воскресного вечера) Используй в диалоге.