Олимпиадные тесты по английскому языку. Олимпиады по английскому языку

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Тесты составлены с учетом программы по английскому языку для средних школ и направлены на контроль правил чтения, лингвострановедческих знании, грамматических и лексических навыков. Приведенные ключи позволят проверить правильность выполнения заданий и помогут избежать типичных ошибок.
Для учащихся средних школ, абитуриентов и студентов ВУЗов, а также для всех, кто хочет систематизировать свои знания по английскому языку и подготовиться к более сложным международным тестам типа TOEFL, FCE и т.д.

Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.
A traveller who had been riding in the rain and was wet through, arrived at a small hotel in the country. There was only one fireplace in the hall and a lot of people around it. The traveller thought of a plan how to get warm. He asked the hotel owner to take some fish to his horse. The hotel owner was surprised but the traveller insisted and the hotel owner did as he was asked. All the people rushed out to see the horse eat fish. The traveller had the fireplace all to himself and felt comfortable. When the hotel owner returned he said, "I was sure horses do not eat fish."- "Then why did you take it to my horse?"
1. Why did the hotel owner try to feed the horse with fish?
2. Why did the traveller ask him to do it?
II. Поставьте вопрос к подчеркнутому члену предложения.
The traveller thought of a plan how to get warm.

  • Книги по английскому языку
  • Easy English, Базовый курс, Выборова Г.Е., Махмурян К.С., Мельчина О.П., 2003 - Учебник подготовлен на кафедре английского языка гуманитарных ВУЗов МПГУ. Он содержит базовый курс, хрестоматию, краткий свод правил чтения, грамматический справочник … Книги по английскому языку
  • Тесты по английскому языку для школьных олимпиад - Выборова Г.Е., Махмурян К.С.

Следующие учебники и книги.


6 класс

2015/2016 учебный год

I. Read the text and do the tasks

Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in 1889 in London. His father died when he was a child and the family didn’t have much money. Charlie first performed on the theatre stage at the age of five.

After he joined Frank Karno’s company, he went to the USA in 1914 and his first year there he acted in 35 of Hollywood’s early films. These were ‘silent films’, before the invention of cinema sound the actors couldn’t speak, but acted out their faces and movements. Charlie Chaplin became one of the most famous actors in the world, and everyone knew and loved the role he played: a man with a black hat, big shoes, a little moustache and unusual walk.

With other actors, Chaplin formed a film company and he started to direct his own films. Later, after sound arrived, he began to talk on screen and he wrote the music for one of his films, “Limelight”. Twenty-five years before his death in 1977, he moved away to live in Switzerland. Most people still like his films today.

Put the events in the correct order:

    He acted in sound films.__________

    He joined Frank Karno’s company and went to the USA.______

    When he was 5, Charlie played on the stage._______

    He moved to live in Switzerland.__________

    He acted in silent films.______

    Charlie formed a film company._______

Read the text again and choose the correct answer:

    Charlie Chaplin was born more than 100 years ago.

    He lived in London before he moved to the USA.

a. Right b. Wrong c. Doesn’t say

    He was 35 when he got his first role.

a. Right b. Wrong c. Doesn’t say

    He never spoke in his films.

a. Right b. Wrong c. Doesn’t say

    Chaplin had his film company and was a very rich man.

a. Right b. Wrong c. Doesn’t say


Circle the odd word in each group:

1. table chair window bed stool

2. bear funny fox elephant tiger

3. hot cold blue sad tired

4. chicken eat duck parrot penguin

5. TV computer video player mobile phone CD

Match the definitions to the words:

1. get on a bus here a) cinema

2. play sports here b) bank

3. buy things here c) leisure centre

4. watch films here d) bus station

5. get money here e) shops

Choose the correct word:

    It’s very hot today. Where’s my T-shirt/jacket ?

    Linda’s cold. She’s looking for her scarf/dress .

    My mum’s eyes are fair/grey .

    It’s a cold day. Where are yourtrousers/shorts ?

    I’m going to the beach. I need my baseball cap/socks .

    Sarah’s hair is very tall/long .

Put the phrases in the correct order:

1) Why not! See you tomorrow morning then.

2) Have you ever been to an art gallery?

3) I don’t know yet.

4) What are you going to do on Saturday?

5) No, I’ve never been there.

6) Let’s go then. It’s worth seeing.

Complete the sentences:

1. Usually I _________ the piano but now I __________ the drums.

A play; am playingB am playing; play

2. He was listening to music while his sisterwas cooking pizza

A was listening, was cooking B was listening, cooked

3. I __________ a letter from Kelly last Saturday.

A have got B got

4. My mother wasn’t at home when I _________ .

A had come B came

5. Next summer my family and I will go to Sochi.


What do these signs mean? Choose the correct option:

a) open in the evenings

1) Open 9:30-5.30, Monday-Saturday b) open every day

c) not open on Sundays

a) no bikes on the grass

2) Don’t ride your bike on the grass! b) park your bikes on the grass

c) leave your bike at home

a) see you later

3) Welcome to London! b) this is the way to London

c)hope you’ll have a nice time in London

a) don’t turn left

4) Keep to the left b) look to your left

c) stay on the left side

a) this is hotel room

5) Class 2A b) this is a classroom

Put all the holidays according to the calendar order:

3. St. Valentine’s Day

5. New Year’s Day

6. Independence Day

7. Thanksgiving Day

Find out the correct answer from the list: MadameTussaud"s, Pyramids, Buckingham Palace,The Statue of Liberty, Stonehenge,

    It is the Druid’s calendar.

    It is the present from France to America.

    A lot of people go to Africa to see …

    Where does the queen live?

    Where is an exhibition of wax figures?

Олимпиады по английскому языку становятся все больше и больше востребованными во всем мире. Они проходят как среди преподавателей, так и среди учащихся. Знание английского в настоящее время стало преимуществом, которое открывает двери для новых горизонтов, для тех кто хочет учиться, работать и жить за границей. Кроме того английский язык необходим при путешествиях и знакомстве с людьми различных стран мира.

На данный момент времени в России проводится довольно много и достаточно часто олимпиад по английскому языку. Мероприятия могут происходить как в школе, так и на региональном, а также международном уровне. Для того, чтобы добиться высоких результатов в таких мероприятиях, следует тщательно подготовиться к ним. Наш международный педагогический портал «Солнечный свет», рад предложить вам тесты для подготовки к олимпиадам по английскому языку.

Олимпиады по английскому языку можно пройти онлайн

Педагогический портал «Солнечный свет» предлагает любому желающему принять участие в олимпиадах по английскому языку. Наша цель - раскрыть у детей и подростков способности к познанию и обучению английского. Тесты представленные в данном разделе помогут многим ученикам и преподавателям развить свои знания в английском языке. Наш портал стремится к тому, чтобы разрушать препятствия, поэтому онлайн олимпиады по английскому за 2017-2018 год можно провести всего пару раз сделав клик мышкой.

Одним из самых эффективных решений к подготовке по олимпиаде представлены вашему вниманию в данном разделе. Многочисленные интересные тесты по английскому языку пройти сможет любой желающий. Такие тесты служат тренажером для подготовки к реальным олимпиадам. Задания подобраны на основе действующей школьной программе. У нас представлены тесты за 8-й класс и по различным темам. Каждый тест имеет 10 вопросов, и несколько вариантов ответов. Вам необходимо будет выбрать всего один вариант, для проверки правильности ответа, необходимо нажать проверить, так вы сможете сразу понять правильно ли вы ответили на тот или иной вопрос или не правильно.

Олимпиадные задания по английскому на портале «Солнечный свет»

Наш портал - это находка для любого учащегося и учителя. Благодаря предоставленным тестам любой сможет подготовиться к олимпиаде, а ответы представленные под заданием помогут быстрее и качественнее подготовиться к заданию. Онлайн тесты на нашем педагогическом портале можно использовать как тренажер, для подготовки к олимпиадам. Отличные и развлекательные задания, позволяют развивать мышление. На все про все времени неограниченно, то есть вам не нужно спешить с ответом, здесь вы сможете поразмыслить над заданием и привести верное решение. После теста, вы также можете побаловать себя дипломом или свидетельством о вашем прохождении теста.

Получить диплом на портале Солнечный свет

Каждый желающий получить диплом на нашем портале, может создать свой кабинет, а там уже создать свой личный диплом. Низкая стоимость оргвзноса поможет вам без труда создать свой диплом и скачать его. Таким образом вы сможете накопить не только опыт, занимаясь и проверяя себя онлайн тестами, но и сможете накопить портфолио дипломных сертификатов. Стоимость оргвзноса совершенно не высока, что позволяет любому родителю без проблем оплатить скачивание нескольких дипломов для своего чада.

Test I
I. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.
A traveller who had been riding in the rain and was wet through, arrived at a small hotel in the country. There was only one fireplace in the hall and a lot of people around it. The traveller thought of a plan how to get warm. He asked the hotel owner to take some fish to his horse. The hotel owner was surprised but the traveller insisted and the hotel owner did as he was asked. All the people rushed out to see the horse eat fish. The traveller had the fireplace all to himself and felt comfortable. When the hotel owner returned he said, «I was sure horses do not eat fish.»- «Then why did you take it to my horse?»

1. Why did the hotel owner try to feed the horse with fish?
2. Why did the traveller ask him to do it?

II. Поставьте вопрос к подчеркнутому члену предложения.
The traveller thought of a plan how to get warm.

III. Раскройте скобки, употребив правильную глагольную форму.
Once John Smith and his wife Mary who (1 - live) in a small house in the mountains, (2 - find) a dog. Though the dog (3 - be) weak and hungry, he (4 - not eat) anything in the presence of his new masters. Several days later the dog (5 - disappear). John and Mary (6 - leave) alone. But one day when Smith (7 - travel) in a train, he (8 - see) his dog running along the road. He (9 - get) off the train at the next station, (10 - buy) a piece of meat, (11 - catch) the dog and (12- bring) him home again. There the dog (13 - tie) up for a week.
The dog (14- escape) several times and each time he (15- run) north. At last the dog (16 - decide) to stay at the cottage but a long time (17 - pass) before Smith and his wife (18 - can) touch him. They (19 — call) him Wolf.
One summer a stranger (20 - come) to the cottage. As soon as the dog (21 - see) him, he (22- rush) to the stranger and (23 - lick) his hands. Then the stranger (24 — say): «His name (25 — be) not Wolf. It (26 — be) Brown. He (27 — be) my dog.» Mary (28 — ask) to leave the dog with them. But the stranger (29 - refuse) and (30 - say) that the dog (31 - must) decide it himself. «I (32 - say) goodbye and (33 - go) away. If he (34 - want) to stay, let him stay.» For some time Wolf (35 - watch) the man go. Then he (36 - rush) after him and (37 — try) to stop him. Then the dog (38 — run) back to Smith and his wife (39 — try) to drag Smith after the stranger. He (40 – want) to be at the same time with the old and the new master. Finally the dog (41 - lie) down at the feet of Smith. Mary (42 - be) happy.

IV. Выберите правильный вариант. (Только один вариант является верным)
1.I… glasses since I was a child,
a) wear, b) wore, c) am wearing, d) have been wearing.
2. When the phone rang, I… dinner.
a) cook, b) was cooking, c) had been cooking, d) have been cooking.
3. He usually had dinner at 4 p.m., … ?
a) had he, b) hadn’t he, c) did he, d) didn’t he.
4. He works … and makes good progress.
a) hard, b) hardly, c) good, d) badly.
5. He reminds me … someone I knew in the army.
a) of, b) to, c) from, d) about.
6. Mary is here. Where are … ?
a) other, b) others, c) the others, d) another.
7. What … bad weather we are having today!
a) the, b) a, c) an, d) - .
8. Did you read … English books at school?
a) some, b) many, c) much, d) none.
9. I want to know what …,
a) are you doing, b) were you doing, c) will you do, d) you are doing.
10. I’ve made … mistakes now than I made last time.
a) few, b) a few, c) fewer, d) less.
11. Can … of you help me?
a) some, b) any, c) somebody, d) anybody.
12. This translation is twice as ….
a) easy, b) easier, c) the easiest, d) much easier.
13. We … two compositions this month.
a) write, b) wrote, c) were writing, d) have written.
14. I had a feeling that somebody … there before.
a) is, b) was, c) has been, d) had been.
15. She won’t see him … he phones her.
a) except, b) after, c) unless, d) because.
16. … only one theatre and two cinemas in this city ten years ago.
a) there is, b) there was, c) there are, d) there were.
17. My watch….
a) stops, b) has stopped, c) have stopped, d) stop.
18. Do you know when he … ?
a) comes, b) will come, c) shall come, d) come.
19. I don’t have any pets. Neither ….
a) she does, b) does she, c) is she, d) does she have.
20. His parents didn’t let him … TV late.
a) to watch, b) watch, c) watching, d) watched.

V. Переведите на английский язык.
1. Москва была основана Юрием Долгоруким.
2. Небо темное, может пойти дождь.
3. Мы не знали, что он собирается нас навестить.
4. Кто знает прогноз погоды на завтра?
5. Нам не пришлось долго ждать их.

VI. Выберите правильный ответ.
1. What’s the name of the most famous clock in Britain?
a) Big Albert, b) Big Stephen, c) Big Wren, d) Big Ben.
2. What’s tartan?
a) a dish, b) a pattern of the kilt, c) a bird, d) a dance.
3. Where is Glasgow situated?
a) in Scotland, b) in Wales, c) in England, d) in Northern Ireland.
4. What’s the name of the London underground?
a) Metro, b) Tube, c) Subway, d) Underground,
5. What is the nickname of the Liberal Party?
a) the Tories, b) the Whips, c) the Libs, d) the Whigs.

Ключи к тестам
Test 1

1. He did it because the traveller insisted.
2. He asked him to do it because he knew all the people would run out of the hall and he would have a chance to get to the fire.
What (kind of) plan did the traveller think of ?
1 - lived, 2 - found, 3 - was, 4 - didn’t eat, 5 - disappeared, 6 - were left, 7 - was travelling, 8 - saw, 9 - got, 10 - bought, 11 - caught, 12 - brought, 13 - was tied, 14 - escaped, 15 - ran (was running), 16 - decided, 17 - had passed, 18- could, 19- called, 20 - came, 21 - saw, 22- rushed, 23- licked, 24- said, 25- is, 26 - is, 27- i&, 28- asked, 29- refused, 30- said, 31- must, 32- will (shall) say, 33- will go, 34 - wants, 35 - was watching (watched), 36 - rushed, 37 - tried, 38 - ran, 39 - tried, 40 - wanted, 41 - lay, 42 - was.
1- d, 2- b, 3- d, 4- a, 5- a, 6- c, 7- d, 8-b, 9- d, 10-c, 11 -b, 12- а, 13- d, 14- d, 15- с, 16-b, 17-b, 18 — b, 19-b, 20 — b.
1. Moscow was founded by Yuri Dolgoruky.
2. The sky is dark, it may rain.
3. We didn’t know that he was going to visit us.
4. Who knows the weather forecast for tomorrow?
5. We didn’t have to wait for them long.
1 — d, 2 — b, 3 — a, 4 — b, 5 — d.