Рассказы о баскетбол для детей на английском. Топик на тему Basketball на английском языке


I am going to tell you about one of the most popular games. It is basketball.

The game of basketball has evolved a great deal throughout the years. Basketball was invented on December 21,1891. The inventor of the game was a Canadian clergyman, James Naismith.

The game of basketball was fashioned from fragments of other games, seeking to eliminate flaws of rugby, soccer.

Basketball was first played in the United States. In fact, the first game was played at one training school, now called Springfield College.

Basketball is a simple game. The equipment used in the game is also very simple. In addition to the field itself, all that is needed for a game is a ball. The very first ball that was used was a soccer ball until 1894 when an actual «basketball» was invented. The basketball ball was slightly smaller, about 30 inches in diameter. The first baskets that were used, were two peach baskets hung from the balcony of the gymnasium.

In 1893, the backboard was invented. The first backboard was constructed out of wire mesh, then wood and now it is made out of glass so the backboard does not interfere with the viewing of the game. Around that time, there was no name for this game.

By 1906, the peach baskets were replaced by metal baskets with holes in the bottom. This was better than in the early days, when a ladder was used to climb and fetch the ball out of the basket. Finally, in 1913 a hoop with a net was invented. In my opinion, the invention of the hoop and net was a major step in the developing of the game of basketball. Due to the free falling ball, the game"s tempo increased, which allowed the game of basketball to develop even more.

In 1921, one man named the game «basketball» and it has been called basketball ever since.

In the very beginning Naismith introduced thirteen original rules for the game of basketball, in which 12 out of the 13 original rules were still used up to 1934. The only rule, which changed, was that a player was now allowed to dribble a basketball. The rule of dribbling the basketball was first used in 1896 at a basketball game at Yale University. With the introduction of the 13 original rules, Naismith created four fundamental principals, which stayed in the game from 1891to 1937. These four fundamental principals stated, players with the ball must not make progress, the goal is above the head of the players, roughness is eliminated and a player may not receive the ball by use of contact.

Through the years of 1891 to the 1940"s there were many rule changes as well as addition of rules to the game of basketball. By 1898, basketball leagues were starting to form in the United States. In 1898, professional basketball was being played. The league was called the National Basketball League (NBL). The National Basketball League was made up of four teams like New York, Philadelphia, Brooklyn and New Jersey.

By 1932 basketball was officially gaining international status with the founding of the International Amateur Basketball Federation in Geneva, Switzerland. In 1946, the Basketball Association of America was formed but it did not go far well because it was competing against the National Basketball League. But in 1949, the Basketball Association of America and the National Basketball League joined together.

They changed their name to the National Basketball Association (NBA). Throughout the formation of the league there were many rules that were added to the game of basketball In 1930"s, Kenny Sailor invented the jump shot. Also in the 1940"s, Bob Kurland used block- shots. In 1952 the foul lane was widened and the three-second rule was put into affect, so centres could not station themselves in front of the basket all the time. During the 1950"s the National Basketball Association was on the rise. During the 1970"s and 198G"s the expansion of the NBA had gone wild. In the mid 1980"s and early 1990"s Michael Jordan, who was one of the greatest players in NBA history, dominated the game and took it to a wholly new level.

At this time, basketball was increasing in popularity. Nowadays it is played by 176 nations.

Перевод текста: The History of Basketball - История баскетбола

Я собираюсь рассказать вам об одной очень популярной игре. Это — баскетбол.

Игра баскетбол развивалась в течение многих лет. Баскетбол был изобретен 21 декабря 1891 года. Изобретателем игры был канадский священнослужитель Джеймс Найсмит.

Игра баскетбол была создана из фрагментов других игр, с целью устранения недостатков регби, футбола.

Впервые в баскетбол сыграли в Соединенных Штатах в одной из спортивных школ, которая теперь называется Спрингфилдский колледж.

Баскетбол — это простая игра. Снаряжение, используемое в баскетболе, также очень простое. В дополнение к самому полю все, что необходимо для игры, — это мяч. До 1894 года, когда и был изобретен баскетбольный мяч, в игре использовался футбольный мяч. Баскетбольный мяч был немного меньше, приблизительно 30 дюймов в диаметре. Первые корзины, которые использовались в то время, были размером с две корзины из под персиков, которые подвешивались на балкон гимнастического зала.

В1893 году был изобретен баскетбольный щит. Первый баскетбольный щит был построен из проволочной сетки,
позже — из дерева, а теперь он сделан из стекла, так что его задняя часть не мешает смотреть игру. В то время для этой игры не было никакого названия.

К 1906 году корзины из под персиков были заменены металлическими корзинами с отверстиями в основании. Это улучшило игру, тогда как раньше приходилось использовать лестницу, чтобы подняться и вынуть мяч из корзины. Наконец, в 1913 году был изобретен обруч с сеткой. По моему мнению, изобретение обруча и сетки было решающим шагом в развитии игры баскетбол. Из-за свободного выпадения мяча темп игры увеличился, что позволило баскетболу развиваться еще быстрее.

В 1921 году один человек назвал игру «баскетболом», и с тех пор игра стала называться баскетболом.

В самом начале Нейсмит ввел 13 базовых правил для игры в баскетбол, двенадцать из которых так и использовались вплоть до 1934 года. Единственное правило, которое изменилось, состояло в том, что теперь игроку позволялось вести баскетбольный мяч. Правило ведения баскетбольного мяча впервые было использовано в 1896 году в Йельском университете. С введением 13 первоначальных правил, Нейсмит создал четыре фундаментальных принципа игры, которые использовались в игре с 1891 по 1937 год. Эти четыре фундаментальных принципа гласили, что игроки, остановившиеся с мячом, не должны двигаться дальше; цель находится выше голов игроков; грубость не применима и игрок не может получить мяч при помощи силового контакта.

С 1891 года до сороковых годов двадцатого столетия было сделано множество изменений в правилах, в игру были введены дополнительные правила. К 1898 году в Соединенных Штатах начали формироваться баскетбольные лиги. В1898 начали играть в профессиональный баскетбол. Лига получила название Национальной лиги баскетбола (NBL). Национальная лига баскетбола состояла из четырех команд: команды Нью-Йорка, Филадельфии, Бруклина и Нью-Джерси.

К1932 году, с основанием Международной любительской федерации баскетбола в Женеве, Швейцария; баскетбол официально получил международный статус. В1946 году была сформирована Американская ассоциация баскетбола, но из этого ничего хорошего не получилось, потому что она составляла конкуренцию Национальной лиге баскетбола. Но в 1949 году Американская ассоциация баскетбола и Национальная лига баскетбола объединились.

Они сменили свое название на Национальную ассоциацию баскетбола (NBA). За все время становления баскетбола в игру было добавлено много новых правил» В 1930-х годах Кении Сей лор изобрел бросок в прыжке; В 1940-х Боб Курланд использовал блок-шоты. В1952 году была расширена штрафная зона и введено правило трехсекундной зоны, так что центровые не могли находиться перед корзиной продолжительное время. В течение 1950-х годов Национальная ассоциация баскетбола процветала. В течение 1970-х и 1980-х расширение NBA стало неимоверно стремительным. В середине 1980-х и в начале 1990-х Майкл Джордан стал одним из величайших игроков в истории NBA, непревзойденным королем игры и поднял игру до совершенно другого уровня.

For that first game of basketball in 1891, Naismith used as goals two half-bushel baskets, which gave the sport its name. The students were enthusiastic. After much and , William R. Chase made a midcourt shot-the only score in that historic contest. Word spread about the newly invented game, and numerous associations wrote Naismith for a copy of the rules, which were published in the January 15, 1892, issue of the Triangle , the YMCA Training School’s campus paper.

UPI/Bettmann Archive

While basketball is competitively a winter sport, it is played on a 12-month basis-on summer playgrounds, in municipal, industrial, and church halls, in school yards and family driveways, and in summer camps-often on an informal basis between two or more contestants. Many grammar schools, youth groups, municipal recreation centres, churches, and other organizations conduct basketball programs for youngsters of less than high school age. Jay Archer, of , introduced “biddy” basketball in 1950 for boys and girls under 12 years of age, the court and equipment being adjusted for size.


The early years

In the early years the number of players on a team varied according to the number in the class and the size of the playing area. In 1894 teams began to play with five on a side when the playing area was less than 1,800 square feet (167.2 square metres); the number rose to seven when the measured from 1,800 to 3,600 square feet (334.5 square metres) and up to nine when the playing area exceeded that. In 1895 the number was occasionally set at five by mutual consent; the rules stipulated five players two years later, and this number has remained ever since.

Courtesy of the Basketball Hall of Fame, Springfield, Massachusetts, U.S.

Since Naismith and five of his original players were Canadians, it is not surprising that was the first country outside the to play the game. Basketball was introduced in in 1893, in in 1894, in , and India soon thereafter, and in in 1900.

While basketball helped swell the membership of YMCAs because of the availability of their , within five years the game was outlawed by various associations because gyms that had been occupied by classes of 50 or 60 members were now monopolized by only 10 to 18 players. The banishment of the game induced many members to terminate their YMCA membership and to hire halls to play the game, thus paving the way to the professionalization of the sport.

Originally, players wore one of three styles of uniforms: knee-length trousers; jersey tights, as commonly worn by wrestlers; or short padded pants, forerunners of today’s uniforms, plus knee guards. The courts often were of irregular shape with occasional obstructions such as pillars, stairways, or offices that interfered with play. In 1903 it was ruled that all boundary lines must be straight. In 1893 the Narragansett Machinery Co. of , marketed a hoop of iron with a hammock style of basket. Originally a ladder, then a pole, and finally a chain fastened to the bottom of the net was used to retrieve a ball after a goal had been scored. Nets open at the bottom were adopted in 1912–13. In 1895–96 the points for making a basket (goal, or field goal) were reduced from three to two, and the points for making a free throw (shot uncontested from a line in front of the basket after a foul had been committed) were reduced from three to one.

Baskets were frequently attached to balconies, making it easy for spectators behind a basket to lean over the railings and deflect the ball to favour one side and hinder the other; in 1895 teams were urged to provide a 4-by-6-foot (1.2-by-1.8-metre) screen for the purpose of eliminating interference. Soon after, wooden proved more suitable. Glass backboards were legalized by the professionals in 1908–09 and by colleges in 1909–10. In 1920–21 the backboards were moved 2 feet (0.6 metre), and in 1939–40 4 feet, in from the end lines to reduce frequent stepping out-of-bounds. Fan-shaped backboards were made legal in 1940–41.

A soccer ball (football) was used for the first two years. In 1894 the first basketball was marketed. It was laced, measured close to 32 inches (81 cm), or about 4 inches (10 cm) larger than the soccer ball, in circumference, and weighed less than 20 ounces (567 grams). By 1948–49, when the laceless molded ball was made official, the size had been set at 30 inches (76 cm).

The first college to play the game was either Geneva College (Beaver Falls, ) or the . C.O. Bemis heard about the new sport at Springfield and tried it out with his students at Geneva in 1892. At Iowa, H.F. Kallenberg, who had attended Springfield in 1890, wrote Naismith for a copy of the rules and also presented the game to his students. At Springfield, Kallenberg met , who became athletic director at the new in 1892. The first college basketball game with five on a side was played between the University of Chicago and the University of Iowa in on January 18, 1896. The University of Chicago won, 15–12, with neither team using a substitute. Kallenberg refereed that game-a common practice in that era-and some of the spectators took exception to some of his decisions.

The colleges formed their own rules committee in 1905, and by 1913 there were at least five sets of rules: collegiate , YMCA–Amateur Athletic Union, those used by state militia groups, and two varieties of professional rules. Teams often agreed to play under a different set for each half of a game. To establish some measure of uniformity, the colleges, Amateur Athletic Union, and YMCA formed the Joint Rules Committee in 1915. This group was renamed the National Basketball Committee (NBC) of the United States and Canada in 1936 and until 1979 served as the game’s sole amateur rule-making body. In that year, however, the colleges broke away to form their own rules committee, and during the same year the likewise assumed the task of establishing separate playing rules for the high schools. The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Rules Committee for men is a 12-member board representing all three NCAA divisions. It has six members from Division I schools and three each from Divisions II and III. It has jurisdiction over colleges, junior colleges, the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA), and Armed Forces basketball. There is a similar body for women’s play.

Growth of the game

Basketball grew steadily but slowly in popularity and importance in the United States and internationally in the first three decades after . Interest in the game deepened as a result of television exposure, but with the advent of , especially during the 1980s, the game’s popularity exploded at all levels. Given a timely mix of spectacular players-such as , (“Dr. J”), and -and the greatly increased exposure, basketball moved quickly to the forefront of the American sporting scene, alongside such traditional leaders as and football. Four areas of the game developed during this period: U.S. high school and college basketball, professional basketball, women’s basketball, and international basketball.

U.S. high school and college basketball

Basketball at the high school and college levels developed from a structured, rigid game in the early days to one that is often fast-paced and high-scoring. Individual skills improved markedly, and, although basketball continued to be regarded as the ultimate team game, individualistic, one-on-one performers came to be not only accepted but used as an effective means of winning games.

In the early years games were frequently won with point totals of less than 30, and the game, from the spectator’s viewpoint, was slow. Once a team acquired a modest lead, the popular tactic was to stall the game by passing the ball without trying to score, in an attempt to run out the clock. The NBC, seeing the need to discourage such slowdown tactics, instituted a number of rule changes. In 1932–33 a line was drawn at midcourt, and the offensive team was required to advance the ball past it within 10 seconds or lose possession. Five years later, in 1937–38, the centre jump following each field goal or free throw was eliminated. Instead, the defending team was permitted to inbound the ball from the out-of-bounds line underneath the basket. Decades passed before another alteration of like magnitude was made in the college game. After experimentation, the NCAA Rules Committee installed a 45-second in 1985 (reduced to 35 seconds in 1993), restricting the time a team could control the ball before shooting, and one year later it implemented a three-point shot rule for baskets made beyond a distance of 19.75 feet (6.0 metres). In 2008 the three-point line was moved to 20.75 feet (6.3 metres) from the basket.

More noticeable alteration in the game came at both the playing and coaching levels. Stanford University’s was the first to use and popularize the one-hand shot in the late 1930s. Until then the only outside attempts were two-handed push shots. In the 1950s and ’60s a shooting style evolved from Luisetti’s push-off one hander to a jump shot, which is released at the top of the jump. guard and Purdue University’s Rick Mount were two players who demonstrated the devastating effectiveness of this shot.

Coaching strategy changed appreciably over the years. Frank W. Keaney, coach at the from 1921 to 1948, is credited with introducing the concept of “ ” basketball, in which the offensive team rushes the ball upcourt hoping to get a good shot before the defense can get set. Another man who contributed to a quicker pace of play, particularly through the use of the pressure defense, was , who became the ’s coach in 1931 and turned its program into one of the most storied in basketball history.

Defensive coaching philosophy, similarly, has undergone change. Whereas pioneer coaches such as Henry Iba of Oklahoma A&M University (now ) or Long Island University’s Clair Bee taught strictly a man-to-man defense, the , developed by Cam Henderson of in , later became an integral part of the game (see below ).

Over the years one of the rules makers’ chief concerns was to neutralize the advantage of taller players. At 6 feet 5 inches (1.96 metres) was considered very tall when he played for the Original Celtics in the 1920s, but, as even taller players appeared, rules were changed in response. To prevent tall players from stationing themselves near the basket, a rule was instituted in 1932–33 prohibiting the player with the ball from standing inside the foul lane with his back to the basket for more than three seconds; the three-second rule later applied to any attacking player in the foul lane. In 1937–38 a new rule forbade any player from touching the ball when it was in the basket or on its rim (basket interference), and in 1944–45 it became illegal for any defending player to touch the ball on its downward flight toward the basket (goaltending).

Nevertheless, with each passing decade, the teams with the tallest players tended to dominate. Bob Kurland (7 feet ) led to two NCAA championships in the 1940s and led the nation in scoring in 1945–46. In the same era (6 feet 10 inches ) scored more than 550 points in each of his final two seasons at before going on to play nine professional seasons in which he scored more than 11,000 points. Mikan was an outstanding player, not only because of his size but because of his ability to shoot sweeping hook shots with both hands.

To help equalize the strength of the teams, the NBA established an annual college draft permitting each club to select a college senior in inverse order to the final standings in the previous year’s competition, thus enabling the lower-standing clubs to select the more talented collegians. In addition, the game was altered through three radical rule changes in the 1954–55 season:

    A team must shoot for a basket within 24 seconds after acquiring possession of the ball.

    A bonus free throw is awarded to a player anytime the opposing team commits more than six (later five, now four) personal fouls in a quarter or more than two personal fouls in an overtime period.

    Two free throws are granted for any backcourt foul.

After a struggle to survive, including some large financial losses and several short-lived franchises, the NBA took its place as the major professional basketball league in the United States. A rival 11-team (ABA), with George Mikan as commissioner, was launched in the 1967–68 season, and a bitter feud developed with the NBA for the top collegiate talent each season. In 1976 the ABA disbanded, and four of its teams were taken into the NBA.

The NBA grew increasingly popular through the 1980s. Attendance records were broken in that decade by most of the franchises, a growth pattern stimulated at least in part by the increased coverage by cable television. The NBA has a total of 30 teams organized into Eastern and Western conferences and further divided into six divisions. In the Eastern Conference the Atlantic Division comprises the , the , the , the , and the ; the Central Division is made up of the , the , the , the , and the ; the Southeast Division comprises the , the , the , the , and the . In the Western Conference the Southwest Division comprises the Texas-based . The play-offs follow the traditional 82-game schedule, involving 16 teams and beginning in late April. Played as a best-of-seven series, the final pairings stretch into late June.

Although basketball is traditionally a winter game, the NBA still fills its arenas and attracts a national television audience in late spring and early summer. As the popularity of the league grew, player salaries rose to an annual average of more than $5 million by mid-2000s, and some superstars earned more than $20 million yearly. The NBA has a that limits (at least theoretically, as loopholes allow many teams to exceed the cap) the total amount a team can spend on salaries in any given season.

In 2001 the NBA launched the National Basketball Development League (NBDL). The league served as a kind of “farm system” for the NBA. Through its first 50 years the NBA did not have an official system of player development or a true minor league system for bringing up young and inexperienced players such as exists in major league baseball. College basketball has been the area from which the NBA did the vast majority of its recruiting. By 2000 this had begun to change somewhat, as players began to be drafted straight out of high school with increasing frequency. In 2005 the NBA instituted a rule stipulating that domestic players must be at least age 19 and have been out of high school for one year to be eligible for the draft, which in effect required players to spend at least one year in college or on an international professional team before coming to the NBA.

U.S. ’s basketball

Clara Baer, who introduced basketball at the H. Sophie Newcomb College for Women in New Orleans, influenced the women’s style of play with her set of women’s rules, published in 1895. On receiving a diagram of the court from Naismith, Baer mistook dotted lines, indicating the areas in which players might best execute team play, to be restraining lines, with the result that the forwards, centres, and guards were confined to specified areas. This seemed appropriate because many felt that the men’s game was too strenuous for women.

Women’s rules over the years frequently have been modified. Until 1971 there were six players on a team, and the court was so divided that the three forwards played in the frontcourt and did all the scoring while the three guards covered the backcourt. staged the first women’s college basketball game in 1893 when her freshman and sophomore women played against one another. In April 1895 the women of the University of California (Berkeley) played . Despite a multitude of hindrances (such as being thought unladylike), women’s basketball gradually secured a foothold. In 1971, when women’s rules were changed to reduce the number on a team from six players to five and women were freed from the limits imposed by the half-court game, the level of individual skills and competition quickly rose.

In the early 1980s control of the women’s college game was shifted from the Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women (AIAW) to the NCAA, a move that not only streamlined the operation and made it more efficient but also added to the visibility of women’s basketball. The women’s NCAA championship tournament runs concurrently with the men’s, and many of the games are nationally televised. Women’s basketball became an Olympic sport in 1976.

Maryland"s Kristi Toliver (20) shooting over Duke"s Abby Waner in the 2006 NCAA women"s basketball national championship game. Winslow Townson/AP

Individual women stars have been heavily recruited by colleges, but the players frequently found that there was no opportunity for them to play beyond the college level. Leagues were occasionally formed, such as the Women’s Professional Basketball League (WPBL); begun in 1978, the WPBL lasted only three years. Eventually filling the void was the (WNBA). Aligned with the powerful NBA, the WNBA held its inaugural season in 1997 with eight teams. By 2006 the WNBA had grown to 14 teams, though following the season the Charlotte Sting disbanded, and in 2008 the WNBA’s inaugural champion, the , also folded. The Sacramento Monarchs disbanded in 2009. The Eastern Conference consists of the Atlanta Dream, Chicago Sky, Connecticut Sun (in Uncasville), Indiana Fever (in Indianapolis), New York Liberty (in New York City), and Washington (D.C.) Mystics. The Western Conference comprises the Los Angeles Sparks, Minnesota Lynx (in Minneapolis), Phoenix Mercury, San Antonio Silver Stars, Seattle Storm, and Tulsa (Oklahoma) Shock. Women’s professional basketball is played during the summer months.

International competition

The success of international basketball was greatly advanced by , a Naismith disciple and a former coach at the , who led the movement for the inclusion of basketball in the in 1936 and thereafter. Basketball has also been played in the since their inauguration in 1951. The international game is governed by the (FIBA). World championships began in 1950 for men and in 1953 for women. (The men’s tournament was renamed the FIBA Basketball World Cup in 2014.) Under international rules the court differs in that there is no frontcourt or backcourt, and the free throw lanes form a modified wedge shape. There are some differences in rules, including those governing substitutions, technical and personal fouls, free throws, intermissions, and time-outs. Outside the United States there are few places that strictly separate amateur from professional athletes.

Focus on Sports

Basketball has caught on particularly well in . The Italian professional basketball league (Lega Basket) is highly regarded and popular in that country. also has several basketball leagues, the main one being the ACB (Asociación de Clubes de Baloncesto). The other major centre of European basketball is eastern Europe, particularly the . Although the European leagues are not formally aligned with the American NBA, there are links between European and American basketball. It is not uncommon for European players to be drafted by the NBA, nor is it uncommon for American players to play in . American players in the European leagues tend to be older players who have finished successful NBA careers in the United States or younger players who have not yet been drafted into the NBA.

To many, basketball is a very fun, exciting and thrilling sport. Some people love playing it, watching it and even dreaming about it. But not everybody enjoys writing about this game. If you don"t know what "dribble" or "slam-dunk" means then you are one of those people who never got interested in the game or didn"t get the opportunity to see it. This leaves you clueless about the game. Although you might be able to understand the basics of basketball such as that the player scores when he or she throws the ball inside the basket, but the rules and basketball terminologies might be confusing for you.

Writing a basketball essay isn"t complicated given that you have the right information and material to work with. So where do you start? First you can choose the right subtopic that suits your paper, basketball has a wide range of options such as the rules of basketball, the importance of basketball, why basketball is/isn"t your favorite sport, etc.. Below we have a list of basketball related ideas to help you select the right topic for your writing assignment.

Basketball Essay Writing Help

Introduction to Writing an Essay about Basketball
It is always difficult to write about something that we don"t know about. After all, the famous writer Mark Twain has said, "write what you know". If only your teacher was more understanding about what Mark Twain has said because recently your teacher assigned you to write a basketball essay. So now you are going out of your mind trying to think of someone who can teach you something about the game because an essay requires in depth knowledge and lots of words. Sometimes the internet is no help because you are unable to understand the material you went through online since it contains basketball terminologies.

That"s why we"re here to help, browse our list of example basketball essays below:

Basketball Essay Examples

Words: 930 Pages: 3 Paragraphs: 7 Sentences: 54 Read Time: 03:22

Basketball is among the world"s popular sports (Ramen 3). Basketball refers to a sport played by two teams whose main goal is to shoot the ball through the rim placed horizontally while following to a set of rules. The teams comprise of five players and it is played on a marked rectangular court having two baskets on all width ends. The regulation basketball hoop comprises of a rim or basket attac


Class 9 (High School)

Words: 703 Pages: 3 Paragraphs: 4 Sentences: 41 Read Time: 02:33

The sport of basketball is known as a fun past time for any person young or old. Basketball is a great way of exercise and a great way to have fun with friends and possibly make some new ones. I love to watch and play the game, basketball is a very entertaining sport and can be played by anyone. Basketball has many negative and positive things about it based on my opinion. Basketball is known as a

Class 7 (Middle School)

Words: 480 Pages: 2 Paragraphs: 4 Sentences: 37 Read Time: 01:44

Everyone who plays basketball knows it"s more than just a sport, more than just a hobby and more than just a passion that people have. All types of people enjoy the game because of how it makes them feel and the joy associated with playing. Bleeding, sweating and getting hurt are just the little things that someone learns while playing the game. The philosophy and emotions associated with the game

Class 7 (Middle School)

Words: 478 Pages: 2 Paragraphs: 12 Sentences: 28 Read Time: 01:44 Basketball is a team sport which has immense popularity and played with the help of a ball that is shot into a basket positioned horizontally. The objective to shoot the ball is scores which are gained by following certain rules of the game. The game is played by 2 teams constituting 5 players each who play on a marked rectangular floor with baskets on both ends. The game of basketball wa

Basketball is a team sport which has immense popularity and played with the help of a ball that is shot into a basket positioned horizontally.

The objective to shoot the ball is scores which are gained by following certain rules of the game.

The game is played by 2 teams constituting 5 players each who play on a marked rectangular floor with baskets on both ends.

The game of basketball wa


Class 9 (High School)

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Players are paid millions in the NBA. (Coach K Says Turning Pro Early Hurts in Many Ways). College basketball players dream of making millions in the National Basketball Association (NBA). Too many college basketball players come into college programs, build up their skills, and leave for the NBA to chase the money. A question comes to mind when we think of basketball. Do college basketball player


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Basketball is an athletic sport, usually played on an indoor court in which two competing teams of five players each attempt to score by throwing an inflated ball so that it descends through one of two baskets suspended, at each end of the court, above their heads. The team scoring the most such throws, through field goals or foul shots, wins the game. Because of its continuous action and frequent

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NBA basketball is an exciting sport. The NBA features such star players as, Michael Jordan, Allen Iverson, Keith Vanhorn, and John Stockton. You could ramble on all day about Pro basketball. And two big questions always come up when talking about pro basketball. Why are 2/3 of the NBA players black? And do black and white players have two different techniques for playing the game of basketball?


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Tracy Lamar McGrady, also known by the nickname "T-Mac," was born on May 24, 1979, to Melanise Williford. He was born in Bartow, Florida, but was raised in Aburndale, Florida, halfway between Orlando and Tampa. He was not always a basketball hero. He was often called a two-sport star. His first love was baseball and he had dreams playing in Major League Baseball. His coaches at Aburndale thought t


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Yes! Yes! Yes! We won! We won against the second best team in the league. Now we just have to beat the first place team. This team was the hardest to beat. At the beginning of the basketball competition we had versus them and we lost badly by 30 points. They had good players but didn"t have teamwork which was an advantage for us. Beating will be amazing for us because we could show them that we ar

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Words: 354 Pages: 1 Paragraphs: 5 Sentences: 29 Read Time: 01:17 Basketball is everything to me. I look forward to it all year. Even though other sports interest me, nothing comes close to basketball. It may cut into my social life, but it doesn"t change the way I love the game. I play basketball pretty much every day and I never get tired of it. You could say it"s my passion. Even though I"ve really only played for 5 years I feel like I"ve played my whol

Basketball is everything to me. I look forward to it all year. Even though other sports interest me, nothing comes close to basketball. It may cut into my social life, but it doesn"t change the way I love the game. I play basketball pretty much every day and I never get tired of it. You could say it"s my passion.

Even though I"ve really only played for 5 years I feel like I"ve played my whol


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The History of Basketball

I am going to tell you about one of the most popular games. It is basketball.
The game of basketball has evolved a great deal throughout the years. Basketball was invented on December 21,1891. The inventor of the game was a Canadian clergyman, James Naismith.
The game of basketball was fashioned from fragments of other games, seeking to eliminate flaws of rugby, soccer.
Basketball was first played in the United States. In fact, the first game was played at one training school, now called Springfield College.
Basketball is a simple game. The equipment used in the game is also very simple. In addition to the field itself, all that is needed for a game is a ball. The very first ball that was used was a soccer ball until 1894 when an actual «basketball» was invented. The basketball ball was slightly smaller, about 30 inches in diameter. The first baskets that were used, were two peach baskets hung from the balcony of the gymnasium.
In 1893, the backboard was invented. The first backboard was constructed out of wire mesh, then wood and now it is made out of glass so the backboard does not interfere with the viewing of the game. Around that time, there was no name for this game.
By 1906, the peach baskets were replaced by metal baskets with holes in the bottom. This was better than in the early days, when a ladder was used to climb and fetch the ball out of the basket. Finally, in 1913 a hoop with a net was invented. In my opinion, the invention of the hoop and net was a major step in the developing of the game of basketball. Due to the free falling ball, the game"s tempo increased, which allowed the game of basketball to develop even more.
In 1921, one man named the game «basketball» and it has been called basketball ever since.
In the very beginning Naismith introduced thirteen original rules for the game of basketball, in which 12 out of the 13 original rules were still used up to 1934. The only rule, which changed, was that a player was now allowed to dribble a basketball. The rule of dribbling the basketball was first used in 1896 at a basketball game at Yale University. With the introduction of the 13 original rules, Naismith created four fundamental principals, which stayed in the game from 1891to 1937. These four fundamental principals stated, players with the ball must not make progress, the goal is above the head of the players, roughness is eliminated and a player may not receive the ball by use of contact.
Through the years of 1891 to the 1940"s there were many rule changes as well as addition of rules to the game of basketball. By 1898, basketball leagues were starting to form in the United States. In 1898, professional basketball was being played. The league was called the National Basketball League (NBL). The National Basketball League was made up of four teams like New York, Philadelphia, Brooklyn and New Jersey.
By 1932 basketball was officially gaining international status with the founding of the International Amateur Basketball Federation in Geneva, Switzerland. In 1946, the Basketball Association of America was formed but it did not go far well because it was competing against the National Basketball League. But in 1949, the Basketball Association of America and the National Basketball League joined together.
They changed their name to the National Basketball Association (NBA). Throughout the formation of the league there were many rules that were added to the game of basketball In 1930"s, Kenny Sailor invented the jump shot. Also in the 1940"s, Bob Kurland used block- shots. In 1952 the foul lane was widened and the three-second rule was put into affect, so centres could not station themselves in front of the basket all the time. During the 1950"s the National Basketball Association was on the rise. During the 1970"s and 198G"s the expansion of the NBA had gone wild. In the mid 1980"s and early 1990"s Michael Jordan, who was one of the greatest players in NBA history, dominated the game and took it to a wholly new level.
At this time, basketball was increasing in popularity. Nowadays it is played by 176 nations.

История баскетбола

Я собираюсь рассказать вам об одной очень популярной игре. Это - баскетбол.
Игра баскетбол развивалась в течение многих лет. Баскетбол был изобретен 21 декабря 1891 года. Изобретателем игры был канадский священнослужитель Джеймс Найсмит.
Игра баскетбол была создана из фрагментов других игр, с целью устранения недостатков регби, футбола.
Впервые в баскетбол сыграли в Соединенных Штатах в одной из спортивных школ, которая теперь называется Спрингфилдский колледж.
Баскетбол - это простая игра. Снаряжение, используемое в баскетболе, также очень простое. В дополнение к самому полю все, что необходимо для игры, - это мяч. До 1894 года, когда и был изобретен баскетбольный мяч, в игре использовался футбольный мяч. Баскетбольный мяч был немного меньше, приблизительно 30 дюймов в диаметре. Первые корзины, которые использовались в то время, были размером с две корзины из под персиков, которые подвешивались на балкон гимнастического зала.
В1893 году был изобретен баскетбольный щит. Первый баскетбольный щит был построен из проволочной сетки,
позже - из дерева, а теперь он сделан из стекла, так что его задняя часть не мешает смотреть игру. В то время для этой игры не было никакого названия.
К 1906 году корзины из под персиков были заменены металлическими корзинами с отверстиями в основании. Это улучшило игру, тогда как раньше приходилось использовать лестницу, чтобы подняться и вынуть мяч из корзины. Наконец, в 1913 году был изобретен обруч с сеткой. По моему мнению, изобретение обруча и сетки было решающим шагом в развитии игры баскетбол. Из-за свободного выпадения мяча темп игры увеличился, что позволило баскетболу развиваться еще быстрее.
В 1921 году один человек назвал игру «баскетболом», и с тех пор игра стала называться баскетболом.
В самом начале Нейсмит ввел 13 базовых правил для игры в баскетбол, двенадцать из которых так и использовались вплоть до 1934 года. Единственное правило, которое изменилось, состояло в том, что теперь игроку позволялось вести баскетбольный мяч. Правило ведения баскетбольного мяча впервые было использовано в 1896 году в Йельском университете. С введением 13 первоначальных правил, Нейсмит создал четыре фундаментальных принципа игры, которые использовались в игре с 1891 по 1937 год. Эти четыре фундаментальных принципа гласили, что игроки, остановившиеся с мячом, не должны двигаться дальше; цель находится выше голов игроков; грубость не применима и игрок не может получить мяч при помощи силового контакта.
С 1891 года до сороковых годов двадцатого столетия было сделано множество изменений в правилах, в игру были введены дополнительные правила. К 1898 году в Соединенных Штатах начали формироваться баскетбольные лиги. В1898 начали играть в профессиональный баскетбол. Лига получила название Национальной лиги баскетбола (NBL). Национальная лига баскетбола состояла из четырех команд: команды Нью-Йорка, Филадельфии, Бруклина и Нью-Джерси.
К1932 году, с основанием Международной любительской федерации баскетбола в Женеве, Швейцария; баскетбол официально получил международный статус. В1946 году была сформирована Американская ассоциация баскетбола, но из этого ничего хорошего не получилось, потому что она составляла конкуренцию Национальной лиге баскетбола. Но в 1949 году Американская ассоциация баскетбола и Национальная лига баскетбола объединились.
Они сменили свое название на Национальную ассоциацию баскетбола (NBA). За все время становления баскетбола в игру было добавлено много новых правил» В 1930-х годах Кении Сей лор изобрел бросок в прыжке; В 1940-х Боб Курланд использовал блок-шоты. В1952 году была расширена штрафная зона и введено правило трехсекундной зоны, так что центровые не могли находиться перед корзиной продолжительное время. В течение 1950-х годов Национальная ассоциация баскетбола процветала. В течение 1970-х и 1980-х расширение NBA стало неимоверно стремительным. В середине 1980-х и в начале 1990-х Майкл Джордан стал одним из величайших игроков в истории NBA, непревзойденным королем игры и поднял игру до совершенно другого уровня.
В это время популярность баскетбола росла. В настоящее время в баскетбол играют 176 наций.


1. When was the game of basketball invented?
2. Where was the first game of basketball played?
3. What was the first basketball ball?
4. When was an actual «basketball» ball invented?
5. When were basketball hoop and net invented?
6. How many original rules were there in the game of basketball when it was invented?
7. When was the first professional basketball match played?
8. When did the game of basketball officially gain its international status?
9. How and when did the National Basketball Association appear?
10. Who invented the jump shot?
11. When was the three-point line introduced?


to evolve - эволюционировать, развиваться
to invent - изобретать, создавать, придумывать
clergyman- священник
to fashion - зд. создавать, сформировать
to eliminate - устранять, исключать
flaw - перен. изъян, недостаток
rugby - регби (тж. Rugby football)
soccer - футбол (по правилам Национальной ассоциации футболистов Великобритании)
basket - корзина
slightly - мало, незначительно, несущественно, немного, слегка
inch - дюйм (= 2,5 см)
peach - персик
to hang (past, hung, p.p. hung) - вешать, подвешивать
bottom - низ, нижняя часть
ladder - лестница
to climb - взбираться, влезать
to fetch - достать
hoop - кольцо, обод
net - сеть, сетка
to develop - развивать
due to - благодаря
tempo - ритм, темп
to increase - возрастать, увёличивать(ся); расти
backboard - баскетбольный щит
wire mesh - проволочная сетка
to interfere - служить препятствием, мешать,
to dribble - вести мяч
roughness - грубость
to gain - получать, приобретать; добиваться
amateur - любитель
Geneva - город Женева
Switzerland - Швейцария
to compete - соревноваться
to join - присоединиться, объединиться
jump shot - бросок мяча в прыжке
block- shot - блок-шот
foul lane - штрафная зона
to put into affect - зд. ввести в действие, задействовать
rise - повышение, подъем
expansion - распространение, экспансия; рост, развитие

Уровень В.Прочее.

About Basketball

Nowadays sport is very important in our life. Many people are going in for sport. And all of them choose some sports to their liking.As for me, I am going in for basketball. It is a very interesting game, and I would like to tell you about it.

So my favorite sport is basketball. I enjoy other sports, but it is basketball without which I cannot simply live. I play, and, of course, I catch a game when I can. Basketball develops best athletic and psychological skills, reaction, speed, coordination, and ability to play in a team. Basketball is not only my favorite sport. It is my favorite game and hobby. I have been going in for basketball for 7 years. I really love this game. Our town has a local basketball team. I play for it. We have won six championships. In this season we are also playing for the victory, and now we are the first. We won the Moscow Region Championship last season, and we are going to retry our result. Many people like to watch basketball matches. I also like to watch basketball games on TV and in the Internet. My favorite basketball team is Los Angeles Lakers. There are some best players of the NBA in this team such as Kobe Bryant and Dwight Howard. But there are many other good teams in Europe such as the CSKA, Barcelona, and others. So, you see, basketball is an international game.

In conclusion, I would like to stress that basketball is a very interesting game. There are many people playing basketball around the world. Go in for sport, keep fit!

В настоящее время спорт очень важен в нашей жизни. Многие люди занимаются спортом. И все они выбирают некоторые виды спорта для себя. Что касается меня, я занимаюсь баскетболом. Это очень интересная игра, и я хотел бы рассказать вам о ней.

Мой любимый вид спорта — баскетбол. Мне нравятся и другие виды спорта, но без баскетбола я просто не смогу прожить. Я играю, и, конечно же, я заражаюсь игрой, когда я могу. Баскетбол развивает лучшие спортивные и психологические навыки: реакцию, скорость, координацию и умение играть в команде. Баскетбол — это не только мой любимый вид спорта. Это моя любимая игра и хобби. Я занимаюсь баскетболом в течение 7 лет. Я очень люблю эту игру. Наш город имеет свою баскетбольную команду. Я играю за неё. Мы выиграли шесть чемпионатов. В этом сезоне мы также играем на победу, и сейчас мы первые. Мы выиграли чемпионат Московской области в прошлом сезоне, и мы собираемся повторить наш результат. Многие люди любят смотреть баскетбольные матчи. Я также люблю смотреть баскетбол по телевизору и в Интернете. Моя любимая баскетбольная команда это Лос-Анджелес Лейкерс. В этой команде есть лучшие игроки НБА, такие как Коби Брайант и Дуайт Ховард. Но есть много других хороших команд в Европе, такие как ЦСКА, Барселона, и другие. Итак, вы видите, баскетбол международная игра.

В заключение я хотел бы подчеркнуть, что баскетбол очень интересная игра. Есть много людей, играют в баскетбол во всем мире. Занимайтесь спортом, поддерживать себя в форме!