Комплекс упражнений на тему "Present Simple, Past Simple and Future Simple"

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Многопрофильная гимназия №12» города Твери

Комплекс упражнений на тему

Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple


учитель английского языка

Гордеева Наталья Филипповна



Simple= Indefinite (Простое)

__PAST_____ ______PRESENT______ _______FUTURE___

Спутники : Спутники : Спутники :

Yesterday - every day (week,…) - tomorrow

The day before yesterday - usually - next week(year,…)

A week ago - often - in a week,(a month,…)

Last winter(week,…) - sometimes


Форма : Форма : Форма :

V ed V, Vs will V

2- й столбик таблицы

Неправильных глаголов

Was, were am, is, are will be

Вспомогательный глагол Вспомогательный глагол Вспомогательный глагол Did Do \ does Will Отрицание Отрицание Отрицание didn’t +V don’t+V will not (won’t)+ V doesn’t + V

Wasn’t, weren’t am not, isn’t, aren’t will not be

**** V = Verb -глагол

Если в предложении есть глагол

Present Simple. They clean their teeth every day. ? Do they clean their teeth every day?
    They don’t clean their teeth every day.
He clean s his teeth every day. ? Does he clean his teeth every day?
    He doesn’t clean his teeth every day.

Past Simple. They clean ed their teeth yesterday. (правильный глагол ) ? Did they clean their teeth yesterday?

    They didn’t clean their teeth yesterday.
They wrote letters a week ago. (неправильный глагол ) ? Did they write letters a week ago?
    They didn’t write letters a week ago.

Future Simple. They will clean their teeth tomorrow. ? Will they clean their teeth tomorrow?

    They will not (won’t) clean their teeth tomorrow.

Если в предложении нет глагола


Present I am at school now. He is at school now. They are at school now. ? Am I at school now? ? Is he at school now? ? Are they at school now? - I am not at school now. - He isn’t at school now. - They aren’t at school now.

Past (ед .ч ) (ед .ч ) (мн .ч )I was at school yesterday. He was at school yesterday. They were at school yesterday. ? Was I at school yesterday? ? Was he at school yesterday? ? Were they at school yesterday? - I was not at school yesterday. - He wasn’t at school yesterday. - They weren’t at school yesterday.


They will be at school tomorrow . ? Will they be at school tomorrow?

    They will not (won’t) be at school tomorrow.

Задание1. O

    We read books every week.
? _________________________________________ -__________________________________________
    We drank coffee yesterday.
? _________________________________________ -__________________________________________
    He skated last winter.
? _________________________________________ -__________________________________________ ? _________________________________________ -__________________________________________
    They are happy.
? _________________________________________ -__________________________________________
    My mum was sad yesterday.
? _________________________________________ -__________________________________________ ? _________________________________________ -__________________________________________ ? _________________________________________ -__________________________________________

Задание 2. Раскрыть скобки:

    He ______________(to clean) his teeth every day.

    We ______________(to play) snowballs last winter.

    Tom ______________(to get) a letter yesterday.

    Mary______________(to read) a new book next week.

    I often ______________(to visit) my friend in Moscow.

    Helen usually __________(to do) her homework at 7 pm.

    Tomorrow my mother ______________(to buy) a new dress.

    Five months ago I ____________(to swim) in the river.

    Yesterday he ____________(to be) at the zoo.

    Next summer he ____________(to be) at the zoo.

    Now he ____________(to be)at the zoo.

    We _____(to go) to the park tomorrow?

    He ___________visit his granny yesterday?

    You ____(to play) computer games every day?

    He_____(to play) computer games every day?

    Tomorrow they______________(not be) at school.

    I_______________(not to watch) TV yesterday.

    Tim _________________(not to drink) hot milk every day.

    We ________________(not to visit) friends every Sunday.

    I________________(not to be) at the park now.

    Boris _____________(not to be) at home now.

    I and my friend _____________(not to be)at the zoo a week ago.

Ответы: Задание1. O бразовать вопросительную и отрицательную формы из данных предложений:

    We read books every week.
? Do we read books every week?- We don’t read books every week.
    He plays computer games every Sunday.

Does he play computer games every Sunday?

He doesn’t play computer games every Sunday.

    We drank coffee yesterday.

Did we drink coffee yesterday?

We didn’t drink coffee yesterday.

    He skated last winter.

Did he skate last winter?

He didn’t skate last winter.

    Bob will write a letter tomorrow.
? Will Bob write a letter tomorrow?- Bob won’t write a letter tomorrow.
    They are happy.

Are they happy?

They aren’t happy.

    My mum was sad yesterday.

Was my mum sad yesterday?

My mum wasn’t sad yesterday.

    We were at the zoo last week.
? Were we at the zoo last week?-We weren’t at the zoo last week.
    She will be with her friend tomorrow.

She will be with her friend tomorrow.

She will be with her friend tomorrow.

Задание 2. Раскрыть скобки:

Список используемой литературы:

    Баранов К.М., Дули Д, Копылова В.В. УМК “ Starlight”, 4 класс, М: « Просвещение», 2013


1. Paul is good at tennis. He ... tennis very well.

A) play b) played c) plays d) will play

2. Suzy ... to rock music ten minutes ago.

a) listened b) listens c) will listen d) listen

3. Many birds ... south every summer.

a) will fly b) fly c) flew d) flies

4. Mr. Black ... computer in several minutes.

a) use b) used c) will use d) uses

5. Jack usually ... to work on Saturdays.

a) don"t go b) didn"t go c) doesn"t go d) won"t go

6. Dick ... help students with the projects next week.

a) won"t b) doesn"t c) didn"t d) don"t

7. It ... rain last week.

a) doesn"t b) didn"t c) won"t d) don"t

8. Cats ... very well in the dark.

a) saw b) will see c) sees d) see

9. Yesterday John ... at 7 o"clock.

a) geted up b) will get up c) got up d) gets up

10. Derek is good at football. But he ... play very often.

a) doesn"t b) didn"t c) don"t d) won"t

Present Simple, Past Simple or Future Simple


1. When he (to get) up every day? - He (to get) up at 8 o"clock.

2. They (not to drink) coffee yesterday. They (to drink) tea.

3. He (to call) us tomorrow.

4. Our friends always (to go) to the country for the weekend.

5. The kitten (to play) with its tail a minute ago.

6. What your brother usually (to drink) i the evening?

7. We (to have) English lesson last Tuesday.

8. Somebody (to speak) in the next room the day before yesterday.

9. If it (not rain) tomorrow, we (not stay) at home.

10. Don"t go out: it"s raining heavily. You (to get) wet through if you (not to take) an umbrella.

Present Simple or Future Simple

1. If the food (to be) good, we (to come) here again.

2. When I (to arrive), I (to phone) you.

3. You (to help) me if I (to have) a problem?

4. If you (not to pay), you (to get) into trouble.

5. If you (not to go) away, I (to call) the police.

6. If he (to miss) he last train, he (to spent) the night in a hotel.

7. If I (to stay) here, I (to be) very happy.

8. If I (to be) unhappy, I (not to work) hard.

9. She (to have) some English lessons before she (to go) to London.

10. If the bus (not to come) soon, I (to be) late for school.

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