Джим керри краткая биография. Неестественный акт Джима Керри

Born on: January 17, 1962

Born in: Newmarket, Ontario

Nationality: Canadian-American

Career: Actor

Jim Carrey is one of the notable Hollywood actors, mainly known for his slapstick performances. He is a Canadian-American and has worn two Golden Globes till date, for his performances. He made his acting debut with television series and went on to become one of the most notable stars in Hollywood. Amongst his most successful comedy films are ‘Ace Ventura: Pet Detective’, ‘Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls’, ‘The Mask’, ‘Dumb and Dumber’, ‘Me, Myself & Irene’, ‘Fun with Dick and Jane’, ‘Liar Liar’ and ‘Bruce Almighty’. Apart from that, he also received critical acclaim for movies like ‘The Truman Show’, ‘Man on the Moon’ and ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind’.

Childhood and Early Life

Jim Carry was born as ‘James Eugene Carrey’ on 17 th January 1962, in Newmarket, Ontario. He is the son of Percy Carrey, a musician and accountant, and his wife Kathleen, a housewife. He was the youngest child of his parents and has three older siblings - John, Patricia and Rita. Carrey was raised in a Catholic household. His family moved to Scarborough in 1974, when he was 14 years old. Thereafter, he attended Blessed Trinity Catholic School in North York for two years. Carrey then enrolled at Agincourt Collegiate Institute. His family remained in Burlington, Ontario, for 8 years and there, he attended Aldershot High School.

Entry in Comedy

Carrey became involved with stand-up comedy in the year 1979, when he was hardly 17 years old. He started performing at ‘Yuk Yuk"s’ in Toronto, under the management of Leatrice Spevack. Within a period of less than 2 years, he rose to become a headliner there. In the early 1980s, he moved to Los Angeles and started working at ‘The Comedy Store’. It was here that Carrey got the attention of comedian Rodney Dangerfield. Dangerfield was so much impressed by Carrey’s performance that he signed him to open his tour performances.

Start of Acting Career

With time, Carrey initiated efforts to get into the film and television industries. He gave unsuccessful auditions for 1980-81 season of ‘NBC"s Saturday Night Live’ as well as ‘D.C. Cab’. He made his debut in movies in 1891, with the film ‘Introducing…Janet’, which was later renamed as ‘Rubberface’. He was next seen in a comedy film ‘Copper Mountain’, followed by ‘All in Good Taste’ Carrey landed his first lead role in a television series with NBC"s ‘The Duck Factory’, in the year 1984. The same year, he starred in ‘Finders Keepers’.

Till early 1990s, Carrey was seen in a number of inconsequential films, like ‘Once Bitten’, ‘Peggy Sue Got Married’, ‘The Dead Pool’, ‘Pink Cadillac’ (film), ‘Earth Girls Are Easy’, etc. He also appeared in a few television series, including ‘Mike Hammer: Murder Takes All’ and "In Living Color’. It was only in the year 1994 that Carrey achieved major recognition, when he starred in the comedy ‘Ace Ventura: Pet Detective’. Though the film was bashed by critics and also made him end up with Golden Raspberry Award nomination as ‘Worst New Star’, it was a commercial success and made people notice him.

The very next year, Carrey was seen in two more senseless comedies - ‘The Mask’ and ‘Dumb and Dumber’. In 1995, he was seen in a sequel of Ace Ventura i.e. ‘Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls’, followed by the film ‘Batman Forever’. Both the films were major commercial successes. He made a record in 1996 when he was paid twenty million dollars for ‘The Cable Guy’, a record sum for a comedy actor. Though the film achieved moderate success, Carrey soon came back with the successful ‘Liar Liar’.

Carrey ventured towards serious roles in 1998, with ‘The Truman Show’, which won him a Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Drama and an MTV Movie Award for Best Male Performance. The next year, he was seen in ‘Man on the Moon’, which won major critical acclaim as well as a Golden Globe for Best Actor. He turned back to comedy in 2000, with ‘Me, Myself & Irene’, a box-office hit. Carrey continued with his forte in ‘Bruce Almighty’, the second highest grossing live-action comedy of all time.

His next critical success came with ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind’, winning him his sixth Golden Globe nomination. In 2004, Carrey played a villain in ‘Lemony Snicket"s A Series of Unfortunate Events’. The next year, he starred in a remake of ‘Fun with Dick and Jane’. Next, Carrey was seen after 2 years i.e. in 2007, in ‘The Number 23’, a psychological thriller co-starring Virginia Madsen and Danny Huston. Though he has received commercial success as well as critical acclaim, he has remained devoid of Academy Award nominations till date.

Personal Life

Carry had his first marriage with Melissa Womer, former actress and Comedy Store waitress. The couple had a daughter - Jane Erin Carrey, on 6 th September 1987. The alliance came to an end with a divorce, in 1995. Around this time, Carrey was dating Lauren Holly, his Dumb and Dumber co-star. They got married in 1996, but unfortunately the matrimony lasted even less than a year. Thereafter, Carrey became involved with actress Renée Zellweger and even got engaged to her.

The engagement was broken in December 2000. Since then, Carrey has been involved with a number of females, including Tiffany O. Silver - his massage therapist, Jenny McCarthy - actress/model, and Anine Bing - model (rumored). He is a vegetarian and attended a Presbyterian Church in the early 1990s. He received a star on Canada"s Walk of Fame, in Toronto, in 1998. Carrey received U.S. citizenship in 2004 and presently, holds dual citizenship of U.S. and Canada. He owns a Gulfstream V and drives a Saleen S7.

Jim Carrey - биография

Джим Керри родился 17 января 1962 года в городке Нью-Маркет, Канада. Отец Джима был музыкантом-самоучкой. Мать домохозяйка. Джим родился самым младшим ребенком в семье, у него есть брат - Джон и сестры: Рита и Пит.

Детство Джима керри нельзя назвать счастливым. Семья нищинствовала. Отцу приходилось подрабатывать бухгалтером, чтобы хоть как-то сводить концы с концами.

Когда Джиму исполнилось 13 лет, финансовое положение в семье усугубилось еще больше. Отца увольняют с работы. Теперь у семьи не было возможности оплачивать жилье. Переехав в небольшой городишко Скарборо, они были вынуждены жить в автофургоне, а потом и вовсе перебрались жить в палатку.

Спустя некоторое время родителям и всем детям удалось устроиться уборщиками и ночными сторожами на фабрику. Учась в средней школе Джим был вынужден работать по 8 часов в день. Ему приходилось чистить туалеты, чтобы помогать кормить семью.

Ситуация осложнялась тем, что все окружающие считали мать Джима немного сумасшедшей из-за ее патологической склонности искать у себя симптомы различных болезней.

Джима, тоже иногда считали не совсем здоровым ребенком. Его любимым занятием в то время было корчить рожи. Он оттачивал свое мастерство, часами простаивая перед зеркалом.

Когда Джиму Керри исполняется 15 лет, его отец уговарил хозяина местного камеди клаба позволить джиму выступить на сцене. Но его дебют провалился. Керри был освистан публикой. Для пятнадцатилетнего юноши это было сильным потрясением. И только спустя два года Джим опять решился выйти на сцену. На этот раз его представление произвело фурор. Керри неоднократно вызывали на бис, а публика в зале не переставала смеяться.

После удачных выступлений. его заметили и стали приглашать на второстепенные роли в сериалы. Получив первые гонорары, он решил, стать богатым и известным во всём мире. Чтобы прорваться на большой экран. Джим начал брать уроки актерского мастерства.

Скопив небольшую сумму, 19-летний Джим решил перебраться в Лос – анжелес. В Голливуде он трудился по 16 часов в сутки хватаясь за любые возможности. В 1984 году к нему начинает приходить известность. На выступлениях Джим Керри собирает полный зал.

Журнал «Пипл» удостоил Джима Керри званием - «Лучшего молодого комика Америки». Керри наслаждался тем, что только при одном его слове, зрители начинали хохотать и аплодировать. Его лицо стали узнавать на улице. В этом же году он получает роль в комедийном сериале «Утиная фабрика».

И несмотря на то, что гонорары были небольшие, он решает перевезти своих родственников в Лос-Анджелес. По злой иронии судьбы сериал «Утиная ферма» был закрыт через три недели.

Потеряв работу, у Джима Керри не стало возможности содержать родителей. Он был вынужден отправить их обратно в Канаду. Вскоре заболевает его мать, ей требуется дорогостоящее лечение. Джим, получает письмо с просьбой о помощи.

Тогда он решает во что бы то ни стало найти работу. В поисках работы не пропускал ни одного кастинга и прослушивания. И наконецто в 1985 году ему улыбнулась удача. Джима Керри плигласили на роль в комедии «Однажды укушенный».

Работа в картине была успешной. Джим заработал деньги на лечение матери. Но лечение не помогло и мать умирает не задолго до настоящего триумфа сына.

С 1991 года мечты Джим Керри - покорить Америку стали сбываться. Он появился на экранах с собственным шоу. В это же время он начинает работу над малобюджетной комедией о детективе по розыску животных.

Фильм ожидал трудный путь. Сценарий никто не хотел спонсировать, а известные комики отказались от участия в картине. Тогда Керри решил сам сделать картину и снятся в главной роли.

И именно картина «Эйс Вентура» стала его триумфальным взлетом. Комедия с маленьким бюджетом в течении первых трех недель собрала в прокате 38 миллионов долларов.

Кадры из фильма "Эйс Вентура"

В одночасье Джим Керри стал знаменитым во всем мире. Следующий фильм «Маска», в котором он сыграл главную роль с Камерон Диаз приносит ему еще больший успех. А за фильм «Тупой и еще тупее», в этом же году Джим Керри получил уже 7 миллионов долларов.

В фильме "Вечное сияние чистого разума", в котором его партнершей по фильму была Кейт Уинслет , Джим Керри продемонстрировал свой талант не только как комический актер, но и в драматическом жанре Кстати, в данном фильме сыграл тогда еще никому неизвестный Марк Руффало

Теперь знаменитый на весь мир Джим Керри стал одним из самых высокооплачиваемых комиков Голливуда. За свою карьеру Джим Керри снялся более чем в 40 картинах.

Кадры из фильма "Тупой и еще тупее"

Личная жизнь

Первый брак Джима Керри состоялся в 1987 году. Он женился на официантке Мелиссе Уомер.

Спустя год у них родилась дочь - Джейн. А в 1995 спустя 8 лет брак распался.

Джим Керри с Мелиссой Уомер

В конце того же года у него завязались отношения с его партнершей по фильму «Тупой и еще тупее» Лорен Холли. В 1996 году они поженились, но их брак продлился менее года.

Джим Керри с Лорен Холли

Джим Керри не является голливудским ловеласом, но о его романах ходило много разговоров. Керри встречался с Рене Зеллвегер, своим личным врачом Тиффани Сильвер и моделью журнала Playboy Анин Бинг.

Джим Керри с Рене Зельвеггер

С 2005 по 2010 год Джим Керри начинает встречаться с фотомоделью Дженни Маккарти. Джим считал, что наконец нашел свою половинку, но это оказалось не так и они разошлись.

Джим Керри и Дженни Маккартни

В 2010 году в жизни Джима Керри состоялось радостное событие - он стал дедушкой, его дочь Джейн родила мальчика.

Джим Керри с дочерью и внуком

Совсем недавно стало известно, что у Джима начались романтические отношения с 23 летней студенткой из России - Анастасией Виткиной. Также известно, что Джим готовиться в третий раз испытать удачу на семейном поприще, предложив Анастасии руку и сердце.

Джим Керри с Анастасией Виткиной

Сегодня, знаменитый комик не только участвует в новых комедийных проектах, но и серьезно занялся написанием сценариев.

Главные правила жизни и цитаты Джима Керри

Первое: помни, если тебя преследует чувство: «Жизнь идет как-то не так, я не занимаюсь тем, чем мне следует заниматься», то об тебя все будут вытирать ноги.
Второе: никогда не воспринимай себя слишком серьезно, старайся относиться ко всему с юмором.
Третее: нужно всегда и при любых обстоятельствах быть самим собой.
Четвертое: стараться быть более терпимым и благосклонным к недостаткам окружающих людей.

Все Цитаты >>> Джима Керри

  • Любопытно
  • Джим Керри страдал депрессиями, преодолевать которые ему было нелегко. Но в какой-то момент он нашел эффективное средство избавления о стресса: витамины, работа и занятия спортом. Кстати занимаясь спортом, сильно увлекся джиу-джитсу.
  • В самом начале своей карьеры Джим выписал себе липовый чек на сумму 10 миллионов долларов, искренне веря, что он настоящий. И в течении года получил уже реальный чек на эту же сумму.
  • Когда Джиму исполнилось двадцать лет, он вышел на сцену обнаженным, прикрываясь только носком.
  • Любимая марка авто - "Мерседес". Кроме того обожает гонять на мотоцикле.
  • Джим Керри является первым комиком, получившим гонорар в размере 20 миллионов долларов.
  • Джим говорит, что его герой Стенли Ипкис в фильме "Маска" и его отец Перси - практически один типаж человека.
  • В 1997 году Джим Керри вошел в список самых красивых людей мира по версии журнала «People».
  • Любимая еда - суши.
  • Выделяет огромные суммы на благотворительность, помогая больным детям.
  • Обожает музыкальную группу Cannibal Corpse.
  • В январе 2001 года у Джима появился личный самолет «Гольфстрим V», за который он выложил 41 миллион долларов.

Although Carrey maintains a foothold in the comedy world with films such as Bruce Allmächtig (2003) and Mr. Poppers Pinguine (2011), he is also capable of turning in nuanced dramatic performances, as demonstrated in films like Vergiss mein nicht (2004) and the drama/comedy Der Ja-Sager (2008). In 2013, he costars with Steve Carell in Der unglaubliche Burt Wonderstone (2013).

Spouse (2)

Lauren Holly (23 September 1996 - 29 July 1997) (divorced)
Melissa Carrey (28 March 1987 - 11 December 1995) (divorced) (1 child)

Trade Mark (9)

Flexible body movements

Frequently plays a character who wears green or is green

Makes weird facial expressions in his more comical roles. A lot of times, the expression is accompanied by an equally weird voice or laugh.

In dramatic roles, often plays a character who discovers a bizarre truth about the foundations of his life

Wild erratic manner of speaking

His characters often have catchphrases

Characters lacking in manners or social awareness

Occasionally performs musical numbers in his movies (The Mask (1994), The Grinch (2000), Man on the Moon (1999), Yes Man (2008), Fun With Dick and Jane (2005), The Cable Guy (1996))

Trivia (92)

Dropped out of high school at 16.

Ranked #54 in Empire (UK) magazine"s "The Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time" list.

Chosen by "People" magazine as one of the 50 Most Beautiful People in the World.

He appeared at the 20th anniversary special for The Comedy Store wearing nothing but a sock on his penis.

At one point his family lived out of their car/trailer.

At one point he and his family all worked as janitors and security guards at a factory to make a living.

December, 2001: Announces his intention to become a United States citizen.

As of 2001, his total of nine MTV movie awards is the most won by any person.

Received U.S. citizenship in October 2004 and maintains a dual citizen of both the United States and his native Canada.

As a child, he used to wear his tap shoes to bed just in case his parents needed cheering up in the middle of the night.

Performed his first stand-up routine (with disastrous results) in a yellow suit and tails (made by his mother) similar to what he would later wear in Die Maske (1994).

Played a (fictional) man who is not (yet) aware he is on television on Die Truman Show (1998) and a real-life man who believed he was always on television Der Mondmann (1999).

As of 2009, he is only one of six performers who won a Golden Globe Award as Best Lead Actor/Actress in a Motion Picture Drama without being nominated for an Oscar for that same role (his for Die Truman Show (1998)). The others are Spencer Tracy in Theaterfieber (1953), Anthony Franciosa in Viele sind berufen (1959), Omar Sharif in Doktor Schiwago (1965), Shirley MacLaine for Madame Sousatzka (1988) and Kate Winslet in Zeiten des Aufruhrs (2008).

As a kid, he was a member of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets.

He is of French-Canadian ancestry on his father"s side, and has French, Irish, and Scottish ancestry on his mother"s side. His family"s surname was originally "Carré".

Pictured on one of a set of five nondenominated Canadian commemorative postage stamps honoring Great Canadian Comedians, issued 29 August 2014. In addition to the main portrait, he is shown in his roles as Ace Ventura, Stanley Ipkiss in Die Maske (1994), and Lloyd Christmas in Dumm und Dümmer (1994). Others honored in this set are Mike Myers , Catherine O"Hara , Martin Short , and Oliver Guimond. Price of each stamp on day of issue was 85¢.

In several films he has played an extraordinary character for whom television plays an vital role. In Batman Forever (1995) he played The Riddler who devises a master plan to hypnotize and absorb knowledge from the population using television. In Cable Guy - Die Nervensäge (1996) he played a cable TV technician with a lifelong unhealthy obsession with television. In Die Truman Show (1998) he played a man who discovers that his entire life was a hugely successful reality TV show. In Der Mondmann (1999) he played the TV comedy star Andy Kaufman who pushed the boundaries of his medium. And in Bruce Allmächtig (2003) he played a TV reporter who was suddenly granted the powers of God.

Has played the two most well known fictional characters who hated Christmas, The Grinch and Ebenezer Scrooge.

His role of Brad Peters in the 1989 CBS television film Mike Hammer - Mädchen, Morde und Moneten (1989) turned out to be the final murder victim. Helen Durant (Lynda Carter) was his off screen murderer. The notable other deaths in that television film were Johnny Roman (Edward Winter), Barbara Leguire (Kelly Jerles), Bundy (Royce D. Applegate), Leora van Treas (Michelle Phillips), Reggie Diaz (Lyle Alzado), John McNiece (Jessie Lawrence Ferguson), and Carl Durant (John Calvin).

To deal with his depression, Carrey took Prozac, eventually deciding to get off medications. He has stated that he no longer takes medications or stimulants of any kind, not even coffee.

As of 2017, Jim Carrey is the only actor (male or female) to date to win a Golden Globe for Best Actor in both the drama and comedy/musical categories without being nominated for an Academy Award.

He is mentioned in Blessid Union of Souls "Hey Leonardo (She Likes Me For Me.").

Personal Quotes (33)

I tend to stay up late, not because I"m partying but because it"s the only time of day when I"m alone and I don"t have to be on, performing.

I"ve been dubbed the man most responsible for the dumbing of America, so obviously I don"t put much stock into thoughts like (the theme of the "dumbing down" of contemporary comedy). People love to laugh, and most people can find humor in just about anything, which is great. Trying to label or categorize comedy is ridiculous. I mean, if you laugh at a fart joke, does that make you a moron? I don"t think so.

That"s the trouble with being me. At this point, nobody gives a damn what my problem is. I could literally have a tumor on the side of my head and they"d be like, "Yeah, big deal. I"d eat a tumor every morning for the kinda money you"re pulling down.

I"m charming, but I dip into the Prozac now and then.

I don"t believe in this fairy tale of staying together for ever. Ten years with somebody is enough. In ten years, you can give a lot of love.

I have no intention of giving up my Canadian heritage, and all those who loved and supported me. My upbringing in Canada made me the person I am. I will always be proud to be a Canadian.

Always turn your wheel in the direction of the skid.

The power of the subconscious mind! With the power of the sub-conscious mind I can learn how to do anything...I could...learn how to dance, or, yodel like an Austrian.

The best possible thing you can get out of a relationship is that you"re with somebody who encourages you to be the best version of yourself.

(1996, on choosing projects) Very rarely do I jump up and say on my own, "I must do this!" I have a lot of people who look at material and give me their opinions. It"s like the President-he doesn"t make a move without his aides, which is a smart way to be if you trust the opinions of the people on your team.

(1996, on $20 million paydays) See, the number in the paper is one thing, but then there"s 35 percent off the top for commissions, then there"s taxes, so the $20 million check becomes $5.5 million. That"s amazing money, but it"s not $20 million. Believe me, I don"t gloat about the money. People have lost fortunes that make mine look microscopic. You can never count on it for sure. People that do that are asking for trouble.

(1996) Money doesn"t faze me at all. It goes into an account and then I basically do what I need to do with it. The money takes a little of your fear away-you know, fear of the future. This country is pretty scary if you don"t build some kind of nest egg for yourself. I don"t go buy Maseratis, because I"ve never been impressed with stuff like that at all. I"ll probably end up with two houses, someplace to escape to and someplace in the city, I"m pretty basic. I understand the dynamic of people who medicate themselves with things, but it always seemed hollow to me.

(1996) I"m just a freak like the rest of us. I"d say I"ve had an even flow of neediness through my whole life, and I got kind of clever about it early. I remember starting out imitating records in the back of the classroom, and when the teacher singled me out and tried to make me feel embarrassed by saying, "Get up and do that in front of the whole class," it marked the end of all normal life. I got up, did it in front of the whole class and learned that committing myself to getting a reaction was very addicting. For sure, I have an unnatural need to be noticed or liked. But I don"t necessarily gear everything to an audience, going, "What are they going to want?", I"m not afraid to become a different thing, because I believe talent finds its audience. It"s just like The Beatles . They didn"t stay put. They changed, made a lot of enemies, lost fans, gained new ones.

(1996) I dyed my hair black just before I started shooting Cable Guy - Die Nervensäge (1996) and immediately got completely in the doldrums. I couldn"t lift myself out of it, because every time I looked in the mirror, I didn"t like myself. It definitely put me in a weird place.

Even if I am being over the top or crazy, I want to do something original. There is nothing that makes me happier than when someone says: "I watched Die Maske (1994) 300 times when I was a kid." I look forward to when I am 80 and people come up to me going: "It was you, dude." That"s an amazing feeling.

It is as if I am starting out every time I make a film. And I swear to you I don"t feel any more secure than I used to, or jaded in any way. There was a moment when I thought "I am not sure I want to be part of this big thing that is Hollywood." I looked at it cynically for a minute. Then I sat on my couch and realized the value of what I do. We free people from concern. It is what everyone needs in this day and age. There is nothing better and it started out that way.

I was always trying to make my mother laugh because she was sick or depressed or whatever. Many comics start out by trying to heal their family. That"s how you get good. Your drunken grandparents leave and you turn around as a seven-year-old child and imitate them. That is how it began for me, bringing comic relief to my family. It really is comic relief, people don"t just want to see it, they need it. I need it more than they do and that is why I am on this side of the camera because I am a really needy person.

(2001, on his first comedy show) My mother dressed me in a polyester suit, and I got booed off the stage, and I didn"t go back for two years. But then when I went back, I was gangbusters.

My focus is to forget the pain, mock the pain, reduce it.

I love the whole culture, obviously. You have the best musicians, the best poets. Great artists come out of Ireland.

These mass shootings and daily body counts are an invitation for us to become more civilized and to deal with our addiction and entitlement to violence. Not to shut our eyes and ears and scream at those with a different opinion than ours to "fuck off and go back to Canada".

So many of us chose our path out of fear disguised as practicality. My father could have been a great comedian, but he didn"t believe that was possible for him. So, he made a conservative choice and instead he got a job as an accountant. When I was 12 years old, he was let go from that safe job. Our family had to do whatever we could to survive. I learned many great lessons from my father, not the least of which is that you can fail at what you don"t want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.

People might dismiss Jerry as someone who acted the fool. But the fool is not an idiot.The courage and freedom of the fool liberates us. The fool tells the truth while making fun of our arrogance and our conventional ideas. He shows us up for what we are, and that"s what Jerry did. He was a blessing.

It was a false alarm, but a real psychic warning. If we allow this one-man Gomorrah and his corrupt Republican congress to continue alienating the world, we are all headed for suffering beyond all imagination.

It"s not our World.

I grew up in Canada, OK. We have socialized medicine, and I am here to tell you that this bullshit line that you get on all the political shows from people, is that it"s a failure; the system is a failure in Canada. It is NOT a failure in Canada. I never waited for anything in my life, I chose my own doctors, my mother never paid for a prescription. It was fantastic. And I just got back from Vancouver, and I keep hearing this, "Canadians are so nice . . . Canadians are so nice." They can be nice because they have health care. Because they have a government that cares about them. It doesn"t say, "Sink or fucking swim pal, or you live in a box." There are certain people in our society that need to be taken care of. There are people without as many opportunities that need to be helped toward those opportunities. There are people who are sick. You shouldn"t have to lose your home because your mother got sick.

Whoever invented marriage was creepy as hell. It says "I love you so much that I"m going to get the government involved so you can"t leave".

$20,000,000 + merchandising Bruce Almighty (2003) $25,000,000 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) $10,000,000 Yes Man (2008) 36.2% of profit

В детстве Джиму приходилось, мягко сказать, туговато… Материальное положение его семьи было столь плачевным, что его отец едва сводил концы с концами, дабы прокормить своих четверых детей. Но когда глава семьи потерял свою бухгалтерскую работу, семья вообще перекочевала жить в простую палатку. Если жизнь отстой, чтобы полностью не свихнуться, нужно относиться ко всем ее испытаниям с юмором. Самый младшенький Джим Керри это понял и с тех пор возомнил себя клоуном, доставая всех своими ржачными выходками и постоянно корча рожи. Уже в десять лет он умудрился послать 80 фоток со своими рожами на одно из американских шоу. Его посылка не осталась незамеченной… Но от простого письма с благодарностями толку было маловато… А в 15 лет Джим впервые засветился на публике в комедийном клубе для начинающих комиков. Публика оказалась туповатой, и выступление, которое было придумано вместе с отцом, показалось ей остойным – юзера-комика даже забросали помидорами. Эх, знали бы все тогда, кто перед ними выступает… Но Джим этого тоже не знал и опустил руки… Он бросил школу! Мало того, семья была на такой мели, что всем детям пришлось устроиться уборщиками – они мыли туалеты!:(Неудивительно, что Джим тогда возненавидел весь мир.

Целых два года он пытался полюбить мир снова, собирался с силами и идеями, чтобы вновь засветиться на той же сцене. И в этот раз все было по-другому. Когда он выступал, в зале стоял полный ржак и комика вызывали на бис еще и еще!!! Но это было не то, чего он хотел… Керри спал и видел себя на большом экране. И пройти курсы актерского мастерства в этом случае было отнюдь не лишним. После учебы Джима наконец-то заметили, и он стал сниматься в телесериалах и фильмах. Правда, только в малозначительных ролях. Но за них хотя бы платили деньги!

Каждый начинающий актер видит себя в Голливуде. Джим исключением не стал и навострил свои лыжи именно туда. И ломанулся – через тернии к звездам! Уже в 1984 году от журнала «Пипл» он обрел статус лучшего американского пародиста за свое «резиновое» лицо. В результате чего запросто получил роль в комедийном сериале «Утиная фабрика». Потом судьба решила над ним поглумиться – сериал закрылся. В себе закрылся и Джим, лежа сутками напролет в кровати… Да и в его семье дела обстояли не ахти. Ей срочно нужны были деньги и помочь мог только он… Джим был вынужден забить на свой депрессняк и начать метаться по кастингам и прослушиваниям. Результат не заставил себя долго ждать. Ему подфартило и он снялся в фильме «Однажды укушенный». А затем сбылась его большая мечта – у него появилось собственное шоу. Потом он вальяжно вошел в образ Эйса Вентуры, детектива по розыску домашних животных, и понеслось… С тех пор Джима Керри знают все! Знают как человека, который научил весь мир смеяться!:)


«Когда дела совсем плохи, остаётся только смеяться».

«У многих из нас есть чокнутые родственники. А многие из нас в глазах родственников - сами чокнутые».

«Комик не обязательно изменяет мир своим искусством, но он может сделать жизнь в нем более сносной».

«Если у вас есть талант, он защитит вас».

«У меня не жизнь, а сон сумасшедшего».

«Если вы откажитесь от своей мечты, то что останется?»

«Я всю жизнь верю в чудеса».


Маска (1994)

Лжец, лжец (1997)

Шоу Трумана (1998)

Вечное сияние чистого разума (2004)

Всегда говори «ДА» (2008)


Текст: Аня Звездная

James Eugene Carrey (originally Carrй) (born January 17, 1962) is a Canadian film actor, comedian, writer and producer who grew up in the Toronto suburb of Newmarket, Ontario.

A comedian from an early age, Carrey mailed his rйsumй to The Carol Burnett Show when he was 10 years old. The teachers in Carrey"s high school gave him a few minutes at the end of each school day to do a stand-up routine for his classmates.

The Carrey family fell on hard times and were forced to move to the Toronto suburb of Scarborough, where they took security and janitorial jobs in the Titan Wheels factory. Carrey began working eight-hour shifts each day after school. Eventually, the Carrey family adjusted by living on a relative"s lawn out of the family Volkswagen van until they could move back downtown.

Carrey dropped out of high school, and began to work in comedy clubs and to develop his act, which included impersonations of celebrities such as Michael Landon and James Stewart. In 1979 he moved to Los Angeles and started working in The Comedy Store, where he was noticed by comedian Rodney Dangerfield. Dangerfield liked Carrey"s act so much that he signed Carrey up to open Dangerfield"s tour performances.

Carrey began to work occasionally in television and in small parts in movies, which eventually led to a friendship with Damon Wayans. Wayans" brother Keenen Ivory Wayans was in the process of putting together a sketch comedy show for Fox called In Living Color, and hired Carrey to be a cast member. Carrey"s unusual characters and on-screen behavior caught America"s attention.

Carrey"s first starring role in a film was in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994). Through the 1990s, Carrey released one highly successful film after another, including The Mask (1994), Batman Forever (1995), Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (1995), Liar Liar (1997), and The Truman Show (1998).

In 1999 Carrey fought hard for the role of comedian Andy Kaufman in Man on the Moon. There were quite a few actors fighting for the role, including Edward Norton, but director Milos Forman and the other filmmakers knew Carrey was their "Andy" when they saw his audition. Carrey performed for them as Kaufman with Kaufman"s actual bongo drums.

Carrey"s manager is James Miller, younger brother of comedian Dennis Miller.

He is an inductee of Canada"s Walk of Fame.

Carrey has been listed on a number of lists of famous people that are claimed to have or have had bipolar disorder, but the truth of these rumours is not known.

Selected Filmography
The Duck Factory (1983 series)
Once Bitten (1985)
Peggy Sue Got Married (1986)
Earth Girls are Easy (1989)
In Living Color (1990 series)
Doing Time on Maple Drive (1992, TV)
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994)
The Mask (1994)
Dumb and Dumber (1994)
Batman Forever (1995)
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (1995)
The Cable Guy (1996)
Liar Liar (1997)
The Truman Show (1998)
Man on the Moon (1999)
Me, Myself and Irene (2000)
Dr. Seuss" How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)
The Majestic (2001)
Bruce Almighty (2003)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)