Биография пикассо на английском языке. Описание картины на английском языке с переводом

Пабло Пикассо

Текст из рабочей тетради Spotlight 7 класс, с. 19

(1881-1973) is famous a very painter He was born in Malaga, Spain in 1881, but he lived most of his life in Paris, France.

Пабло Пикассо. Старый еврей с мальчиком, 1903 год Голубой период

In 1902 he started painting the poor people he met on the streets, so his paintings were very sad and dark. This period in his work is called the ‘blue period’ (1901-04). In 1904 he started his ‘pink period’, in which he painted the world of the circus clowns,acrobats and musicians. The paintings from that period are very happy and full of pink colours.

In 1909 he worked with another artist, Georges Braque. Together they painted abstract pictures. In an abstract picture you only see lines and colours and it is very difficult to understand what exactly you are looking at. Picasso’s most famous painting is Guernica, which he painted during the Civil War in Spain, in 1937. It is a dark, sad and abstract picture about the war.


Пабло Пикассо

Художник (1881-1973)

Пабло Пикассо — очень известный живописец. Он родился в Малаге, Испании в 1881 году, но жил большую часть жизни в Париже, во Франции.

В 1902 г. он начал рисовать бедняков, которых встречал на улицах, поэтому его картины были очень грустные и темные. Этот период его творчества называется «голубой период» (1901-04). В 1904г. он начал свой «розовый период», в который он писал мир цирка: клоунов, акробатов и музыкантов. Картины того периода очень веселые и наполнены розовыми цветами.

Герника Пикассо

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Биография Biography Pablo Ruiz Picasso (Picasso Pablo) (1881-1973), Spanish painter and sculptor, in 1904, residing in France. Picasso - the inventor of new forms of painting, an innovator of styles and techniques, and one of the most prolific artists in history. Picasso created more than 20,000 works. Born in Malaga October 25, 1881. Пабло Руис Пикассо (Picasso Pablo) (1881-1973), испанский художник и скульптор, с 1904 года проживавший во Франции. Пикассо - изобретатель новых форм живописи, новатор стилей и методов, и один из наиболее плодовитых художников в истории. Пикассо создал более чем 20 тысяч работ. Родился в Малаге 25 октября 1881 года.

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Пабло рано проявил талант к рисованию. Уже с 7 лет он учился у своего отца технике рисования, который сначала поручал ему дописывать лапки голубей на своих картинах. Но однажды, доверив тринадцатилетнему Пабло дописать довольно большой натюрморт, он был настолько поражен техникой сына, что, по легенде, сам бросил заниматься живописью. Pablo showed early talent for drawing. Since 7 years he studied with his father"s technique of drawing, which was initially commissioned him to finish writing the feet of pigeons in his paintings. But one day, entrusting thirteen Pablo finish pretty big still life, he was so struck by the technique of his son that, according to legend, he gave up painting.

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Голубь мира Dove of peace С 20 по 25 апреля 1949 года проходил I Всемирный конгресс сторонников мира в Париже и Праге. Эмблему конгресса нарисовал испанский художник с французским гражданством Пабло Пикассо. В 1950 году Пикассо был избран во Всемирный совет мира и награждён Международной премией мира, в СССР ему дважды вручали Ленинскую премию. From 20 to 25 April 1949 I passed the World Peace Congress in Paris and Prague. Emblem of the Congress drew a Spanish painter with French citizenship by Pablo Picasso. In 1950, Picasso was elected to the World Peace Council and was awarded the International Peace Prize, the USSR, he was twice awarded the Lenin Prize.

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Голубой период Blue Period На годы поездок между Парижем и Барселоной (1901-04) приходится так называемый «голубой период»: в палитре мастера преобладают голубые оттенки. Для картин этого периода характерны образы нищеты, меланхолии и печали; движения людей замедленны, они словно вслушиваются в себя («Любительница абсента», 1901; «Свидание», 1902, обе в Эрмитаже; «Старый нищий старик с мальчиком», 1903, Музей изобразительных искусств, Москва) For years, traveling between Paris and Barcelona (1901-04) have so-called "blue period": the master of the palette is dominated by shades of blue. For paintings of this period is characterized by images of poverty, sadness and melancholy; flow of people slowed, they seemed to listen to how you ("The Absinthe Drinker, 1901," Date ", 1902, both in the Hermitage, the Old old beggar with a boy", 1903, the Museum Fine Arts, Moscow).

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Розовый период Pink period In the next period, known as "pink", there are scenes of friendship, admiring the beauty of the naked body. The product of the transition period - from the "blue" to "pink" - "Girl on the ball" (1905, Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow “Boy with a horse” "Girl on the ball"

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When Picasso started working with his friend and fellow painter Georges Braque in Paris they started experimenting with a new style that was called cubism. Picasso and Braque didn"t want to show nature as it really was. They thought that all objects in nature had geometric forms. In cubism, objects were cut into many flat shapes, which looked like a puzzle. All the sides of a person"s face, for example, were shown at once, maybe even with three eyes instead of two. Cubist painters wanted to show all parts of an object from one angle. Кубизм Cubism 1937 Weeping woman,1937

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Неоклассицизм Neoclassicism Весной 1917 года поэт Жан Кокто, сотрудничавший с Сергеем Дягилевым, предложил Пикассо сделать эскизы костюмов и декорации к будущему балету. Художник отправился работать в Рим, где влюбился в одну из танцовщиц Дягилевской труппы - Ольгу Хохлову. Они поженились в 1918 году, а в 1921-м у них родился сын Поль. В это время его полотна очень далеки от кубизма; на них: ясные и понятные формы, светлые тона, правильные лица. Самая выразительная картина этих лет - "Портрет Ольги в кресле" (1917). Пикассо активно критиковали за смену стиля, как прежде критиковали за кубизм. На эти обвинения он ответил в одном из интервью: "Всякий раз, когда я хочу что-то сказать, я говорю в той манере, в которой, по-моему ощущению это должно быть сказано". Другие картины "реалистического" периода: "Купальщицы" (1918), "Женщины, бегущие по пляжу" (1922), "Детский портрет Поля Пикассо" (1923). In spring 1917 the poet Jean Cocteau, worked with Sergei Diaghilev, Picasso invited to make costumes and scenery to the future of ballet. The artist went to work in Rome, where he fell in love with one of the dancers in Diaghilev - Olga Khokhlova. They married in 1918 and in 1921 they had a son, Paul. At that time, his paintings are very far from cubism; on them: clear and understandable form, light tone, the right person. The most expressive picture of those years - "Portrait of Olga in an armchair" (1917). Picasso actively criticized for changing style, as in the past been criticized for cubism. On those charges, he said in an interview: "Whenever I want to say something, I say in the manner in which, in my sense it must be said." More pictures of "realistic" period: "Bathers" (1918), "Women, running on the beach" (1922), "Portrait of Picasso Fields" (1923). Портрет Ольги

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Сюрреализм Surrealism "Красота будет конвульсивной, или ее не будет" - сказал Андре Бретон, основоположник сюрреализма, течения в искусстве, ставившего своей задачей постижение истинных глубин художественного творчества посредством проникновения в мир снов и бессознательного. В 1925 году Пикассо написал картину "Танец". Агрессивная, болезненная, с деформированными фигурами, она отражает тяжелый период в семейной жизни художника и одновременно провозглашает новый перелом в его творчестве. Пикассо близок к сюрреалистам, но у него всегда свой путь. Работы этого периода: "Купальщица, открывающая кабинку" (1928), "Фигуры на пляже" (1931), "Женщина с цветком"(1932) и др. "Beauty will be convulsive or it will not" - said André Breton, the founder of Surrealism, movements in art, aims to grasp the true depth of artistic creativity through the penetration into the world of dreams and the unconscious. In 1925, Picasso painted the picture "Dance". An aggressive, painful, with deformed shapes, it reflects the difficult period in the artist"s family life and simultaneously declares a new change in his work. Picasso"s close to the surrealist, but it is always his way. The works of this period: "Bather, opening stall" (1928), "Figures on the Beach" (1931), "Woman with Flower" (1932) and others.

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Любительница абсента

Pablo Picasso (25.10.1881 - 08.04.1973) - Spanish painter.

Pablo Picasso was an outstanding artist, sculptor, poet and simply one of the greatest figures of the 20th century. Moreover, he was the co-founder of Cubism. Picasso was born on October 25th, 1881, in Malaga, Spain. As a child he was given his father’s surname Blasco, but when he was fourteen he chose to have his mother’s surname - Picasso. His father was an art teacher, while his mother was a housewife. Some biographers believe that Picasso started drawing before he even knew how to speak. When he was ten, they had to move to the north, because his father was offered a job in the School of Art in La Coruna.

In 1985, Picasso enrolled in the School of Fine Arts in Barcelona. He was only fourteen at that time. That’s why the teachers didn’t want to accept him. However, when they saw his incredible talent, they agreed. Two years later he moved to Madrid to study at the Royal School of Fine Arts. His career as an artist began in Barcelona. He met lots of other talented people there and began to attend the “Els Quatre Gats”. It was a place where famous artists, musicians, poets of that time spent their free time. His first exhibition took place in 1900. The same year he went to Paris, where he visited the impressionist exhibitions.

After this trip he felt the burst of extraordinary creativity and began drawing a series of pictures in blue tones. In 1904, he moved to Paris and settled in Bateau Lavoir. There he met many famous and talented people, including Fernande Olivier, Gertrude Stein, Henri Matisse. Gradually, the depressive motifs in his paintings were replaced by cheerful images of circus and theater. He began to favor gold and pink tones in his pictures. These two periods of his life are known as the Blue and Rose Periods. After experiments with colors the painter turned to the analysis of figures and shapes. This is when he develops cubism in his works.

Picasso’s personal life greatly influenced his works. After the unsuccessful marriage with Russian ballet dancer he began drawing a gloomy surreal world filled with monsters and shapeless creatures. In 1927 he met Marie-Therese Walter and his art dramatically changed. Her natural beauty inspired him to create a series of sculptures in the nude. With Marie-Therese they had a daughter Maya. Picasso had several other mistresses during his life, but his legal wife was Olga Khokhlova. One of his best works was dedicated to the civil war. It was a huge painting “Guernica” (1937), which was full of horror and sadness. One of the most influential artists of all times died 1973 at the age of 91.

Pablo Picasso was one of the greatest artists of the 20lh century. He experimented in many different styles and changed the world of art during his time.

Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga, Spain in 1881. His father was a drawing teacher. At 10 Pablo became his father"s pupil and at the age of 13 he held his first exhibition. His family moved to Barcelona in 1895 where Pablo joined an art academy. In his early period the young artist painted life as he saw it around him - in cafes and on the streets. Then they moved to Paris, the centre of art and literature.

In 1901 a close friend of Picasso shot himself. This had a great influence on Pablo. He was very sad and began painting his pictures in grey and blue tones instead of bright, vivid colours. This part of his career is called his Blue Period (1901-1904).

Later on, he changed his painting style and started using more earth colours - rose, pink or brown. He liked to paint pictures of circus life with dancers and acrobats. This Rose Period lasted until 1907.

When Picasso started working with his friend and fellow painter Georges Braque in Paris they started experimenting with a new style that was called cubism. Picasso and Braque didn"t want to show nature as it really was. They thought that all objects in nature had geometric forms. In cubism, objects were cut into many flat shapes, which looked like a puzzle. All the sides of a person"s face, for example, were shown at once, maybe even with three eyes instead of two.

In 1936 Civil War broke out in Spain. During this period he painted his masterpiece Guernica. It shows the terrified people of the ancient Spanish town which was bombed during the Civil War. Picasso was shocked by this inhuman act and in his painting he shows people running in the streets and screaming with their mouths wide open. To display his sadness and anger he used only black and white as well as shades of grey.

He continued his work up to his death in 1973. For his great imagination and skill he is called "El Maestro" of modern art.

2. The most famous painting of Picasso is Guernica. Read aloud the extract about it.

3. Where did Picasso learn to paint?

4. Picasso worked in different styles. Which styles are mentioned in the article? What are their typical characteristics?

Перевод текста № 26 PABLO PICASSO к экзамену по английскому языку

Пабло Пикассо

Павло Пикассо был одним из величайших художников 20 века. Он эсперементировал во многих разных стилях и изменил мир искусства того времени.

Павло Пикассо родился в Малаге, Испания в 1881 отец его был учителям рисования. В 10лет он стал учеником своего отца а в 13лет он провел свою первую выставку его семья переехала в Барселону в 1895 где Павло поступил в академию искусств. В ранний период молодой художник рисовал жизнь так как он видел ее вокруг себя - в кафе и на улицах. Затем они переехали в Париж, в центр искусства и литературы.

В 1901 году его близкий друг застрелился. Это произвело огромное влияние на Пабло. Он стал очень грустным и начал рисовать свои картины в серых и голубых тонах вместо ярких жизненных цветов. Это часть его карьеры называется его голубым периодом (1901-1904).

Позже он поменял свой стиль рисования и стал использовать более земные цвета-розовые жизнерадостные или коричневые. Ему нравилось рисовать картины цирковой жизни с танцорами или акробатами. Этот розовый период длился до 1907.

Когда Пикассо начал работать со своим другом и товарищем Георгием Брейк в Париже они стали экспериментировать в новом стиле который назывался кубизм. Пикассо Брейк не хотели показывать природу в реальном мире. Они считали, что все в природе имеет геометрическую форму. В кубизме предметы резались на многие плоские кусочки, которые выглядели как пазл. Все части человеческого лица например показывались одновременно, возможно даже с тремя глазами.

В 1936 году в Испании началась Гражданская Война в этот свой период он нарисовал. В этот свой период свой шедевр Герника. Он показывает запуганных людей древнего Испанского города который бомбили во время Гражданской войны. Пикассо был шокирован этим антигуманным действием и в своей картине он показал людей бегущих по улицам широко открытыми ртами. Чтобы показать свою печаль и злость он использовал только черные и белые цвета а также серые оттенки серого.

Он продолжал эту работу до своей смерти 1973 году. За его великое воображение и мастерство его называют «маэстро» современно искусства.

Ответы на вопросы к тексту № 26 PABLO PICASSO к экзамену по английскому языку

1.This text is about one of the greatest artist of the 20th century, Pablo Picasso. He experimented in many different styles and changed the world of art during his time.His career had some periods.Some facts of his life had a great influence on those periods.

2. (6 абзац.) In 1936 Civil War broke out in Spain. During this period he painted his masterpiece Guernica. It shows the terrified people of the ancient Spanish town which was bombed during the Civil War. Picasso was shocked by this inhuman act and in his painting he shows people running in the streets and screaming with their mouths wide open. To display his sadness and anger he used only black and white as well as shades of grey.

3.Picasso learned to paint from his father and thenin Barcelona in art academy.

4. One of his style was his Blue Period, then his Rose Period and cubism. In his Blue Period he painted in gray and blue tones, in his Rose Period he painted in rose, pink and brown, in the period which was called cubism he didn’t show nature as it really was.

Второй вариант ответов

Ответ на вопрос 1. Read the article and say in 2-3 sentences what it is about. This text is about one of the greatest artist of the 20th century, Pablo Picasso. He experimented in many different styles and changed the world of art during his time. His career had some periods. Some facts of his life had a great influence on those periods.

Ответ на вопрос 2. The most famous painting of Picasso is Guernica. Read aloud the extract about it. (6 абзац) In 1936 Civil War broke out in Spain. During this period he painted his masterpiece Guernica. It shows the terrified people of the ancient Spanish town which was bombed during the Civil War. Picasso was shocked by this inhuman act and in his painting he shows people running in the streets and screaming with their mouths wide open. To display his sadness and anger he used only black and white as well as shades of grey.

Ответ на вопрос 3. Where did Picasso learn to paint? Picasso learned to paint from his father and then in Barcelona in art academy.

Ответ на вопрос 4. Picasso worked in different styles. Which styles are mentioned in the article? What are their typical characteristics? One of his styles was his Blue Period, then his Rose Period and cubism. In his Blue Period he painted in gray and blue tones, in his Rose Period he painted in rose, pink and brown, in the period which was called cubism he didn’t show nature as it really was.

Develop your reading skills. Read the following text and do the comprehension questions

Pablo Picasso (25 October 1881 - 8 April 1973)

Pablo Picasso is considered to be one of the most famous painters in the twentieth century. He was born in Malaga, Spain on October 20, 1881. In addition to painting, Picasso was also a printmaker, ceramicist, stage designer, poet and playwright. He spent most of his adult life in France.

Early life

Picasso showed a passion and a skill for drawing from an early age. According to his mother, his first words were "piz, piz", a shortening of lápiz , the Spanish word for "pencil". From the age of seven, Picasso received formal artistic training from his father in figure drawing and oil painting. On one occasion, the father found his son painting over his unfinished sketch of a pigeon. Observing the precision of his son"s technique, the father felt that the thirteen-year-old Picasso had surpassed him, and vowed to give up painting.


Picasso grew up to become one of the greatest and most influential artists of the 20th century, he is known for co-founding the Cubist movement, the invention of constructed sculpture, the co-invention of collage, and for the wide variety of styles that he helped develop and explore. Picasso is now regarded as one of the artists who most defined the revolutionary developments in the plastic arts in the opening decades of the 20th century

Personal life and death

Picasso had affairs with a lot of women and was married twice and had four children, Paulo, Maya, Claude and Paloma by three women. He died on 8 April 1973 in Mougins, France, while he and his wife Jacqueline entertained friends for dinner. He was interred at the Chateau of Vauvenargues near Aix-en-Provence, a property he had acquired in 1958 and occupied with Jacqueline between 1959 and 1962. Jacqueline Roque prevented his children Claude and Paloma from attending the funeral. Devastated and lonely after the death of Picasso, Jacqueline Roque killed herself by gunshot in 1986 when she was 59 years old.


  1. Picasso was born in France.
    a. True
    b. False
  2. His father taught him to paint.
    a. True
    b. False
  3. All his children are by the women he married.
    a. True
    b. False
  4. All his children attended the funeral.
    a. True
    b. False